Chaucerian and Other Pieces. Various

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Chaucerian and Other Pieces - Various

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eene (pl. of e, eye), 1719; hand, avisand, pres. pt., 1883; &c. Yet the writer is not particular; if he wants a rime to wroth, he uses the Southern form goth, 785; but if he wants a rime to rose, he uses the Northern form gose (goes), 1287, 1523. But before any critic can associate this poem with Chaucer, he has first to prove that it was written before 1450. Moreover, it belongs to the cycle of metrical romances, being connected (as Tyrwhitt says) with the Eliduc of Marie de France; and, perhaps, with her Lanval.

      To the Isle of Ladies Speght appended two other poems, of which the former contains a single stanza of 6 lines, and the latter is a ballad in 3 seven-line stanzas.

      No. 66. Eight Goodly Questions; in Bell's Chaucer, iv. 421. In 9 seven-line stanzas. First printed in 1542. There are at least two manuscript copies; one in the Trinity MS., marked R. 3. 15; and another in the Bannatyne MS., printed at p. 123 of the print of the Bannatyne MS., issued by the Hunterian Club in 1873. In l. 19, the latter MS. corrects tree to coffour, the Scottish form of cofre. It is merely expanded from the first seven lines of a poem by Ausonius, printed in Walker's Corpus Poetarum Latinorum, with the title Eorundem Septem Sapientum Sententiae. This English version is quite in Lydgate's style.

      § 5. Editions and MSS. consulted.

      I have repeatedly explained that there were but four black-letter editions of Collected Works before Speght's; and these I call Thynne's first edition (1532), Thynne's second edition (1542), the undated edition (about 1550, which I call 1550 for brevity), and Stowe's edition (1561) respectively. I shall denote these editions below by the symbols 'Th.,' ed. 1542, ed. 1550, and 'S.' respectively. Of these editions, the first is the best; the second is derived from the first; the third is derived from the second; and the fourth from the third[4]. In every case it is useless to consult a later edition when an earlier one can be found.

      The following is the list of the pieces which depend on the editions only, or for which the editions have been collated. I always cite the earliest; that the later ones also contain the piece in question must, once for all, be understood.

      Caxton.—XXVIII. No. VII. was also collated with a print by Caxton.

      Wynkyn de Worde.—XXIII.

      Wynkyn de Worde.—VIII.

      Chepman and Miller (1508).—VIII.

      Th.—I. IX. XI. XXII. Also collated for IV. V. VII. VIII. X. XII. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XXI. XXIII.

      Thynne had access to excellent MSS., and is always worth consulting.

      Ed. 1542.—II. XXVIII. Collated for VI.

      An early printed edition of Jack Upland.—III.

      S. (1561).—XV. Collated for XIII. XIV. XXIV. XXV. XXIX.

      A printed edition of the Testament of Cresseid (1593).—XVII.

      Speght (1598).—XX. Collated for III.

      The following twenty MSS. have been collated or consulted.

      Trentham MS.—IV. (See Introduction.)

      Fairfax 16.-V. VIII. XIII. XVI. XVIII. XIX. (See vol. i. p. 51.)

      Bodley 638.—V. VIII. XVIII. (See vol. i. p. 53.)

      Tanner 346.—V. VIII. XVIII. XIX. (See vol. i. p. 54.)

      Ashmole 59.—VII. X. XIII. (See vol. i. p. 53.)

      Arch. Selden B. 24.—V. VIII. XVIII. XXVI. XXVII. (See vol. i. p. 54.)

      Digby 181.—V. VIII. (See vol. i. p. 54.)

      Camb. Univ. Lib. Ff. 1. 6.—V. XII. XVI. XVIII. (See vol. i. p. 55.)

      Pepys 2006.—VIII. (See vol. i. p. 55.)

      Trin. Coll. R. 3. 19.—XIV. XVI. XXI. XXIV. XXV. XXIX. (See vol. i. p. 56.)

      Trin. Coll. R. 3. 20.—V. (One of Shirley's MSS.)

      Trin. Coll. O. 9. 38.—XIV.

      Addit. 16165, B. M.—XIII. (See vol. i. p. 56.)

      Addit. 34360, B. M.—XXI.

      Harl. 372, B. M.—XVI. (See vol. i. p. 58.)

      Harl. 2251, B. M.—VII. XII. XIV. (See vol. i. p. 57.)

      Harl. 7578, B. M.—XIII. (See vol. i. p. 58.)

      Sloane 1212, B. M.—X. (A fair copy.)

      Phillipps 8151.—VI. (See Hoccleve's Poems, ed. Furnivall, p. 1.)

      Ashburnham 133.—V. (See the same, p. xxvii.)

      § 6. Conversely, I here give the authorities from which each piece is derived. For further comments on some of them, see the separate introductions to each piece below.

      I. The Testament of Love (prose).—Th. (Thynne, 1532).

      II. The Plowmans Tale (1380 lines).—Th. (Thynne, 1542).

      III. Jack Upland (prose).—Early edition, Caius College library; Speght (1598).

      IV. Praise of Peace (385 lines).—Th. (1532); Trentham MS.

      V. Letter of Cupid (476 lines).—Th. (1532); Fairfax, Bodley, Tanner, Selden, Ashburnham, Digby MSS.; Trin. Coll. R. 3. 20; Camb. Ff. 1. 6; also in the Bannatyne MS.

      VI. To the King's Grace (64).—Th. (1542); Phillipps 8151.

      VII. A Moral Balade (189).—Th. (1532); Caxton; Ashmole 59, Harl. 2251. (I also find a reference to Harl. 367, fol. 85, back.)

      VIII. Complaint of the Black Knight (681).—Th. (1532); Fairfax, Bodley, Tanner, Digby, Selden, Pepys; Addit. 16165. Also printed, separately, by Wynkyn de Worde (n. d.); and at Edinburgh, by Chepman and Miller, in 1508.

      IX. The Flour of Curtesye (270).—Th. (1532).

      X. In Commendation of our Lady (140).—Th.; Ashmole 59; Sloane 1212.

      XI. To my Soverain Lady (112).—Th.

      XII. Ballad of Good Counsel (133).—Th.; Camb. Ff. 1. 6; Harl. 2251.

      XIII. Beware of Doubleness (104).—Stowe (1561); Fairfax 16, Ashmole 59, Harl. 7578, Addit. 16165.

      XIV. A Balade: Warning Men (49).—Stowe (1561); Harl. 2251, fol. 149, back; Trin. R. 3. 19; Trin. O. 9. 38.

      XV. Three Sayings (21).—Stowe (1561).

      XVI. La Belle Dame sans Mercy (856).—Th.; Fairfax, Harl. 372; Camb. Ff. 1. 6; Trin. R. 3. 19, fol. 98.

      XVII. Testament of Cresseid (616).—Th.; Edinburgh edition (1593).

      XVIII. The Cuckoo and the Nightingale (290).—Th.; Fairfax, Bodley, Tanner, Selden; Camb. Ff. 1. 6.


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