Chaucerian and Other Pieces. Various

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Chaucerian and Other Pieces - Various

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      way hence-forward thou thinkest to holde.'

      'Now, in good fayth, lady,' quod I tho, 'I am now in; me

      semeth, it is the hye way and the right.'


      'Ye, forsothe,' quod she, 'and now I wol disprove thy first

      wayes, by whiche many men wenen to gette thilke blisse. But

      for-as-moche as every herte that hath caught ful love, is tyed with

      queynt knittinges, thou shalt understande that love and thilke

      foresayd blisse toforn declared in this[e] provinges, shal hote the


      knot in the hert.'

      'Wel,' quod I, 'this inpossession I wol wel understande.'

      'Now also,' quod she, 'for the knotte in the herte muste ben

      from one to an-other, and I knowe thy desyr, I wol thou understande

      these maters to ben sayd of thy-selfe, in disproving of thy


      first service, and in strengthinge of thilke that thou hast

      undertake to thy Margaryte-perle.'

      'A goddes halfe,' quod I, 'right wel I fele that al this case is

      possible and trewe; and therfore I †admitte it altogither.'

      '†Understand wel,' quod she, 'these termes, and loke no


      contradiccion thou graunt.'

      'If god wol,' quod I, 'of al these thinges wol I not fayle; and

      if I graunt contradiccion, I shulde graunte an impossible; and

      that were a foul inconvenience; for whiche thinges, lady, y-wis,

      herafter I thinke me to kepe.'

      Ch. IV. 1. shalte. amonge. 2. parfyte. 4. wretche. 5. seke; read seketh. 6. parfyte. 7. lyueth; read leveth. thynge. 8. howe. perfection. 9. erronyous. 13. I supply whiche. 14. moste. 15. parfyte. maye. 16. thynge. 20. sothe; read soghte. toforne.

      21. thrages (sic); read thinges. 22. heere. 23. get; read getten. 26. wol; read wot. 30. parfite. 33. some (twice). 37. the. shalte. con. 39. howe ye meanen. 41. some deale. 42. entention. thre. lyuenges. 43. one. 44. thre. 45. great. cleaped. I supply and manlich. Resonablich. 47. nothynge. 47–9. reason (twice). 49. lyueng. thynge. 50. maye. 51. fathers. toforne. 52. lyuenges. 54. determination. 56. lyuenges (twice). lyueth; read leveth. to; read two.

      57. the. 58. lyuenges. 59. made. 60. be; read by. 62. cleaped. 64. begon. 65. werne. 66. obey. 70. greatly. 73. Se. 75. folke. 80. wretch. 89. disceite. 92. reason. 94. arte.

      95–6. the (twice). 97–100. purpose. 98. lyueng. 99. the. 100–2. the. 101. parte. dethe. 103. one. 106. the. 107. wyst. thyne. encrease. 108. come. mean. For person read prison? comforte. 109. greatly gladed. 110. disease. 111. gladde. greatly. 112. howe. 114. great. 115. peerle. 119. se the. 121. arte. 122. whose. 123. the. grounde. 124. the. 126. purpose. had; read haddest thou. I supply hede. 128. harde. 129. desyre. 130. heates.

      131. diseases (sic). waye. -forwarde. 133–142. Nowe (four times). 139. toforne. 143. desyre. 145. strenghthynge. haste. 148. admytted; read admytte it. 149. Vnderstanden (sic). 149–152. contradyction (twice). 153. foule. ladye.

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