Chaucerian and Other Pieces. Various

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Chaucerian and Other Pieces - Various

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read on hande. 58. none. 59. bloder; read blobere. 61. Howe. 63. sette. frenship (sic). one. 64. lyste. delyte. 65. faire. 66. maye. tel. 67. bonde. 69. dey. 72. trust. crafte. 74. howe. 76. thendes. Howe. 77. lorne. longe-. 78. thorowe. 79. I supply ben. radde. 80. done. 81. fal. 83. holy.

      84. arne. 87. farre. stretchen. 97. dothe. 99. wyst. 101. faythe. thoughe rennogates. 102. leasynges. fyre (four times) 103. wytte. farre. heate. 104, 112. moste. 104. element comfortable; read comfortable element. 105. chefe. 108. precioust. 109. amonge. 112–3. gladed and pleased. 115. layde. 120. Nowe. the.

      122. arte none. 123. set the. 124. frendeshyp. fayrehede. 127. parfyte. 128. one. 129. fayne. 130. great. 131. Nowe.


      Thou shalt,' quod she, 'understonde first among al other

      thinges, that al the cure of my service to me in the parfit

      blisse in doing is desyred in every mannes herte, be he never

      so moche a wrecche; but every man travayleth by dyvers studye,


      and seke[th] thilke blisse by dyvers wayes. But al the endes

      are knit in selinesse of desyre in the parfit blisse, that is suche

      joye, whan men it have gotten, there †leveth no thing more to

      ben coveyted. But how that desyre of suche perfeccion in

      my service be kindely set in lovers hertes, yet her erroneous


      opinions misturne it by falsenesse of wening. And although

      mannes understanding be misturned, to knowe whiche shuld ben

      the way unto my person, and whither it abydeth; yet wote they

      there is a love in every wight, [whiche] weneth by that thing that

      he coveyteth most, he shulde come to thilke love; and that


      is parfit blisse of my servauntes; but than fulle blisse may not

      be, and there lacke any thing of that blisse in any syde. Eke it

      foloweth than, that he that must have ful blisse lacke no blisse in

      love on no syde.'

      'Therfore, lady,' quod I tho, 'thilke blisse I have desyred,


      and †soghte toforn this my-selfe, by wayes of riches, of dignitè,

      of power, and of renomè, wening me in tho †thinges had ben

      thilke blisse; but ayenst the heer it turneth. Whan I supposed

      beste thilke blisse have †getten, and come to the ful purpose

      of your service, sodaynly was I hindred, and throwen so fer


      abacke, that me thinketh an inpossible to come there I lefte.'

      'I †wot wel,' quod she; 'and therfore hast thou fayled; for

      thou wentest not by the hye way. A litel misgoing in the ginning

      causeth mikil errour in the ende; wherfore of thilke blisse thou

      fayledest, for having of richesse; ne non of the other thinges thou


      nempnedest mowen nat make suche parfit blisse in love as I shal

      shewe. Therfore they be nat worthy to thilke blisse; and yet

      somwhat must ben cause and way to thilke blisse. Ergo, there is

      som suche thing, and som way, but it is litel in usage and that

      is nat openly y-knowe. But what felest in thyne hert of the


      service, in whiche by me thou art entred? Wenest aught thy-selfe

      yet be in the hye way to my blisse? I shal so shewe it to

      thee, thou shalt not conne saye the contrary.'

      'Good lady,' quod I, 'altho I suppose it in my herte, yet

      wolde I here thyn wordes, how ye menen in this mater.'


      Quod she, 'that I shal, with my good wil. Thilke blisse

      desyred, som-del ye knowen, altho it be nat parfitly. For kyndly

      entencion ledeth you therto, but in three maner livinges is al suche

      wayes shewed. Every wight in this world, to have this blisse, oon

      of thilke three wayes of lyves must procede; whiche, after opinions


      of grete clerkes, are by names cleped bestiallich, resonablich, [and

      manlich. Resonablich] is vertuous. Manlich is worldlich. Bestialliche

      is lustes and delytable, nothing restrayned by bridel of reson.

      Al that joyeth and yeveth gladnesse to the hert, and it be ayenst

      reson, is lykened to bestial living, which thing foloweth lustes and


      delytes; wherfore in suche thinge may nat that precious blisse,

      that is maister of al vertues, abyde. Your †faders toforn you have

      cleped such lusty livinges after the flessh "passions of desyre,"

      which are innominable tofore god and man both. Than, after

      determinacion of suche wyse, we accorden that suche passions of


      desyre shul nat be nempned, but holden for absolute from al other

      livinges and provinges; and so †leveth in t[w]o livinges, manlich

      and resonable, to declare the maters begonne. But to make thee

      fully have understanding in manlich livinges, whiche is holden

      worldlich in these thinges, so that ignorance be mad no letter,


      I wol (quod she) nempne these forsayd wayes †by names and


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