Chaucerian and Other Pieces. Various

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Chaucerian and Other Pieces - Various

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if ye remembre a-right of al maner

      thinges, your-selfe cam hastely to sene us see-driven, and to


      weten what we weren. But first ye were deynous of chere, after

      whiche ye gonne better a-lighte; and ever, as me thought, ye

      lived in greet drede of disese; it semed so by your chere.

      And whan I was certifyed of your name, the lenger I loked in

      you, the more I you goodly dradde; and ever myn herte on you


      opened the more; and so in a litel tyme my ship was out of

      mynde. But, lady, as ye me ladde, I was war bothe of beestes

      and of fisshes, a greet nombre thronging togider; among whiche

      a muskel, in a blewe shel, had enclosed a Margaryte-perle, the

      moste precious and best that ever to-forn cam in my sight.


      And ye tolden your-selfe, that ilke jewel in his kinde was so

      good and so vertuous, that her better shulde I never finde, al

      sought I ther-after to the worldes ende. And with that I held

      my pees a greet whyle; and ever sithen I have me bethought on

      the man that sought the precious Margarytes; and whan he had


      founden oon to his lyking, he solde al his good to bye that jewel.

      Y-wis, thought I, (and yet so I thinke), now have I founden the

      jewel that myn herte desyreth; wherto shulde I seche further?

      Trewly, now wol I stinte, and on this Margaryte I sette me for

      ever: now than also, sithen I wiste wel it was your wil that


      I shulde so suche a service me take; and so to desyre that thing,

      of whiche I never have blisse. There liveth non but he hath

      disese; your might than that brought me to suche service, that to

      me is cause of sorowe and of joye. I wonder of your worde that

      ye sayn, "to bringen men in-to joye"; and, pardè, ye wete wel


      that defaut ne trespace may not resonably ben put to me-wardes,

      as fer as my conscience knoweth.

      But of my disese me list now a whyle to speke, and to enforme

      you in what maner of blisse ye have me thronge. For truly

      I wene, that al gladnesse, al joye, and al mirthe is beshet under


      locke, and the keye throwe in suche place that it may not be

      founde. My brenning wo hath altred al my hewe. Whan

      I shulde slepe, I walowe and I thinke, and me disporte. Thus

      combred, I seme that al folk had me mased. Also, lady myne,

      desyre hath longe dured, some speking to have; or els at the lest


      have ben enmoysed with sight; and for wantinge of these thinges

      my mouth wolde, and he durst, pleyne right sore, sithen yvels

      for my goodnesse arn manyfolde to me yolden. I wonder, lady,

      trewly, save evermore your reverence, how ye mowe, for shame,

      suche thinges suffre on your servaunt to be so multiplied.


      Wherfore, kneling with a lowe herte, I pray you to rue on this

      caytif, that of nothing now may serve. Good lady, if ye liste,

      now your help to me shewe, that am of your privyest servantes

      at al assayes in this tyme, and under your winges of proteccion.

      No help to me-wardes is shapen; how shal than straungers in


      any wyse after socour loke, whan I, that am so privy, yet of helpe

      I do fayle? Further may I not, but thus in this prison abyde;

      what bondes and chaynes me holden, lady, ye see wel your-selfe.

      A renyant forjuged hath not halfe the care. But thus, syghing

      and sobbing, I wayle here alone; and nere it for comfort of your


      presence, right here wolde I sterve. And yet a litel am I gladded,

      that so goodly suche grace and non hap have I hent, graciously

      to fynde the precious Margarite, that (al other left) men shulde

      bye, if they shulde therfore selle al her substaunce. Wo is me,

      that so many let-games and purpose-brekers ben maked wayters,


      suche prisoners as I am to overloke and to hinder; and, for

      suche lettours, it is hard any suche jewel to winne. Is this, lady,

      an honour to thy deitee? Me thinketh, by right, suche people

      shulde have no maistrye, ne ben overlokers over none of thy

      servauntes. Trewly, were it leful unto you, to al the goddes


      wolde I playne, that ye rule your devyne purveyaunce amonges

      your servantes nothing as ye shulde. Also, lady, my moeble is

      insuffysaunt to countervayle the price of this jewel, or els to

      make th'eschange. Eke no wight is worthy suche perles to were

      but kinges or princes or els their peres. This jewel, for vertue,



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