Fieldwork Ready. Sara E. Vero

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Fieldwork Ready - Sara E. Vero

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teaching tool for bringing relevance and “real‐world” meaning to processes taught in classroom or laboratory setting, both in the secondary and high school setting, and at the undergraduate and graduate levels. In these cases, fieldwork often consists of tours, expeditions, demonstrations, or very structured experiments under the supervision of an experienced tutor or guide. Maskall and Stokes (2008) reported that although there is little empirical evidence that fieldwork quantitatively improves learning, it is generally viewed with enthusiasm by both students and their teachers. Why is this the case? Perhaps it reflects genuine interest held by those individuals either teaching or seeking to learn about the outdoors, for whom classroom activities, while vital, are not complete on their own. Perhaps it is that the tactile and tangible experiences in a “real‐world” setting enhance conceptual knowledge and demonstrate its application. Fieldwork teaches students practical and communication skills, contextual understanding, critical and “big‐picture” thinking, and the capacity to manage sometimes challenging tasks. These qualities are immensely valuable, both to the individual and to prospective employers, but may not be truly reflected in standard assessment. Sadly, it seems that fieldwork for pre‐university students is declining due to a number of factors, including funding and associated costs, implicit hazards and risks, and the move toward computational research in the environmental sciences. This is also true in postgraduate research and throughout industry and academia, as more powerful computational models are widely and cheaply available (Kirkby, 2004). It should be remembered however, that field research is still an indispensable component of modeling. Direct measurements provide the data by which models are built, calibrated, and tested, thus ensuring accuracy and realism. Field and model approaches should not be considered as completely separate approaches to agricultural and environmental research. Rather, they are tools which can be used in conjunction with one another, to build conceptual understandings and examine hypotheses. I hope that educators reading this guide will consider the great advantages and opportunities offered by fieldwork and will resist the trend to remove it from their curriculums.

Photo depicts persons in fieldwork which is an opportunity to learn practical skills and apply lessons learned in the lecture theatre or classroom and to be mentored and trained.

      Source: Jaclyn Fiola.

Photo depicts persons fieldwork that teaches communication, teamwork, problem solving and planning.

      Source: Krista Keels.

Photo depicts a well designed field experiment that allows effective data collection and in turn, helps you to examine your hypothesis.

      Source: Rachael Murphy.

      People often question why they are doing fieldwork (sometimes loudly and with profanity) too late. This is often midway through their experiment, with the weather closing in, as they are struggling to collect samples! It is actually the most important question you can ask yourself and is the driver for all of the decisions you will make during the planning process. Asking “Why?” will help you identify the appropriate design of your experiment. It is important to remember that the experiment should be designed to test your specific hypothesis (possibly excepting case studies – discussed later). You should not choose to perform any fieldwork without examining whether it can provide appropriate, sufficient, and timely data relating to your hypothesis.

      Let us briefly unpack these three qualities. Is the data you intend to collect appropriate to your hypothesis? For example, if you are examining nitrogen use efficiency in soybeans, you will probably need to account for nutrient inputs, crop uptake, leaching, and gaseous losses. You will also need meteorological and soil data for context. All of this data is relevant to your hypothesis. Other data may not be appropriate. For example, the traits of your soybean species relating to disease resistance might be relevant to soybean research in general, but if it is not a factor in nitrogen use efficiency, then examination of these traits (which are important themselves) are not appropriate to your study.

      Sufficient data means that you have enough measurements to satisfactorily answer your research question. That means enough sites, variables, blocks and/or plots, and replicates. In crop studies, it may mean having multiple growing seasons. There is no real rule of thumb for this. Let the literature guide you and if possible, consult a statistician before beginning your experiment. It is not pleasant to realize that more replications

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