The 2010 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 2010 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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      @Afghanistan (South Asia)

      Introduction ::Afghanistan


      Ahmad Shah DURRANI unified the Pashtun tribes and founded Afghanistan in 1747. The country served as a buffer between the British and Russian Empires until it won independence from notional British control in 1919. A brief experiment in democracy ended in a 1973 coup and a 1978 Communist counter-coup. The Soviet Union invaded in 1979 to support the tottering Afghan Communist regime, touching off a long and destructive war. The USSR withdrew in 1989 under relentless pressure by internationally supported anti-Communist mujahedin rebels. A series of subsequent civil wars saw Kabul finally fall in 1996 to the Taliban, a hardline Pakistani-sponsored movement that emerged in 1994 to end the country's civil war and anarchy. Following the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C., a US, Allied, and anti-Taliban Northern Alliance military action toppled the Taliban for sheltering Osama BIN LADIN. The UN-sponsored Bonn Conference in 2001 established a process for political reconstruction that included the adoption of a new constitution, a presidential election in 2004, and National Assembly elections in 2005. In December 2004, Hamid KARZAI became the first democratically elected president of Afghanistan and the National Assembly was inaugurated the following December. Karzai was re-elected in August 2009 for a second term. Despite gains toward building a stable central government, a resurgent Taliban and continuing provincial instability - particularly in the south and the east - remain serious challenges for the Afghan Government.

      Geography ::Afghanistan


      Southern Asia, north and west of Pakistan, east of Iran

      Geographic coordinates:

      33 00 N, 65 00 E

      Map references:



      total: 652,230 sq km country comparison to the world: 41 land: 652,230 sq km

      water: 0 sq km

      Area - comparative:

      slightly smaller than Texas

      Land boundaries:

      total: 5,529 km

      border countries: China 76 km, Iran 936 km, Pakistan 2,430 km, Tajikistan 1,206 km, Turkmenistan 744 km, Uzbekistan 137 km


      0 km (landlocked)

      Maritime claims:

      none (landlocked)


      arid to semiarid; cold winters and hot summers


      mostly rugged mountains; plains in north and southwest

      Elevation extremes:

      lowest point: Amu Darya 258 m

      highest point: Noshak 7,485 m

      Natural resources:

      natural gas, petroleum, coal, copper, chromite, talc, barites, sulfur, lead, zinc, iron ore, salt, precious and semiprecious stones

      Land use:

      arable land: 12.13%

      permanent crops: 0.21%

      other: 87.66% (2005)

      Irrigated land:

      27,200 sq km (2003)

      Total renewable water resources:

      65 cu km (1997)

      Freshwater withdrawal (domestic/industrial/agricultural):

      total: 23.26 cu km/yr (2%/0%/98%)

      per capita: 779 cu m/yr (2000)

      Natural hazards:

      damaging earthquakes occur in Hindu Kush mountains; flooding; droughts

      Environment - current issues:

      limited natural fresh water resources; inadequate supplies of potable water; soil degradation; overgrazing; deforestation (much of the remaining forests are being cut down for fuel and building materials); desertification; air and water pollution

      Environment - international agreements:

      party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Desertification, Endangered Species, Environmental Modification, Marine Dumping, Ozone Layer Protection

      signed, but not ratified: Hazardous Wastes, Law of the Sea, Marine Life Conservation

      Geography - note:

      landlocked; the Hindu Kush mountains that run northeast to southwest divide the northern provinces from the rest of the country; the highest peaks are in the northern Vakhan (Wakhan Corridor)

      People ::Afghanistan


      29,121,286 country comparison to the world: 41 note: this is a significantly revised figure; the previous estimate of 33,609,937 was extrapolated from the last Afghan census held in 1979,

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