The 2010 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 2010 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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birth: 1.05 male(s)/female

      under 15 years: 1.04 male(s)/female

      15–64 years: 1 male(s)/female

      65 years and over: 0.81 male(s)/female

      total population: 1 male(s)/female (2010 est.)

      Infant mortality rate:

      total: 11.28 deaths/1,000 live births country comparison to the world: 146 male: 12.42 deaths/1,000 live births

      female: 10.08 deaths/1,000 live births (2010 est.)

      Life expectancy at birth:

      total population: 71.03 years country comparison to the world: 136 male: 68.46 years

      female: 73.73 years (2010 est.)

      Total fertility rate:

      2.65 children born/woman (2010 est.) country comparison to the world: 80

      HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate:

      0.1% (2007 est.) country comparison to the world: 137

      HIV/AIDS - people living with HIV/AIDS:

      600 (2003 est.) country comparison to the world: 147

      HIV/AIDS - deaths:

      fewer than 200 (2003 est.) country comparison to the world: 114


      noun: Fijian(s)

      adjective: Fijian

      Ethnic groups:

      Fijian 57.3% (predominantly Melanesian with a Polynesian admixture),

       Indian 37.6%, Rotuman 1.2%, other 3.9% (European, other Pacific

       Islanders, Chinese) (2007 census)


      Christian 64.5% (Methodist 34.6%, Roman Catholic 9.1%, Assembly of

       God 5.7%, Seventh Day Adventist 3.9%, Anglican 0.8%, other 10.4%),

       Hindu 27.9%, Muslim 6.3%, Sikh 0.3%, other or unspecified 0.3%, none

       0.7% (2007 census)


      English (official), Fijian (official), Hindustani


      definition: age 15 and over can read and write

      total population: 93.7%

      male: 95.5%

      female: 91.9% (2003 est.)

      School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education):

      total: 13 years

      male: 13 years

      female: 13 years (2005)

      Education expenditures:

      6.2% of GDP (2004) country comparison to the world: 33

      Government ::Fiji

      Country name:

      conventional long form: Republic of the Fiji Islands

      conventional short form: Fiji

      local long form: Republic of the Fiji Islands/Matanitu ko Viti

      local short form: Fiji/Viti

      Government type:



      name: Suva (on Viti Levu)

      geographic coordinates: 18 08 S, 178 25 E

      time difference: UTC+12 (17 hours ahead of Washington, DC during Standard Time)

      daylight saving time: +1hr, begins fourth Sunday in October; ends last Sunday in March

      Administrative divisions:

      4 divisions and 1 dependency*; Central, Eastern, Northern, Rotuma*, Western


      10 October 1970 (from the UK)

      National holiday:

      Independence Day, second Monday of October (1970)


      enacted on 25 July 1997; effective on 28 July 1998; note - it encourages multiculturalism and makes multiparty government mandatory

      Legal system:

      based on British system; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction


      21 years of age; universal

      Executive branch:

      chief of state: President Ratu Epeli NAILATIKAU (since 30 July 2009)

      head of government: Prime Minister Laisenia QARASE (since 10 September 2000); note - although QARASE is still the legal prime minister, he has been confined to his home island; former President ILOILOVATU appointed Commodore Voreqe BAINIMARAMA interim prime minister under the military regime

      cabinet: Cabinet appointed by the prime minister from among the members of Parliament and responsible to Parliament; note - coup leader Commodore Voreqe BAINIMARAMA has appointed an interim cabinet (For more information visit the World Leaders website ) elections: under the constitution, president elected by the Great Council of Chiefs for a five-year term (eligible for a second term); in 2007 the Great Council of Chiefs was suspended from its role in electing the president; prime minister appointed by the president

      election results: Ratu Epeli NAILATIKAU was appointed by Chief Justice Anthony GATES

      Legislative branch:

      bicameral Parliament consists of the Senate (32 seats; 14 members appointed by the president on the advice of the Great Council of Chiefs, 9 appointed by the president on the advice of the Prime Minister, 8 on the advice of the opposition leader, and 1 appointed on the advice of the council of Rotuma) and the House of Representatives (71 seats; 23 members reserved for ethnic Fijians, 19 reserved for ethnic Indians, 3 reserved for other ethnic groups, 1 reserved for the council of Rotuma constituency encompassing the whole of Fiji, and 25 open seats; members serve five-year terms)

      elections: House of Representatives - last held on 6–13 May 2006 (next to be held in 2011)


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