The 2010 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 2010 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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of Representatives - percent of vote by party - SDL 44.6%, FLP 39.2%, UPP 0.8%, independents 4.9%, other 10.5%; seats by party - SDL 36, FLP 31, UPP 2, independents 2

      Judicial branch:

      Supreme Court (judges are appointed by the president); Court of

       Appeal; High Court; Magistrates' Courts

      Political parties and leaders:

      Dodonu Ni Taukei Party or DNT [Fereti S. DEWA]; Fiji Democratic

       Party or FDP [Filipe BOLE] (a merger of the Christian Democrat

       Alliance or VLV [Poesci Waqalevu BUNE], Fijian Association Party or

       FAP, Fijian Political Party or SVT [Sitiveni RABUKA] (primarily

       Fijian), and New Labor Unity Party or NLUP [Ofa SWANN]); Fiji Labor

       Party or FLP [Mahendra CHAUDHRY]; General Voters Party or GVP

       (became part of United General Party); Girmit Heritage Party or GHP;

       Justice and Freedom Party or AIM; Lio 'On Famor Rotuma Party or LFR;

       National Federation Party or NFP [Pramond RAE] (primarily Indian);

       Nationalist Vanua Takolavo Party or NVTLP [Saula TELAWA]; Party of

       National Unity or PANU [Ponipate LESAVUA]; Party of the Truth or

       POTT; United Fiji Party/Sogosogo Duavata ni Lewenivanua or SDL

       [Laisenia QARASE]; United Peoples Party or UPP [Millis Mick BEDDOES]

      Political pressure groups and leaders:

      Group Against Racial Discrimination or GARD [Dr. Anirudk SINGH] (for restoration of a democratic government); Viti Landowners Association

      International organization participation:

      ACP, ADB, AOSIS, C (suspended), CP, FAO, G-77, IBRD, ICAO, ICCt,





      Diplomatic representation in the US:

      chief of mission: Ambassador Winston THOMPSON

      chancery: 2000 M Street, NW, Suite 710, Washington, DC 20036

      telephone: [1] (202) 466–8320

      FAX: [1] (202) 466–8325

      Diplomatic representation from the US:

      chief of mission: Ambassador C. Steven MCGANN

      embassy: 31 Loftus Street, Suva

      mailing address: P. O. Box 218, Suva

      telephone: [679] 331–4466

      FAX: [679] 330–0081

      Flag description:

      light blue with the flag of the UK in the upper hoist-side quadrant and the Fijian shield centered on the outer half of the flag; the blue symbolizes the Pacific ocean and the Union Jack reflects the links with Great Britain; the shield - taken from Fiji's coat of arms - depicts a yellow lion above a white field quartered by the cross of Saint George; the four quarters depict stalks of sugarcane, a palm tree, bananas, and a white dove

      National anthem:

      name: "God Bless Fiji"

      lyrics/music: Michael Francis Alexander PRESCOTT/C. Austin MILES (adapted by Michael Francis Alexander PRESCOTT)

      note: adopted 1970; the anthem is known in Fijian as "Meda Dau Doka" (Let Us Show Pride); adapted from the hymn, "Dwelling in Beulah Land," the anthem's English lyrics are generally sung, although they differ in meaning from the official Fijian lyrics

      Economy ::Fiji

      Economy - overview:

      Fiji, endowed with forest, mineral, and fish resources, is one of the most developed of the Pacific island economies though still with a large subsistence sector. Sugar exports, remittances from Fijians working abroad, and a growing tourist industry - with 400,000 to 500,000 tourists annually - are the major sources of foreign exchange. Fiji's sugar has special access to European Union markets but will be harmed by the EU's decision to cut sugar subsidies. Sugar processing makes up one-third of industrial activity but is not efficient. Fiji's tourism industry was damaged by the December 2006 coup and is facing an uncertain recovery time. In 2007 tourist arrivals were down almost 6%, with substantial job losses in the service sector, and GDP dipped. The coup has created a difficult business climate. The EU has suspended all aid until the interim government takes steps toward new elections. Long-term problems include low investment, uncertain land ownership rights, and the government's inability to manage its budget. Overseas remittances from Fijians working in Kuwait and Iraq have decreased significantly. Fiji's current account deficit reached 23% of GDP in 2006.

      GDP (purchasing power parity):

      $3.792 billion (2010 est.) country comparison to the world: 169 $3.725 billion (2009 est.)

      $3.821 billion (2008 est.)

      note: data are in 2010 US dollars

      GDP (official exchange rate):

      $3.154 billion (2010 est.)

      GDP - real growth rate:

      1.8% (2010 est.) country comparison to the world: 156 −2.5% (2009 est.)

      −0.1% (2008 est.)

      GDP - per capita (PPP):

      $4,300 (2010 est.) country comparison to the world: 155 $4,300 (2009 est.)

      $4,400 (2008 est.)

      note: data are in 2010 US dollars

      GDP - composition by sector:

      agriculture: 8.9%

      industry: 13.5%

      services: 77.6% (2004 est.)

      Labor force:

      335,000 (2007 est.) country comparison to the world: 161

      Labor force - by occupation:

      agriculture: 70%

      industry and services: 30% (2001 est.)

      Unemployment rate:

      7.6% (1999) country comparison

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