The 1990 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1990 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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which 3,051 km is electrified and 1,520 km is double tracked; 363 km 0.760-meter narrow gauge of which 91 km is electrified

      Highways: 95,412 km total; 34,612 are the primary network (including 1,012 km of autobahn, 10,400 km of federal, and 23,200 km of provincial roads); of this number, 21,812 km are paved and 12,800 km are unpaved; in addition, there are 60,800 km of communal roads (mostly gravel, crushed stone, earth)

      Inland waterways: 446 km

      Ports: Vienna, Linz (river ports)

      Merchant marine: 29 ships (1,000 GRT or over) totaling 209,311 GRT/366,401 DWT; includes 23 cargo, 1 container, 5 bulk

      Pipelines: 554 km crude oil; 2,611 km natural gas; 171 km refined products

      Civil air: 25 major transport aircraft

      Airports: 55 total, 54 usable; 19 with permanent-surface runways; none with runways over 3,659 m; 5 with runways 2,440–3,659 m; 4 with runways 1,220–2,439 m

      Telecommunications: highly developed and efficient; 4,014,000 telephones; extensive TV and radiobroadcast systems; stations—6 AM, 21 (544 repeaters) FM, 47 (867 repeaters) TV; satellite stations operating in INTELSAT 1 Atlantic Ocean earth station and 1 Indian Ocean earth station and EUTELSAT systems

      - Defense Forces

       Branches: Army, Flying Division

      Military manpower: males 15–49, 1,970,189; 1,656,228 fit for military service; 50,090 reach military age (19) annually

      Defense expenditures: 1.1% of GDP, or $1.1 billion (1989 est.)


       Country: The Bahamas

       - Geography

       Total area: 13,940 km2; land area: 10,070 km2

      Comparative area: slightly larger than Connecticut

      Land boundaries: none

      Coastline: 3,542 km

      Maritime claims:

      Continental shelf: 200 meters or to depth of exploitation;

      Exclusive fishing zone: 200 nm;

      Territorial sea: 3 nm

      Climate: tropical marine; moderated by warm waters of Gulf Stream

      Terrain: long, flat coral formations with some low rounded hills

      Natural resources: salt, aragonite, timber

      Land use: 1% arable land; NEGL% permanent crops; NEGL% meadows and pastures; 32% forest and woodland; 67% other

      Environment: subject to hurricanes and other tropical storms that cause extensive flood damage

      Note: strategic location adjacent to US and Cuba; extensive island chain

      - People

       Population: 246,491 (July 1990), growth rate 1.2% (1990)

      Birth rate: 17 births/1,000 population (1990)

      Death rate: 6 deaths/1,000 population (1990)

      Net migration rate: 0 migrants/1,000 population (1990)

      Infant mortality rate: 21 deaths/1,000 live births (1990)

      Life expectancy at birth: 68 years male, 75 years female (1990)

      Total fertility rate: 1.9 children born/woman (1990)

      Nationality: noun—Bahamian(s); adjective—Bahamian

      Ethnic divisions: 85% black, 15% white

      Religion: Baptist 29%, Anglican 23%, Roman Catholic 22%, smaller groups of other Protestants, Greek Orthodox, and Jews

      Language: English; some Creole among Haitian immigrants

      Literacy: 95% (1986)

      Labor force: 132,600; 30% government, 25% hotels and restaurants, 10% business services, 5% agriculture (1986)

      Organized labor: 25% of labor force

      - Government

       Long-form name: The Commonwealth of The Bahamas

      Type: commonwealth

      Capital: Nassau

      Administrative divisions: 21 districts; Abaco, Acklins Island,

       Andros Island, Berry Islands, Biminis, Cat Island, Cay Lobos, Crooked Island,

       Eleuthera, Exuma, Grand Bahama, Harbour Island, Inagua, Long Cay, Long Island,

       Mayaguana, New Providence, Ragged Island, Rum Cay, San Salvador, Spanish Wells

      Independence: 10 July 1973 (from UK)

      Constitution: 10 July 1973

      Legal system: based on English common law

      National holiday: Independence Day, 10 July (1973)

      Executive branch: British monarch, governor general, prime minister, deputy prime minister, Cabinet

      Legislative branch: bicameral Parliament consists of an upper house or

       Senate and a lower house or House of Assembly

      Judicial branch: Supreme Court

      Leaders: Chief of State—Queen ELIZABETH II (since 6 February 1952), represented by Acting Governor General Sir Henry TAYLOR (since 26 June 1988);

      Head of Government—Prime Minister Sir Lynden Oscar PINDLING (since 16 January 1967)

      Political parties and leaders: Progressive Liberal Party (PLP),

       Sir Lynden O. Pindling; Free National Movement (FNM), Cecil Wallace-Whitfield

      Suffrage: universal at age 18

      Elections: House of Assembly—last held 19 June 1987 (next to be held by June 1992); results—percent of vote by party NA; seats—(49 total) PLP 31, FNM 16, independents 2

      Communists: none known

      Other political or pressure groups: Vanguard Nationalist and Socialist

       Party (VNSP), a small leftist party headed by Lionel Carey; Trade Union

       Congress (TUC), headed by Arlington Miller

      Member of: ACP, CARICOM, CCC, CDB, Commonwealth, FAO, G-77,

       GATT (de facto), IBRD, ICAO, IDB—Inter-American Development Bank, ILO, IMF,


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