The History of the Ancient Civilizations. Duncker Max
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[54] Plut. "De Isid." c. 11.
[55] Ibid. c. 21.
[56] Wilkinson, 4, 237, 242, 246.
[57] Parthey, "Abh. der Berl. Akademie," 1863; Minutoli, "Reise zum Tempel des Ammon;" cf. Herod. 4. 181.
[58] Bunsen, "Ægypten," 1, 470; Lepsius, "Briefe," s. 105.
[59] Diod. 1, 13.
[60] Plut. "De Isid." c. 12–20.
[61] Herod. 2, 144; Diod. 1, 25, 44.
[62] Compare the beautiful explanation given by Lepsius of the game at dice between Hermes and Selene, narrated in Plutarch, loc. cit.
[63] Lepsius, "Chronol." 1, 91. As to the meaning of Seb, I should be inclined to give the preference to the view of Brugsch.
[64] Brugsch and Lepsius in "Zeitschrift für æg. Sprache," 1868, s. 122 ff.
[65] Wilkinson, "Ancient Egypt," 4, 189.
[66] Lepsius, "Götterkreis," s. 35; "Briefe," 106–111.
[67] Diod. 1, 22.
[68] Plut. "De Isid." c. 20
[69] Plut. ib. 12–20; Strab. p. 803.
[70] Herod. 2, 59; Plut. loc. cit. 21; Diod. 1, 88.
[71] Busiris was the name of several towns in Lower Egypt; we must assume that the chief town of the district of this name was the scene of the festival. How the Greeks turned the name of this town into a king Busiris who used to slay strangers, I cannot explain. Eratosthenes in Strabo, p. 802, says: "There never was a king Busiris; the story may have been invented owing to the inhospitality of the inhabitants of Busiris;" and Diodorus observes: "It was not a king who was called Busiris, but the grave of Osiris was so named in the native language" (1, 88), which is near the truth.
[72] Herod. 2, 40, 42, 144.
[73] Plut. "De Isid." c. 35, 39.
[74] Plut. loc. cit. 12, 21, 42.
[75] Plut. loc. cit. c. 52. The inscriptions on the temple at Dendera prescribe a seven days' lamentation for Osiris, beginning on the 24th Choiak, and give full directions for the burial. Lauth, in the "Zeitschr. f. æg. Sprache," 1866, s. 64 ff.
[76] Herod. 2, 41, 132.
[77] "De Isid." c. 42.
[78] Diod. 1, 88.
[79] Plutarch, loc. cit. c. 12.
[80] Lepsius, "Götterkreis," s. 53.
[81] Plut. loc. cit. c. 32, 40, 50.
[82] Plut. loc. cit. c. 65.
[83] Parthey, on Plut. "De Isid." c. 12.
[84] Plut. loc. cit. 50.
[85] Wilkinson, loc. cit. 4, 436.
[86] Brugsch in the "Zeitschr. d. d. m. Gesellschaft," 9, 10, 68 c. ff.
[87] Plut. "De Isid." c. 33, 39, 40, 49, 53, 65, 71.
[88] Plut. "De Isid." c. 64.
[89] Diod. 1, 27; Plut. "De Isid." c. 9, 56, 63.
[90] Plut. loc. cit. c. 61.
[91] Lepsius, "Aelteste Texte," s. 46.
[92] Birch. "Gall." 1, 24, 44.
[93] Herod. 2, 66.
[94] Diod. 1, 83, 84.
[95] Plut. "De Isid." c. 43.
[96] Herod. 3, 28; Ælian ("De Nat. Anim." 1, 10) speaks of twenty-nine marks of Apis; cf Plin. "Hist. Nat." 8, 184.
[97] Diod. 1, 84, 85.
[98] Diod. 1, 85; Plut. "De Iside." c. 29; Strabo, p. 807.
[99] "Mém. pres. à l'Acad. des Inscript." sér. 1, 2, p. 15.
[100] Mariette, "Bulletin de l'Athén-Français," Oct. 1856,