Children's Book Classics - Kate Douglas Wiggin Edition: 11 Novels & 120+ Short Stories for Children. Kate Douglas Wiggin

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Children's Book Classics - Kate Douglas Wiggin Edition: 11 Novels & 120+ Short Stories for Children - Kate Douglas Wiggin

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of black velvet; a white Japanese crepe, with purple lilacs strewed over its surface, and frills of violet ribbon for ornament; a Christmas dress of soft, white camel’s hair, with bands of white-fox fur round the slightly pointed neck and elbow-sleeves; and, last of all, a Quaker gown of silver-gray nun’s cloth, with a surplice and full undersleeves of white crêpe-lisse.

      “I ‘m going to be vain, Mrs. Bird!” cried Polly, with compunction in her voice. “I ‘ve never had a real beautiful, undyed, un-made-over dress in my whole life, and I shall never have strength of character to own four at once without being vain!”

      This speech was uttered through the crack of the library door, outside of which Polly stood, gathering courage to walk in and be criticised.

      “Think of your aspiring nose, Sapphira!” came from a voice within.

      “Oh, are you there too, Edgar?”

      “Of course I am, and so is Tom Mills. The news that you are going to ‘try on’ is all over the neighborhood! If you have cruelly fixed the age limit so that we can’t possibly get in to the performances, we are going to attend all the dress rehearsals. Oh, ye little fishes! what a seraphic Sapphira! I wish Tony were here!”

      She was pretty, there was no doubt about it, as she turned around like a revolving wax figure in a show-window, and assumed absurd fashion-plate attitudes; and pretty chiefly because of the sparkle, intelligence, sunny temper, and vitality that made her so magnetic.

      Nobody could decide which was the loveliest dress, even when she had appeared in each one twice. In the lilac and white crepe, with a bunch of dark Parma violets thrust in her corsage, Uncle Jack called her a poem. Edgar asserted openly that in the Christmas toilet he should like to have her modeled in wax and put in a glass case on his table; but Mrs. Bird and Tom Mills voted for the Quaker gray, in which she made herself inexpressibly demure by braiding her hair in two discreet braids down her back.

      “The dress rehearsal is over. Good-night all!” she said, as she took her candle. “I will say ‘handsome is as handsome does’ fifty times before I go to sleep, and perhaps—I only say perhaps—I may be used to my beautiful clothes in a week or two, so that I shall be my usual modest self again.”

      “Good-night, Polly,” said the boys; “we will see you to-morrow.”

      “‘Pauline,’ if you please, not ‘Polly.’ I ceased to be Polly this morning when the circulars were posted. I am now Miss Pauline Oliver, story-teller by profession.”

       The Children’s Hour: Reported in a Letter by an Eye-Witness

       Table of Contents

      It was the last Monday in March, and I had come in from my country home to see if I could find my old school friend, Margaret Crosby, who is now Mrs. Donald Bird, and who is spending a few years in California.

      The directory gave me her address, and I soon found myself on the corner of two beautiful streets and before a very large and elegant house. This did not surprise me, as I knew her husband to be a very wealthy man. There seemed to be various entrances, for the house stood with its side to the main street; but when I had at last selected a bell to ring, I became convinced that I had not, after all, gone to the front door. It was too late to retreat, however, and very soon the door was opened by a pretty maid-servant in a white cap and apron.

      “You need n’t have rung, ‘m; they goes right in without ringing to-day,” she said pleasantly.

      “Can I see Mrs. Bird?” I asked.

      “Well, ‘m,” she said hesitatingly, “she ‘s in Paradise.”

      “Lovely Margaret Crosby dead! How sudden it must have been,” I thought, growing pale with the shock of the surprise; but the pretty maid, noticing that something had ruffled my equanimity, went on hastily:—

      “Excuse me, ‘m. I forgot you might be a stranger, but the nurses and mothers always comes to this door, and we ‘re all a bit flustered on account of its bein’ Miss Pauline’s last ‘afternoon,’ and the mothers call the music-room ‘Paradise,’ ‘m, and Mr. John and the rest of us have took it up without thinkin’ very much how it might sound to strangers.”

      “Oh, I see,” I said mechanically, though I did n’t see in the least; but although the complicated explanation threw very little light on general topics, it did have the saving grace of assuring me that Margaret Bird was living.

      “Could you call her out for a few minutes?” I asked. “I am an old friend, and shall be disappointed not to see her.”

      “I ‘m sorry, ‘m, but I could n’t possibly call her out; it would be as much as my place is worth. Her strict orders is that nobody once inside of Paradise door shall be called out.”

      “That does seem reasonable,” I thought to myself.

      “But,” she continued, “Mrs. Bird told me to let young Mr. Noble up the stairs so ‘t he could peek in the door, and as you ‘re an old friend I hev n’t no objections to your goin’ up softly and peekin’ in with him till Miss Pauline ‘s through,—it won’t be long, ‘m.”

      My curiosity was aroused by this time, and I came to the conclusion that “peekin’ in the door” of Paradise with “young Mr. Noble” would be better than nothing; so up I went, like a thief in the night.

      The room was at the head of the stairs, and one of the doors was open, and had a heavy portiere hanging across it. Behind this was young Mr. Noble, “peekin’” most greedily, together with a middle-aged gentleman not described by the voluble parlor maid. They did n’t seem to notice me; they were otherwise occupied, or perhaps they thought me one of the nurses or mothers. I had heard the sound of a piano as I crossed the hall, but it was still now. I crept behind young Mr. Noble, and took a good “peek” into Paradise.

      It was a very large apartment, one that looked as if it might have been built for a ball-room; at least, there was a wide, cushioned bench running around three sides of it, close to the wall. On one side, behind some black and gold Japanese screens, where they could hear and not be seen, sat a row of silent, capped and aproned nurse-maids and bonneted mammas. Mrs. Bird was among them, lovely and serene as an angel still, though she has had her troubles. There was a great fireplace in the room, but it was banked up with purple and white lilacs. There was a bowl of the same flowers on the grand piano, and a clump of bushes sketched in chalk on a blackboard. Just then a lovely young girl walked from the piano and took a low chair in front of the fireplace.

      Before her there were grouped ever so many children, twenty-five or thirty, perhaps. The tots in the front rows were cosy and comfortable on piles of cushions, and the seven or eight year olds in the back row were in seats a little higher. Each child had a sprig of lilac in its hand. The young girl wore a soft white dress with lavender flowers scattered all over it, and a great bunch of the flowers in her belt.

      She was a lovely creature! At least, I believe she was. I have an indistinct remembrance that her enemies (if she has any) might call her hair red; but I could n’t stop looking at her long enough at the time to decide precisely what color it was. And I believe, now that several days have passed, that her nose turned up; but at the moment, whenever I tried to see just how much it wandered from the Grecian outline, her eyes dazzled me and

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