The Warren Commission Report: The Official Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy. U.S. Government

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The Warren Commission Report: The Official Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy - U.S. Government

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didn't answer Lee.

      This is the way I do the children.

      The Chairman. We will take a 10 minute recess now.

      (Brief recess.)

      The Chairman. The Commission will be in order. Mr. Rankin, you may continue.

      Mrs. Oswald. Mr. Rankin, you mentioned about the $1,600. Now. I don't know if you know for a fact that Lee had $1,600. It was publicized in the paper that he had $1,600, which is right here in 1959.

      Mr. Rankin. Did he tell you anything about that at the time?

      Mrs. Oswald. No, sir, he gave me $100. And he and his brother Robert had arrived. And I am assuming it was over me because Robert did not help me. And I have made that public in the Red Cross papers, that he had a family of their own, that they probably thought their duty was to their family. I had no help from the other two boys. And he gave me $100, and I stayed in this little place a few weeks, and then I got the job for $5 a week. And that is Lee's defection.

      So here is my only contact with Lee in Russia, at the Metropole Hotel—this is dated December 18, 1959.

      Now, I have settled with the insurance company, and I have a little money. So I sent a check to Lee for $20. And this is his little note. The only contact I had with Lee from the time of his immediate defection until the State Department 2 years later informed me of my son's address. And this is his little note that he needs money.

      So I would say that Lee didn't have $1,600, according to this proof.

      Now, we are speculating, as you will admit, because you thought the letter to the school was from me. And you will have to admit that I have given you new evidence. And so maybe Lee didn't have $1,600, because he is asking for money there. That is when he is right in Moscow.

      Mr. Rankin. Of course, that is quite a while later.

      Mrs. Oswald. No, sir. He defected the end of November. This is December 1959.

      Mr. Rankin. But he——

      Mrs. Oswald. He had to make passage, and have some money. I don't know if it took $1,600. I do not know, sir. But I am saying 5 weeks later he needs money. We haven't gotten to this file yet.

      I will quote from a newspaper, the Star Telegram, 1959, his defection, by Mrs. Aline Mosby, who interviewed Lee in Moscow. It says here, "I saw my mother always as a worker, always with less than we could use, he said. He insisted his childhood was happy despite his poverty."

      We had a very happy family. He insisted—this is the story in 1959. Lee had a normal childhood.

      And now he is criticizing the United States. He says, "Many things bothered him in the United States. Race discrimination, harsh treatment of underdog, Communists and hate." Then on the other letter he is going to Russia to write a book. And there is another story and another story. And all kind of stories. So what are we to believe, gentlemen. Is he throwing us off the track because he is an agent. We are talking about speculation and newspaper papers, and so on. And we know when he came back that he did go to Mrs. Bates, a Fort Worth stenographer, and talked about the Soviet Union. She made it public. And he only had $10. And he did not finish that story. And she said he was very nervous. And he did not say he was an agent. But she got the impression that he was an agent. This has been made public in the Star Telegram—if you do not have that, I do.

      Mr. Rankin. Mrs. Oswald, is this the photostatic copy of the letter about his booking passage?

      Mrs. Oswald. Yes, sir.

      Mr. Rankin. You read the original?

      Mrs. Oswald. Yes, sir.

      Mr. Rankin. And this material on the bottom is just your own writing?

      Mrs. Oswald. Yes. This was in this book. That is my writing at the bottom.

      Mr. Rankin. The letter I was referring to is Exhibit 200.

      Mrs. Oswald. Yes, sir, it is this letter.

      Mr. Rankin. We offer in evidence Exhibit 200.

      The Chairman. Admitted.

      (The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 200 and received in evidence.)

      Mr. Rankin. Now, this one starting, "Dear Mother, received your letter, and so forth"—that is the one about the Marines, when he was asking you about getting out of the service and your need, and so forth?

      Mrs. Oswald. This is the letter which shows the different character of the boy that the newspapers are making of him—when I wrote and told him I had sold my furniture, and that my compensation and medical was stopped, immediately my son sends a special delivery letter, and that is the letter "received your letter, was very unhappy. I have contacted the Red Cross, and they will contact you." This is a nice boy to do this immediately, when he finds his mother is in trouble. He is not a louse, like the papers have been making him out. He might have some bad points, but so do all of us.

      Mr. Rankin. We will ask the reporter to mark this.

      (The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 201 for identification.)

      Mr. Rankin. Exhibit 201 is the letter you are just referring to?

      Mrs. Oswald. Yes, sir.

      Mr. Rankin. We offer in evidence Exhibit 201.

      The Chairman. Admitted.

      (The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 201 and received in evidence.)

      Mr. Rankin. Then, Mrs. Oswald, the other one that you received from Russia, with the check and the little note from your son Lee is the one I am showing you?

      Mrs. Oswald. Yes, sir.

      Mr. Rankin. Will you mark that as Exhibit 202?

      (The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 202 for identification.)

      Mr. Rankin. We offer in evidence Exhibit 202 and ask leave to substitute a copy.

      The Chairman. Admitted.

      (The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 202 and received in evidence.)

      Mrs. Oswald. I have followed up that request and sent the $20 bill in an envelope. And I have all of this. But I am not going to go through all this paper. You will have all of this.

      Mr. Dulles. Did that get through—just as a matter of curiosity.

      Mrs. Oswald. Yes, that is what I am going to tell you. So I put a $20 bill immediately in an envelope and sent it to Lee. And then after I thought about it, I thought of a foreign money order. And gentlemen I have all this in black and white for you, and this gentleman will copy and have it—everything I am saying. So then I went to the bank and I got a foreign money order for $25, and I sent it to Lee. It all went air mail. But it came back about 2 months later, Mr. Dulles—the $20 bill I got back in cash and the Chase National Bank foreign money order, that check came back in cash. I will have that proof for you. I understand it comes back by boat, and that is why it took so long.


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