Miscellaneous Writings. Mary Baker Eddy

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Miscellaneous Writings - Mary Baker Eddy

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To be normal, it must be a union of the affections that tends to lift mortals higher.

      If this life is a dream not dispelled, but only changed, by death—if one gets tired of it, why not commit suicide?

      Man's existence is a problem to be wrought in divine Science. What progress would a student of science make, if, when tired of mathematics or failing to demonstrate one rule readily, he should attempt to work out a rule farther on and more difficult—and this, because the first rule was not easily demonstrated? In that case he would be obliged to turn back and work out the previous example, before solving the advanced problem. Mortals have the sum of being to work out, and up, to its spiritual standpoint. They must work ​out of this dream or false claim of sensation and life in matter, and up to the spiritual realities of existence, before this false claim can be wholly dispelled. Committing suicide to dodge the question is not working it out. The error of supposed life and intelligence in matter, is dissolved only as we master error with Truth. Not through sin or suicide, but by overcoming temptation and sin, shall we escape the weariness and wickedness of mortal existence, and gain heaven, the harmony of being.

      Do you sometimes find it advisable to use medicine to assist in producing a cure, when it is difficult to start the patient's recovery?

      You only weaken your power to heal through Mind, by any compromise with matter; which is virtually acknowledging that under difficulties the former is not equal to the latter. He that resorts to physics, seeks what is below instead of above the standard of metaphysics; showing his ignorance of the meaning of the term and of Christian Science.

      If Christian Science is the same as Jesus taught, why is it not more simple, so that all can readily understand it?

      The teachings of Jesus were simple; and yet he found it difficult to make the rulers understand, because of their great lack of spirituality. Christian Science is simple, and readily understood by the children; only the thought educated away from it finds it abstract or difficult to perceive. Its seeming abstraction is the mystery of godliness; and godliness is simple to the godly; but to the unspiritual, the ungodly, it is dark ​and difficult. The carnal mind cannot discern spiritual things.

       Has Mrs. Eddy lost her power to heal?

      Has the sun forgotten to shine, and the planets to revolve around it? Who is it that discovered, demonstrated, and teaches Christian Science? That one, whoever it be, does understand something of what cannot be lost. Thousands in the field of metaphysical healing, whose lives are worthy testimonials, are her students, and they bear witness to this fact. Instead of losing her power to heal, she is demonstrating the power of Christian Science over all obstacles that envy and malice would fling in her path. The reading of her book, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” is curing hundreds at this very time; and the sick, unasked, are testifying thereto.

      Must I study your Science in order to keep well all my life? I was healed of a chronic trouble after one month's treatment by one of your students.

      When once you are healed by Science, there is no reason why you should be liable to a return of the disease that you were healed of. But not to be subject again to any disease whatsoever, would require an understanding of the Science by which you were healed.

      Because none of your students have been able to perform as great miracles in healing as Jesus and his disciples did, does it not suggest the possibility that they do not heal on the same basis?

      You would not ask the pupil in simple equations to solve a problem involving logarithms; and then, because ​he failed to get the right answer, condemn the pupil and the science of numbers. The simplest problem in Christian Science is healing the sick, and the least understanding and demonstration thereof prove all its possibilities. The ability to demonstrate to the extent that Jesus did, will come when the student possesses as much of the divine Spirit as he shared, and utilizes its power to overcome sin.

      Opposite to good, is the universal claim of evil that seeks the proportions of good. There may be those who, having learned the power of the unspoken thought, use it to harm rather than to heal, and who are using that power against Christian Scientists. This giant sin is the sin against the Holy Ghost spoken of in Matt. xii. 31, 32.

      Is Christian Science based on the facts of both Spirit and matter?

      Christian Science is based on the facts of Spirit and its forms and representations, but these facts are the direct antipodes of the so-called facts of matter; and the eternal verities of Spirit assert themselves over their opposite, or matter, in the final destruction of all that is unlike Spirit.

      Man knows that he can have one God only, when he Regards God as the only Mind, Life, and substance. If God is Spirit, as the Scriptures declare, and All-in-all, matter is mythology, and its laws are mortal beliefs.

      If Mind is in matter and beneath a skull bone, it is in something unlike Him; hence it is either a godless and material Mind, or it is God in matter—which are ​theories of agnosticism and pantheism, the very antipodes of Christian Science.

       What is organic life?

      Life is inorganic, infinite Spirit; if Life, or Spirit, were organic, disorganization would destroy Spirit and annihilate man.

      If Mind is not substance, form, and tangibility, God is substanceless; for the substance of Spirit is divine Mind. Life is God, the only creator, and Life is immortal Mind, not matter.

      Every indication of matter's constituting life is mortal, the direct opposite of immortal Life, and infringes the rights of Spirit. Then, to conclude that Spirit constitutes or ever has constituted laws to that effect, is a mortal error, a human conception opposed to the divine government. Mind and matter mingling in perpetual warfare is a kingdom divided against itself, that shall be brought to desolation. The final destruction of this false belief in matter will appear at the full revelation of Spirit—one God, and the brotherhood of man. Organic life is an error of statement that Truth destroys. The Science of Life needs only to be understood; its demonstration proves the correctness of my statements, and brings blessings infinite.

      Why did God command, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth,” if all minds (men) have existed from the beginning, and have had successive stages of existence to the present time?

      Your question implies that Spirit, which first spiritually created the universe, including man, created man ​over again materially; and, by the aid of mankind, all was later made which He had made. If the first record is true, what evidence have you—apart from the evidence of that which you admit cannot discern spiritual things—of any other creation? The creative “Us” made all, and Mind was the creator. Man originated not from dust, materially, but from Spirit, spiritually. This work had been done; the true creation was finished, and its spiritual Science is alluded to in the first chapter of Genesis.

      Jesus said of error, “That thou doest, do quickly.” By the law of opposites, after the truth of man had been demonstrated, the postulate of error must appear. That this addendum was untrue, is seen when Truth, God, denounced it, and said: “I will greatly multiply thy sorrow.” “In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” The opposite error said, “I am true,” and declared, “God doth know … that your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods,” creators. This was false; and the Lord God never said it. This history of a falsity must be told in the name of Truth, or it would have no seeming. The Science of creation is the universe with man created spiritually. The false sense and error of creation is the sense of man and

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