Miscellaneous Writings. Mary Baker Eddy

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Miscellaneous Writings - Mary Baker Eddy

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does the record make man a creation of the sixth and last day, if he was coexistent with God?

      In its genesis, the Science of creation is stated in mathematical order, beginning with the lowest form and ascending the scale of being up to man. But all that really is, always was and forever is; for it existed in and of the Mind that is God, wherein man is foremost.

      ​If one has died of consumption, and he has no remembrance of that disease or dream, does that disease have any more power over him?

      Waking from a dream, one learns its unreality; then it has no power over one. Waking from the dream of death, proves to him who thought he died that it was a dream, and that he did not die; then he learns that consumption did not kill him. When the belief in the power of disease is destroyed, disease cannot return.

      How does Mrs. Eddy know that she has read and studied correctly, if one must deny the evidences of the senses? She had to use her eyes to read.

      Jesus said, “Having eyes, see ye not?” I read the inspired page through a higher than mortal sense. As matter, the eye cannot see; and as mortal mind, it is a belief that sees. I may read the Scriptures through a belief of eyesight; but I must spiritually understand them to interpret their Science.

      Does the theology of Christian Science aid its healing?

      Without its theology there is no mental science, no order that proceeds from God. All Science is divine, not human, in origin and demonstration. If God does not govern the action of man, it is inharmonious: if He does govern it, the action is Science. Take away the theology of mental healing and you take away its science, leaving it a human “mind-cure,” nothing more nor less—even one human mind governing another; by which, if you agree that God is Mind, you admit that there is ​more than one government and God. Having no true sense of the healing theology of Mind, you can neither understand nor demonstrate its Science, and will practise your belief of it in the name of Truth. This is the mortal “mind-cure” that produces the effect of mesmerism. It is using the power of human will, instead of the divine power understood, as in Christian Science; and without this Science there had better be no “mind-cure,”—in which the last state of patients is worse than the first.

       Is it wrong to pray for the recovery of the sick?

      Not if we pray Scripturally, with the understanding that God has given all things to those who love Him; but pleading with infinite Love to love us, or to restore health and harmony, and then to admit that it has been lost under His government, is the prayer of doubt and mortal belief that is unavailing in divine Science.

       Is not all argument mind over mind?

      The Scriptures refer to God as saying, “Come now, and let us reason together.” There is but one right Mind, and that one should and does govern man. Any copartnership with that Mind is impossible; and the only benefit in speaking often one to another, arises from the success that one individual has with another in leading his thoughts away from the human mind or body, and guiding them with Truth. That individual is the best healer who asserts himself the least, and thus becomes a transparency for the divine Mind, who is the only physician; the divine Mind is the scientific healer.

      ​How can you believe there is no sin, and that God does not recognize any, when He sent His Son to save from sin, and the Bible is addressed to sinners? How can you believe there is no sickness, when Jesus came healing the sick?

      To regard sin, disease, and death with less deference, and only as the woeful unrealities of being, is the only way to destroy them; Christian Science is proving this by healing cases of disease and sin after all other means have failed. The Nazarene Prophet could make the unreality of both apparent in a moment.

      Does it not limit the power of Mind to deny the possibility of communion with departed friends dead only in belief?

      Does it limit the power of Mind to say that addition is not subtraction in mathematics? The Science of Mind reveals the impossibility of two individual sleepers, in different phases of thought, communicating, even if touching each other corporeally; or for one who sleeps to communicate with another who is awake. Mind's possibilities are not lessened by being confined and conformed to the Science of being.

      If mortal mind and body are myths, what is the connection between them and real identity, and why are there as many identities as mortal bodies?

      Evil in the beginning claimed the power, wisdom, and utility of good; and every creation or idea of Spirit has its counterfeit in some matter belief. Every material belief hints the existence of spiritual reality; and if mortals are instructed in spiritual things, it will be seen that ​material belief, in all its manifestations, reversed, will be found the type and representative of verities priceless, eternal, and just at hand.

      The education of the future will be instruction, in spiritual Science, against the material symbolic counterfeit sciences. All the knowledge and vain strivings of mortal mind, that lead to death—even when aping the wisdom and magnitude of immortal Mind—will be swallowed up by the reality and omnipotence of Truth over error, and of Life over death.

      “Dear Mrs. Eddy:—In the October Journal I read the following: ‘But the real man, who was created in the image of God, does not commit sin.’ What then does sin? What commits theft? Or who does murder? For instance, the man is held responsible for the crime; for I went once to a place where a man was said to be ‘hanged for murder’—and certainly I saw him, or his effigy, dangling at the end of a rope. This ‘man' was held responsible for the ‘sin.’ ”

       What sins?

      According to the Word, man is the image and likeness of God. Does God's essential likeness sin, or dangle at the end of a rope? If not, what does? A culprit, a sinner—anything but a man! Then, what is a sinner? A mortal; but man is immortal.

      Again: mortals are the embodiments (or bodies, if you please) of error, not of Truth; of sickness, sin, and death. Naming these His embodiment, can neither make them so nor overthrow the logic that man is God's likeness. Mortals seem very material; man in the likeness ​of Spirit is spiritual. Holding the right idea of man in my mind, I can improve my own, and other people's individuality, health, and morals; whereas, the opposite image of man, a sinner, kept constantly in mind, can no more improve health or morals, than holding in thought the form of a boa-constrictor can aid an artist in painting a landscape.

      Man is seen only in the true likeness of his Maker. Believing a lie veils the truth from our vision; even as in mathematics, in summing up positive and negative quantities, the negative quantity offsets an equal positive quantity, making the aggregate positive, or true quantity, by that much, less available.

      Why do Christian Scientists hold that their theology is essential to heal the sick, when the mind-cure claims to heal without it?

      The theology of Christian Science is Truth; opposed to which is the error of sickness, sin, and death, that Truth destroys.

      A “mind-cure” is a matter-cure. An adherent to this method honestly acknowledges this fact in her work entitled “Mind-cure on a Material Basis.” In that work the author grapples with Christian Science, attempts to solve its divine Principle by the rule of human mind, fails, and ends in a parody on this Science which is amusing to astute readers—especially when she tells them that she is practising this Science.


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