The 2005 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 2005 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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Democratic Party or SDS [Dragan CAVIC - acting]; Serb Radical Party

       of the Republika Srpska or SRS-RS [Milanko MIHAJLICA]; Serb Radical

       Party-Dr. Vojislav Seselj or SRS-VS [Radislav KANJERIC]; Social

       Democratic Party of BIH or SDP [Zlatko LAGUMDZIJA]; Social

       Democratic Union or SDU [Miro LAZOVIC]; Socialist Party of Republika

       Srpska or SPRS [Petar DJOKIC]

      Political pressure groups and leaders:


      International organization participation:


       IFC, IFRCS, ILO, IMF, IMO, Interpol, IOC, IOM (observer), ISO, ITU,

       MIGA, MONUC, NAM (guest), OAS (observer), OIC (observer), OPCW,


       WTO (observer)

      Diplomatic representation in the US:

       chief of mission: Ambassador Bisera TURKOVIC

       chancery: 2109 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20037

       telephone: [1] (202) 337–1500

       FAX: [1] (202) 337–1502

       consulate(s) general: Chicago, New York

      Diplomatic representation from the US: chief of mission: Ambassador Douglas L. McELHANEY embassy: Alipasina 43, 71000 Sarajevo mailing address: use street address telephone: [387] (33) 445–700 FAX: [387] (33) 659–722 branch office(s): Banja Luka, Mostar

      Flag description:

       a wide medium blue vertical band on the fly side with a yellow

       isosceles triangle abutting the band and the top of the flag; the

       remainder of the flag is medium blue with seven full five-pointed

       white stars and two half stars top and bottom along the hypotenuse

       of the triangle

      Economy Bosnia and Herzegovina

      Economy - overview:

       Bosnia and Herzegovina ranked next to Macedonia as the poorest

       republic in the old Yugoslav federation. Although agriculture is

       almost all in private hands, farms are small and inefficient, and

       the republic traditionally is a net importer of food. Industry has

       been greatly overstaffed, one reflection of the socialist economic

       structure of Yugoslavia. TITO had pushed the development of military

       industries in the republic with the result that Bosnia hosted a

       number of Yugoslavia's defense plants. The interethnic warfare in

       Bosnia caused production to plummet by 80% from 1992 to 1995 and

       unemployment to soar. With an uneasy peace in place, output

       recovered in 1996–99 at high percentage rates from a low base; but

       output growth slowed in 2000–02. Part of the lag in output was made

       up in 2003–2004. National-level statistics are limited and do not

       capture the large share of black market activity. The konvertibilna

       marka (convertible mark or BAM)- the national currency introduced in

       1998 - is now pegged to the euro, and the Central Bank of Bosnia and

       Herzegovina has dramatically increased its reserve holdings.

       Implementation of privatization, however, has been slow, and local

       entities only reluctantly support national-level institutions.

       Banking reform accelerated in 2001 as all the Communist-era payments

       bureaus were shut down. A sizeable current account deficit and high

       unemployment rate remain the two most serious economic problems. The

       country receives substantial amounts of reconstruction assistance

       and humanitarian aid from the international community but will have

       to prepare for an era of declining assistance.

      GDP (purchasing power parity):

       $26.21 billion (2004 est.)

      GDP - real growth rate:

       5% (2004 est.)

      GDP - per capita:

       purchasing power parity - $6,500 (2004 est.)

      GDP - composition by sector: agriculture: 14.2% industry: 30.8% services: 55% (2002)

      Labor force:

       1.026 million (2001)

      Labor force - by occupation:

       agriculture NA, industry NA, services NA

      Unemployment rate:

       44% officially; however, grey economy may reduce actual

       unemployment to near 20% (2004 est.)

      Population below poverty line:

       25% (2004 est.)

      Household income or consumption by percentage share:

       lowest 10%: NA%

       highest 10%: NA%

      Inflation rate (consumer prices):

       1.1% (2004 est.)


       revenues: $3.618 billion

       expenditures: $3.642 billion, including capital expenditures of NA

       (2004 est.)

      Agriculture - products:

       wheat, corn, fruits, vegetables; livestock


       steel, coal, iron ore, lead, zinc, manganese, bauxite, vehicle

       assembly, textiles, tobacco products, wooden furniture, tank and

       aircraft assembly, domestic appliances, oil refining (2001)


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