The 2005 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 2005 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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unicameral National Parliament (number of seats can vary, minimum

       requirement of 52 and a maximum of 65 seats; members elected by

       popular vote to serve five-year terms); note - for its first term of

       office, the National Parliament is comprised of 88 members on an

       exceptional basis

       elections: (next to be held August 2006); direct elections for

       national parliament were never held; elected delegates to the

       national convention named themselves legislators instead of having

       elections; hence the exceptional numbers for this term of the

       national parliament.

       election results: percent of vote by party - FRETILIN 57.37%, PD

       8.72%, PSD 8.18%, ASDT 7.84%, UDT 2.36%, PNT 2.21%, KOTA 2.13%, PPT

       2.01%, PDC 1.98%, PST 1.78%, independents/other 5.42%; seats by

       party - FRETILIN 55, PD 7, PSD 6, ASDT 6, PDC 2, UDT 2, KOTA 2, PNT

       2, PPT 2, UDC/PDC 1, PST 1, PL 1, independent 1

      Judicial branch:

       Supreme Court of Justice - constitution calls for one judge to be

       appointed by National Parliament and rest appointed by Superior

       Council for Judiciary; note - until Supreme Court is established,

       Court of Appeals is highest court

      Political parties and leaders:

       Associacao Social-Democrata Timorense or ASDT [Francisco Xavier do

       AMARAL]; Christian Democratic Party of Timor or PDC [Antonio

       XIMENES]; Christian Democratic Union of Timor or UDC [Vicente da

       Silva GUTERRES]; Democratic Party or PD [Fernando de ARAUJO];

       Liberal Party or PL [leader NA]; Maubere Democratic Party or PDM

       [leader NA]; People's Party of Timor or PPT [Jacob XAVIER];

       Revolutionary Front of Independent East Timor or FRETILIN [Lu OLO];

       Social Democrat Party of East Timor or PSD [Mario CARRASCALAO];

       Socialist Party of Timor or PST [leader Avelino COELHO]; Sons of the

       Mountain Warriors (also known as Association of Timorese Heroes) or

       KOTA [Clementino dos Reis AMARAL]; Timor Democratic Union or UDT

       [Joao CARRASCALAO]; Timor Labor Party or PTT [Paulo Freitas DA

       SILVA]; Timorese Nationalist Party or PNT [Abilio ARAUJO]; Timorese

       Popular Democratic Association or APODETI [Frederico Almeida-Santos

       DA COSTA]

      Political pressure groups and leaders: Popular Council for the Defense of the Democratic Republic of East Timor or CPD-RDTL [leader Antonio-Aitahan MATAK] is largest political pressure group; it rejects current government and claims to be rightful government; Kolimau 2000 [leader Dr. Bruno MAGALHAES] is another opposition group; dissatisfied veterans of struggle against Indonesia, led by one-time government advisor Cornelio GAMA (also known as L-7), also play an important role in pressuring government

      International organization participation:

       ACP, AsDB, FAO, G-77, IBRD, ICCt, IDA, IFAD, IFC, IFRCS (observer),

       ILO, IMF, Interpol, IOC, MIGA, OPCW, PIF (observer), UN, UNESCO,


      Diplomatic representation in the US:

       chief of mission: Ambassador Jose Luis GUTERRES

       chancery: 3415 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, DC 20007

       telephone: 202 965–1515

       FAX: 202 965–1517

       consulate(s) general: New York (the ambassador resides in New York)


      Diplomatic representation from the US:

       chief of mission: Ambassador Grover Joseph REES

       embassy: Avenida de Portugal, Praia dos Conqueiros, Dili

       mailing address: Department of State, 8250 Dili Place, Washington,

       DC 20521–8250

       telephone: (670) 332–4684

       FAX: (670) 331–3206

      Flag description:

       red, with a black isosceles triangle (based on the hoist side)

       superimposed on a slightly longer yellow arrowhead that extends to

       the center of the flag; there is a white star in the center of the

       black triangle

      Economy East Timor

      Economy - overview:

       In late 1999, about 70% of the economic infrastructure of East

       Timor was laid waste by Indonesian troops and anti-independence

       militias, and 300,000 people fled westward. Over the next three

       years, however, a massive international program, manned by 5,000

       peacekeepers (8,000 at peak) and 1,300 police officers, led to

       substantial reconstruction in both urban and rural areas. By 2003,

       all but about 30,000 of the refugees had returned. Growth was held

       back in 2003 by extensive drought and the gradual winding down of

       the international presence. The country faces great challenges in

       continuing the rebuilding of infrastructure, strengthening the

       infant civil administration, and generating jobs for young people

       entering the workforce. One promising long-term project is the

       planned development of oil and gas resources in nearby waters, which

       have begun to supplement government revenues ahead of schedule.

      GDP (purchasing power parity):

       $370 million (2004 est.)

      GDP - real growth rate:

       1% (2004 est.)


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