The 1994 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1994 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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transshipment point for cocaine bound for the US

       Economic aid:


       Western (non-US) countries, ODA and OOF bilateral commitments

       (1970–89), $710 million; Communist countries (1970–89), $18.5 billion


       1 Cuban peso (Cu$) = 100 centavos

       Exchange rates:

       Cuban pesos (Cu$) per US$1 - 1.0000 (non-convertible, official rate,

       linked to the US dollar)

       Fiscal year:

       calendar year

      @Cuba, Communications


       12,795 km total; Cuban National Railways operates 5,053 km of

       1.435-meter gauge track, including 151.7 km electrified; in addition,

       sugar plantation lines consist of 7,742 km of 0.914-meter and

       1.435-meter gauge track



       26,477 km


       14,477 km


       gravel or earth 12,000 km (1989)

       Inland waterways:

       240 km


       Cienfuegos, La Habana, Mariel, Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba; 7

       secondary, 35 minor

       Merchant marine:

       64 ships (1,000 GRT or over) totaling 444,038 GRT/627,741 DWT, bulk 2,

       cargo 36, chemical tanker 1, liquefied gas 4, oil tanker 10, passenger

       cargo 1, refrigerated cargo 10


       Cuba beneficially owns an additional 34 ships (1,000 GRT and over)

       totaling 529,090 DWT under the registry of Panama, Cyprus, and Malta






       with permanent-surface runways:


       with runways over 3,659 m:


       with runways 2,440–3,659 m:


       with runways 1,220–2,439 m:



       among the world's least developed telephone systems; 229,000

       telephones; telephone density - 20.7 per 1,000 persons; broadcast

       stations - 150 AM, 5 FM, 58 TV; 1,530,000 TVs; 2,140,000 radios; 1

       Atlantic Ocean INTELSAT earth station

      @Cuba, Defense Forces


       Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) - including ground forces,

       Revolutionary Navy (MGR), Air and Air Defense Force (DAAFAR),

       Territorial Militia Troops (MTT), Youth Labor Army (EJT), and Interior

       Ministry Border Guard Troops

       Manpower availability:

       males age 15–49 3,064,898; females age 15–49 3,088,810; males fit for

       military service 1,907,396; females fit for military service

       1,927,306; males reach military age (17) annually 81,536 (1994 est.);

       females reach military age (17) annually 78,612 (1994 est.)

       Defense expenditures:

       exchange rate conversion - approx. $600 million, 4% of GSP (gross

       social product) in 1993 was for defense


       Moscow, for decades the key military supporter and supplier of Cuba,

       cut off military aid by 1993

      @Cyprus, Geography


       Middle East, in the eastern Mediterreanean Sea, 97 km west of Syria

       and 64 km west of Turkey

       Map references:

       Africa, Middle East, Standard Time Zones of the World


       total area:

       9,250 sq km

       land area:

       9,240 sq km

       comparative area:

       about 0.7 times the size of Connecticut

       Land boundaries:

       0 km


       648 km

       Maritime claims:

       continental shelf:

       200-m depth or to depth of exploitation

       territorial sea:

       12 nm

       International disputes:

       1974 hostilities divided the island into two de facto autonomous

       areas, a Greek area controlled by the Cypriot Government (60% of the

       island's land area) and a Turkish-Cypriot area (35% of the island),

       that are separated by a narrow UN buffer zone; in addition, there are

       two UK sovereign base areas (about 5% of the island's land area)



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