The 1994 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1994 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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with runways 2,440–3,659 m:


       with runways 1,220–2,439 m:



       limited system of wire, microwave radio relay, and troposcatter

       routes; high frequency radio used extensively for military links;

       telephone service limited mostly to government and business use;

       40,300 telephones (4.1 telephones per 1,000 persons); broadcast

       stations - 17 AM, 13 FM, 6 TV; 2 Atlantic Ocean INTELSAT earth


      @Angola, Defense Forces


       Army, Navy, Air Force/Air Defense, People's Defense Organization and

       Territorial Troops,

       Manpower availability:

       males age 15–49 2,262,669; fit for military service 1,139,319; reach

       military age (18) annually 96,900 (1994 est.)

       Defense expenditures:

       $NA, NA% of GDP



      Affiliation: (dependent territory of the UK)

      @Anguilla, Geography

      Location: Caribbean, in the eastern Caribbean Sea, about 270 km east of Puerto Rico Map references: Central America and the Caribbean Area: total area: 91 sq km land area: 91 sq km comparative area: about half the size of Washington, DC Land boundaries: 0 km Coastline: 61 km Maritime claims: exclusive fishing zone: 200 nm territorial sea: 3 nm International disputes: none Climate: tropical; moderated by northeast trade winds Terrain: flat and low-lying island of coral and limestone Natural resources: negligible; salt, fish, lobster Land use: arable land: NA% permanent crops: NA% meadows and pastures: NA% forest and woodland: NA% other: NA% (mostly rock with sparse scrub oak, few trees, some commercial salt ponds) Irrigated land: NA sq km Environment: current issues: NA natural hazards: frequent hurricanes and other tropical storms (July to October) international agreements: NA

      @Anguilla, People

      Population: 7,052 (July 1994 est.) Population growth rate: 0.67% (1994 est.) Birth rate: 24.25 births/1,000 population (1994 est.) Death rate: 8.08 deaths/1,000 population (1994 est.) Net migration rate: −9.5 migrant(s)/1,000 population (1994 est.) Infant mortality rate: 17.5 deaths/1,000 live births (1994 est.) Life expectancy at birth: total population: 73.99 years male: 71.21 years female: 76.8 years (1994 est.) Total fertility rate: 3.07 children born/woman (1994 est.) Nationality: noun: Anguillan(s) adjective: Anguillan Ethnic divisions: black African Religions: Anglican 40%, Methodist 33%, Seventh-Day Adventist 7%, Baptist 5%, Roman Catholic 3%, other 12% Languages: English (official) Literacy: age 12 and over can read and write (1984) total population: 95% male: 95% female: 95% Labor force: 2,780 (1984) by occupation: NA

      @Anguilla, Government


       conventional long form:


       conventional short form:





       dependent territory of the UK


       The Valley

       Administrative divisions:

       none (dependent territory of the UK)


       none (dependent territory of the UK)

       National holiday:

       Anguilla Day, 30 May


       Anguilla Constitutional Orders 1 April 1982; amended 1990

       Legal system:

       based on English common law


       18 years of age; universal

       Executive branch:

       chief of state:

       Queen ELIZABETH II (since 6 February 1952), represented by Governor

       Alan W. SHAVE (since 14 August 1992)

       head of government:

       Chief Minister Hubert HUGHES (since 16 March 1994)


       Executive Council; appointed by the governor from the elected members

       of the House of Assembly

       Legislative branch:


       House of Assembly:

       elections last held 16 March 1994 (next to be held March 1999);

       results - percent of vote by party NA; seats - (11 total, 7 elected)

       ANA 2, AUP 2, ADP 2, independent 1

       Judicial branch:

       High Court

       Political parties and leaders:

       Anguilla National Alliance (ANA); Anguilla United Party (AUP), Hubert

       HUGHES; Anguilla Democratic Party (ADP), Victor BANKS

       Member of:

       CARICOM (observer), CDB, INTERPOL (subbureau)

       Diplomatic representation in US:

       none (dependent territory of the UK)

       US diplomatic representation:

       none (dependent territory of the UK)


       two horizontal bands of white (top, almost triple width) and light

       blue with three orange dolphins in an interlocking circular design

       centered in the white band; a new flag may have been in use since 30

       May 1990

      @Anguilla, Economy


       Anguilla has few natural resources, and the economy depends heavily on


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