The 1994 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1994 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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style="font-size:15px;">       [591] (2) 350251 or 350120


       [591] (2) 359875


       three equal horizontal bands of red (top), yellow, and green with the

       coat of arms centered on the yellow band; similar to the flag of

       Ghana, which has a large black five-pointed star centered in the

       yellow band

      @Bolivia, Economy

      Overview: With its long history of semifeudal social controls, dependence on volatile prices for its mineral exports, and bouts of hyperinflation, Bolivia has remained one of the poorest and least developed Latin American countries. However, Bolivia has experienced generally improving economic conditions since the PAZ Estenssoro administration (1985–89) introduced market-oriented policies which reduced inflation from 11,700% in 1985 to about 20% in 1988. PAZ Estenssoro was followed as President by Jaime PAZ Zamora (1989–93) who continued the free-market policies of his predecessor, despite opposition from his own party and from Bolivia's once powerful labor movement. By maintaining fiscal discipline, PAZ Zamora helped reduce inflation to 9.3% in 1993, while GDP grew by an annual average of 3.25% during his tenure. Inaugurated in August 1993, President SANCHEZ DE LOZADA has vowed to advance government market-oriented economic reforms he helped launch as PAZ Estenssoro's Planning Minister. A major privatization bill was passed by the Bolivian legislature in late March 1994. National product: GDP - purchasing power equivalent - $15.8 billion (1993 est.) National product real growth rate: 2.2% (1993) National product per capita: $2,100 (1993 est.) Inflation rate (consumer prices): 9.3% (1993) Unemployment rate: 5.8% (1993) Budget: revenues: $3.19 billion expenditures: $3.19 billion, including capital expenditures of $552.4 million (1994 est.) Exports: $752 million (f.o.b., 1993 est.) commodities: metals 35%, natural gas 26%, other 39% (coffee, soybeans, sugar, cotton, timber) partners: US 16% , Argentina (1992 est.) Imports: $1.17 billion (c.i.f., 1993 est.) commodities: food, petroleum, consumer goods, capital goods partners: US 23.3% (1992) External debt: $3.8 billion (January 1994) Industrial production: growth rate 7% (1992); accounts for almost 30% of GDP Electricity: capacity: 865,000 kW production: 1.834 billion kWh consumption per capita: 250 kWh (1992) Industries: mining, smelting, petroleum, food and beverage, tobacco, handicrafts, clothing; illicit drug industry reportedly produces 15% of its revenues Agriculture: accounts for about 21% of GDP (including forestry and fisheries); principal commodities - coffee, coca, cotton, corn, sugarcane, rice, potatoes, timber; self-sufficient in food Illicit drugs: world's second-largest producer of coca (after Peru) with an estimated 45,500 hectares under cultivation in 1992; voluntary and forced eradication program unable to prevent production from rising to 80,300 metric tons in 1992 from 78,200 tons in 1989; government considers all but 12,000 hectares illicit; intermediate coca products and cocaine exported to or through Colombia and Brazil to the US and other international drug markets Economic aid: recipient: US commitments, including Ex-Im (FY70–89), $990 million; Western (non-US) countries, ODA and OOF bilateral commitments (1970–89), $2.025 billion; Communist countries (1970–89), $340 million Currency: 1 boliviano ($B) = 100 centavos Exchange rates: bolivianos ($B) per US$1 - 4.5 (March 1994), 4.4604 (November 1993), 3.9005 (1992), 3.5806 (1991), 3.1727 (1990), 2.6917 (1989), 2.3502 (1988) Fiscal year: calendar year

      @Bolivia, Communications


       3,684 km total, all narrow gauge; 3,652 km 1.000-meter gauge and 32 km

       0.760-meter gauge, all government owned, single track



       42,815 km


       1,865 km


       gravel 12,000 km; improved/unimproved earth 28,950 km

       Inland waterways:

       10,000 km of commercially navigable waterways


       crude oil 1,800 km; petroleum products 580 km; natural gas 1,495 km


       none; maritime outlets are Arica and Antofagasta in Chile, Matarani

       and Ilo in Peru

       Merchant marine:

       1 cargo ship (1,000 GRT or over) totaling 4,214 GRT/6,390 DWT






       with permanent-surface runways:


       with runways over 3,659 m:


       with runways 2,440–3,659 m:


       with runways 1,220–2,439 m:



       very poor telephone service for the general population; 144,300

       telephones - 18.7 telephones per 1,000 persons; microwave radio relay

       system being expanded; improved international services; broadcast

       stations - 129 AM, no FM, 43 TV, 68 shortwave; 1 Atlantic Ocean

       INTELSAT earth station

      @Bolivia, Defense Forces


       Army (Ejercito Boliviano), Navy includes Marines (La Fuerza Naval

       Boliviana), Air Force (Fuerza Aerea Boliviana), National Police Force

       ( Policia Nacional de Bolivia)

       Manpower availability:

       males age 15–49 1,835,661; fit for military service 1,194,077; reach

       military age (19) annually 79,580 (1994 est.)

       Defense expenditures:

       exchange rate conversion - $130.48 million; NA% of GDP (1994 est.)

      @Bosnia and Herzegovina



       Bosnia and Herzegovina is suffering from interethnic civil strife

       which began in March 1992 after the Government of Bosnia and

       Herzegovina held a referendum on independence. Bosnia's Serbs -

       supported by neighboring Serbia - responded with armed resistance

       aimed at partitioning the republic along ethnic lines and joining

       Serb-held areas to

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