The 1996 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1996 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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to - Biodiversity, Climate Change

      Geographic note: strategic location along Strait of Otranto (links

       Adriatic Sea to Ionian Sea and Mediterranean Sea)


      Population: 3,249,136 (July 1996 est.)

       note: the IMF, working with Albanian government figures, estimates

       that the population was 3,120,000 in 1993 and that it has fallen

       since 1990

      Age structure:

       0–14 years: 34% (male 570,978; female 529,147)

       15–64 years: 60% (male 910,873; female 1,049,662)

       65 years and over: 6% (male 77,799; female 110,677) (July 1996 est.)

      Population growth rate: 1.34% (1996 est.)

      Birth rate: 22.21 births/1,000 population (1996 est.)

      Death rate: 7.64 deaths/1,000 population (1996 est.)

      Net migration rate: −1.17 migrant(s)/1,000 population (1996 est.)

      Sex ratio:

       at birth: 1.08 male(s)/female

       under 15 years: 1.08 male(s)/female

       15–64 years: 0.87 male(s)/female

       65 years and over: 0.7 male(s)/female

       all ages: 0.92 male(s)/female (1996 est.)

      Infant mortality rate: 49.2 deaths/1,000 live births (1996 est.)

      Life expectancy at birth: total population: 67.92 years male: 64.91 years female: 71.17 years (1996 est.)

      Total fertility rate: 2.65 children born/woman (1996 est.)

      Nationality: noun: Albanian(s) adjective: Albanian

      Ethnic divisions: Albanian 95%, Greeks 3%, other 2% (Vlachs,

       Gypsies, Serbs, and Bulgarians) (1989 est.)

       note: in 1989, other estimates of the Greek population ranged from

       1% (official Albanian statistics) to 12% (from a Greek organization)

      Religions: Muslim 70%, Albanian Orthodox 20%, Roman Catholic 10%

       note: all mosques and churches were closed in 1967 and religious

       observances prohibited; in November 1990, Albania began allowing

       private religious practice

      Languages: Albanian (Tosk is the official dialect), Greek

      Literacy: age 9 and over can read and write (1955 est.)

       total population: 72%

       male: 80%

       female: 63%


      Name of country:

       conventional long form: Republic of Albania

       conventional short form: Albania

       local long form: Republika e Shqiperise

       local short form: Shqiperia

       former: People's Socialist Republic of Albania

      Data code: AL

      Type of government: emerging democracy

      Capital: Tirane

      Administrative divisions: 26 districts (rrethe, singular - rreth);

       Berat, Dibre, Durres, Elbasan, Fier, Gjirokaster, Gramsh, Kolonje,

       Korce, Kruje, Kukes, Lezhe, Librazhd, Lushnje, Mat, Mirdite, Permet,

       Pogradec, Puke, Sarande, Shkoder, Skrapar, Tepelene, Tirane,

       Tropoje, Vlore; note - some new administrative units may have been


      Independence: 28 November 1912 (from Ottoman Empire)

      National holiday: Independence Day, 28 November (1912)

      Constitution: an interim basic law was approved by the People's Assembly on 29 April 1991; a draft constitution was rejected by popular referendum in the fall of 1994 and a new draft is pending

      Legal system: has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

      Suffrage: 18 years of age; universal and compulsory

      Executive branch:

       chief of state: President of the Republic Sali BERISHA (since 9

       April 1992) was elected for a five-year term by the People's Assembly

       head of government: Prime Minister of the Council of Ministers

       Aleksander Gabriel MEKSI (since 10 April 1992) was appointed by the


       cabinet: Council of Ministers was appointed by the president

      Legislative branch: unicameral

       People's Assembly (Kuvendi Popullor): elections last held 22 March

       1992; results - DP 62.29%, ASP 25.57%, SDP 4.33%, RP 3.15%, UHP

       2.92%, other 1.74%; seats - (140 total) DP 92, ASP 38, SDP 7, RP 1,

       UHP 2

       note: six members of the Democratic Party defected, making the

       present seating in the Assembly DP 86, ASP 38, SDP 7, DAP 6, RP 1,

       UHP 2

      Judicial branch: Supreme Court, chairman of the Supreme Court is

       elected by the People's Assembly

      Political parties and leaders: there are at least 28 political

       parties; most prominent are the Albanian Socialist Party (ASP;

       formerly the Albania Workers Party), Fatos NANO, first secretary;

       Democratic Party (DP); Albanian Republican Party (RP), Sabri GODO;

       Omonia (Greek minority party), Sotir QIRJAZATI, first secretary;

       Social Democratic Party (SDP), Skender GJINUSHI; Democratic Alliance

       Party (DAP), Neritan CEKA, chairman; Unity for Human Rights Party


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