The 1996 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1996 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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noun: Algerian(s) adjective: Algerian

      Ethnic divisions: Arab-Berber 99%, European less than 1%

      Religions: Sunni Muslim (state religion) 99%, Christian and Jewish 1%

      Languages: Arabic (official), French, Berber dialects

      Literacy: age 15 and over can read and write (1995 est.)

       total population: 61.6%

       male: 73.9%

       female: 49%


      Name of country:

       conventional long form: Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria

       conventional short form: Algeria

       local long form: Al Jumhuriyah al Jaza'iriyah ad Dimuqratiyah ash


       local short form: Al Jaza'ir

      Data code: AG

      Type of government: republic

      Capital: Algiers

      Administrative divisions: 48 provinces (wilayas, singular -

       wilaya); Adrar, Ain Defla, Ain Temouchent, Alger, Annaba, Batna,

       Bechar, Bejaia, Biskra, Blida, Bordj Bou Arreridj, Bouira,

       Boumerdes, Chlef, Constantine, Djelfa, El Bayadh, El Oued, El Tarf,

       Ghardaia, Guelma, Illizi, Jijel, Khenchela, Laghouat, Mascara,

       Medea, Mila, Mostaganem, M'Sila, Naama, Oran, Ouargla, Oum el

       Bouaghi, Relizane, Saida, Setif, Sidi Bel Abbes, Skikda, Souk Ahras,

       Tamanghasset, Tebessa, Tiaret, Tindouf, Tipaza, Tissemsilt, Tizi

       Ouzou, Tlemcen

      Independence: 5 July 1962 (from France)

      National holiday: Anniversary of the Revolution, 1 November (1954)

      Constitution: 19 November 1976, effective 22 November 1976; revised 3 November 1988 and 23 February 1989

      Legal system: socialist, based on French and Islamic law; judicial review of legislative acts in ad hoc Constitutional Council composed of various public officials, including several Supreme Court justices; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

      Suffrage: 18 years of age; universal

      Executive branch:

       chief of state: President Liamine ZEROUAL (appointed president 31

       January 1994, elected president 16 November 1995) was elected for a

       five-year term by universal suffrage; election last held 16 November

       1995 (next to be held NA); results - percent of vote NA

       head of government: Prime Minister Ahmed OUYAHIA (since 31 December

       1995) was appointed by the president

       cabinet: Council of Ministers was appointed by the prime minister

      Legislative branch: unicameral; note - suspended since 1992

       National People's Assembly (Al-Majlis Ech-Chaabi Al-Watani):

       first-round elections held 26 December 1991; second round canceled

       by the military after President BENDJEDID resigned 11 January 1992,

       effectively suspending the assembly (next election promised by late

       1996 or early 1997); results - percent of vote by party NA; seats -

       (281 total) the fundamentalist FIS won 188 of the 231 seats

       contested in the first round

      Judicial branch: Supreme Court (Cour Supreme)

      Political parties and leaders: Islamic Salvation Front (FIS, outlawed April 1992), Ali BELHADJ, Dr. Abassi MADANI, Rabeh KEBIR (self-exile in Germany); National Liberation Front (FLN), Boualem BENHAMOUDA, secretary general; Socialist Forces Front (FFS), Hocine Ait AHMED, secretary general (self-exile in Switzerland); Hamas, Mahfoud NAHNAH, chairman; Rally for Culture and Democracy (RCD), Said SAADI, secretary general; Algerian Renewal Party (PRA), Noureddine BOUKROUH, chairman note: the government established a multiparty system in September 1989 and, as of 31 December 1990, over 50 legal parties existed

      International organization participation: ABEDA, AfDB, AFESD, AL,

       AMF, AMU, CCC, ECA, FAO, G-15, G-19, G-24, G-77, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO,

       ICRM, IDA, IDB, IFAD, IFC, IFRCS, ILO, IMF, IMO, Intelsat, Interpol,

       IOC, ISO, ITU, NAM, OAPEC, OAS (observer), OAU, OIC, OPEC, OSCE


       WCL, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WToO, WTrO (applicant)

      Diplomatic representation in US: chief of mission: Ambassador Osmane BENCHERIF chancery: 2118 Kalorama Road NW, Washington, DC 20008 telephone: [1] (202) 265–2800

      US diplomatic representation: chief of mission: Ambassador Ronald E. NEUMANN embassy: 4 Chemin Cheikh Bachir El-Ibrahimi, Algiers mailing address: B. P. Box 549, Alger-Gare, 16000 Algiers telephone: [213] (2) 69–11-86, 69–18-54, 69–38-75, 69–12-55 FAX: [213] (2) 69–39-79

      Flag: two equal vertical bands of green (hoist side) and white with a red, five-pointed star within a red crescent; the crescent, star, and color green are traditional symbols of Islam (the state religion)


      Economic overview: The hydrocarbons sector is the backbone of the economy, accounting for roughly 57% of government revenues, 25% of GDP, and almost all export earnings; Algeria has the fifth-largest reserves of natural gas in the world and ranks fourteenth for oil. Algiers' efforts to reform one of the most centrally planned economies in the Arab world began after the 1986 collapse of world oil prices plunged the country into a severe recession. In 1989, the government launched a comprehensive, IMF-supported program to achieve economic stabilization and to introduce market mechanisms into the economy. Despite substantial progress toward economic adjustment, in 1992 the reform drive stalled as Algiers became embroiled in political turmoil. In September 1993, a new government was formed, and one priority was the resumption and acceleration of the structural adjustment process. Buffeted by the slump in world oil prices and burdened with a heavy foreign debt, Algiers concluded a one-year standby arrangement with the IMF in April 1994. Following a Paris Club debt rescheduling in 1995 and a robust harvest, the economy experienced a strong recovery and key economic improvements.

      GDP: purchasing power parity - $108.7 billion (1995 est.)

      GDP real growth rate: 3.5% (1995 est.)


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