The 1996 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1996 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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18 30 N, 64 30 W—Caribbean, between the Caribbean Sea

       and the North Atlantic Ocean, east of Puerto Rico


      Description: blue with the flag of the UK in the upper hoist-side quadrant and the Virgin Islander coat of arms centered in the outer half of the flag; the coat of arms depicts a woman flanked on either side by a vertical column of six oil lamps above a scroll bearing the Latin word VIGILATE (Be Watchful)


      Location: Caribbean, between the Caribbean Sea and the North

       Atlantic Ocean, east of Puerto Rico

      Geographic coordinates: 18 30 N, 64 30 W

      Map references: Central America and the Caribbean


       total area: 150 sq km

       land area: 150 sq km

       comparative area: about 0.9 times the size of Washington, DC

       note: includes the island of Anegada

      Land boundaries: 0 km

      Coastline: 80 km

      Maritime claims: exclusive fishing zone: 200 nm territorial sea: 3 nm

      International disputes: none

      Climate: subtropical; humid; temperatures moderated by trade winds

      Terrain: coral islands relatively flat; volcanic islands steep,


       lowest point: Caribbean Sea 0 m

       highest point: Mount Sage 521 m

      Natural resources: NEGL

      Land use:

       arable land: 20%

       permanent crops: 7%

       meadows and pastures: 33%

       forest and woodland: 7%

       other: 33%

      Irrigated land: NA sq km


       current issues: limited natural fresh water resources (except for a

       few seasonal streams and springs on Tortola, most of the island's

       water supply comes from wells and rainwater catchment)

       natural hazards: hurricanes and tropical storms (July to October)

       international agreements: NA

      Geographic note: strong ties to nearby US Virgin Islands and

       Puerto Rico


      Population: 13,195 (July 1996 est.)

      Age structure: 0–14 years: NA 15–64 years: NA 65 years and over: NA

      Population growth rate: 1.29% (1996 est.)

      Birth rate: 20.19 births/1,000 population (1996 est.)

      Death rate: 6.05 deaths/1,000 population (1996 est.)

      Net migration rate: −1.2 migrant(s)/1,000 population (1996 est.)

      Sex ratio:

       at birth: NA male(s)/female

       under 15 years: NA male(s)/female

       15–64 years: NA male(s)/female

       65 years and over: NA male(s)/female

       all ages: NA male(s)/female

      Infant mortality rate: 19.16 deaths/1,000 live births (1996 est.)

      Life expectancy at birth: total population: 72.78 years male: 70.93 years female: 74.75 years (1996 est.)

      Total fertility rate: 2.26 children born/woman (1996 est.)

      Nationality: noun: British Virgin Islander(s) adjective: British Virgin Islander

      Ethnic divisions: black 90%, white, Asian

      Religions: Protestant 86% (Methodist 45%, Anglican 21%, Church of God 7%, Seventh-Day Adventist 5%, Baptist 4%, Jehovah's Witnesses 2%, other 2%), Roman Catholic 6%, none 2%, other 6% (1981)

      Languages: English (official)

      Literacy: age 15 and over can read and write (1991 est.)

       total population: 97.8%

       male: NA%

       female: NA%


      Name of country: conventional long form: none conventional short form: British Virgin Islands abbreviation: BVI

      Data code: VI

      Type of government: dependent territory of the UK

      Capital: Road Town

      Administrative divisions: none (dependent territory of the UK)

      Independence: none (dependent territory of the UK)

      National holiday: Territory Day, 1 July

      Constitution: 1 June 1977

      Legal system: English law

      Suffrage: 18 years of age; universal

      Executive branch:

       chief of state: Queen ELIZABETH II (of the United Kingdom since 6

       February 1952), hereditary monarch, is represented by Governor David

       MACKILLIGIN (since NA June 1995) who was appointed by the queen

       head of government: Chief Minister Ralph T. O'NEAL (since 15 May

       1995; appointed after the death of former Chief Minister H. Lavity

       STOUTT) was appointed by the governor from among the members of the

       Legislative Council

       cabinet: Executive Council is appointed by the governor

      Legislative branch: unicameral Legislative Council: election last held 20 February 1995 (next to be held NA February 2000); results - percent of vote by party NA; seats - (13 total) VIP 6, CCM 2, UP 2, independents 3

      Judicial branch: Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court


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