The 1996 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1996 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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style="font-size:15px;">       Virgin Islands Party (VIP); Concerned Citizens Movement (CCM), E.

       Walwyln BREWLEY

      International organization participation: Caricom (associate),

       CDB, ECLAC (associate), Interpol (subbureau), IOC, OECS (associate),

       UNESCO (associate)

      Diplomatic representation in US: none (dependent territory of the


      US diplomatic representation: none (dependent territory of the UK)

      Flag: blue with the flag of the UK in the upper hoist-side quadrant and the Virgin Islander coat of arms centered in the outer half of the flag; the coat of arms depicts a woman flanked on either side by a vertical column of six oil lamps above a scroll bearing the Latin word VIGILATE (Be Watchful)


      Economic overview: The economy, one of the most prosperous in the Caribbean, is highly dependent on tourism, which generates an estimated 45% of the national income. In 1985, the government began offering offshore registration to companies wishing to incorporate in the islands, and incorporation fees now generate substantial revenues. The adoption of a comprehensive insurance law in late 1994, which provides a blanket of confidentiality with regulated statutory gateways for investigation of criminal offenses, is expected to make the British Virgin Islands even more attractive to international business. Livestock raising is the most important agricultural activity; poor soils limit the islands' ability to meet domestic food requirements. Because of traditional close links with the US Virgin Islands, the British Virgin Islands have used the dollar as their currency since 1959.

      GDP: purchasing power parity - $133 million (1991 est.)

      GDP real growth rate: 2% (1991 est.)

      GDP per capita: $10,600 (1991 est.)

      GDP composition by sector: agriculture: NA% industry: NA% services: NA%

      Inflation rate (consumer prices): 2.5% (1990 est.)

      Labor force: 4,911 (1980) by occupation: NA

      Unemployment rate: NEGL% (1992)


       revenues: $77.1 million

       expenditures: $76.4 million, including capital expenditures of $NA


      Industries: tourism, light industry, construction, rum, concrete

       block, offshore financial center

      Industrial production growth rate: 4% (1985)

      Electricity: capacity: 10,500 kW production: 50 million kWh consumption per capita: 3,148 kWh (1993)

      Agriculture: fruits, vegetables; livestock, poultry; fish

      Exports: $2.7 million (f.o.b., 1988)

       commodities: rum, fresh fish, gravel, sand, fruits, animals

       partners: Virgin Islands (US), Puerto Rico, US

      Imports: $11.5 million (c.i.f., 1988)

       commodities: building materials, automobiles, foodstuffs, machinery

       partners: Virgin Islands (US), Puerto Rico, US

      External debt: $4.5 million (1985)

      Economic aid: $NA

      Currency: 1 United States dollar (US$) = 100 cents

      Exchange rates: US currency is used

      Fiscal year: 1 April - 31 March


      Railways: 0 km

      Highways: total: 106 km (1983 est.) paved: NA km unpaved: NA km

      Ports: Road Town

      Merchant marine: none (1995 est.)


       total: 3

       with paved runways 914 to 1 523 m: 1

       with paved runways under 914 m: 1

       with unpaved runways 914 to 1 523 m: 1 (1995 est.)


      Telephones: 6,291 (1990 est.)

      Telephone system: worldwide telephone service

       domestic: NA

       international: submarine cable to Bermuda

      Radio broadcast stations: AM 1, FM 0, shortwave 0

      Radios: 9,000 (1992 est.)

      Television broadcast stations: 1

      Televisions: 4,000 (1992 est.)


      Defense note: defense is the responsibility of the UK




      Location: 4 30 N, 114 40 E—Southeastern Asia, bordering the

       South China Sea and Malaysia


      Description: yellow with two diagonal bands of white (top, almost double width) and black starting from the upper hoist side; the national emblem in red is superimposed at the center; the emblem includes a swallow-tailed flag on top of a winged column within an upturned crescent above a scroll and flanked by two upraised hands


      Location: Southeastern Asia, bordering the South China Sea and


      Geographic coordinates: 4 30 N, 114 40 E

      Map references: Southeast Asia


       total area: 5,770 sq km

       land area: 5,270 sq km

       comparative area: slightly larger than Delaware

      Land boundaries: total: 381 km border country: Malaysia 381 km

      Coastline: 161 km

      Maritime claims:

       exclusive economic zone: 200 nm or to median line


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