Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing. Jakob J. van Zyl

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Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing - Jakob J. van Zyl

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two component fields at a certain location. Then the total field is


      The average power is


      If the two waves are incoherent relative to each other, then images and P = P1 + P2. If the waves are coherent, then images. In the latter case, we have:


      This is the case of optical interference fringes generated by two overlapping coherent optical beams. The bright bands correspond to where the energy is above the mean and the dark bands correspond to where the energy is below the mean.

      2.1.7 Group and Phase Velocity


      If we have two waves characterized by (ω − Δω, k − Δk) and (ω + Δω, k + Δk), then the total wave is given by


Graph depicts phase velocity.


      As Δω and Δk are assumed to be small, then we can write


      If the medium is nondispersive, then


      This implies that



      However, if the medium is dispersive (i.e., ω is a nonlinear function of k), such as in the case of ionospheres, then the two velocities are different.

      2.1.8 Doppler Effect

Graph depicts group velocity.

      The relationship between νd and ν is



      which can be written as



Graph depicts doppler geometry for a moving source, fixed observer. Graph depicts geometry illustrating wave fronts passing by a moving observer. Graph depicts 
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