Networking All-in-One For Dummies. Doug Lowe

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Networking All-in-One For Dummies - Doug Lowe

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look like this:



TCP is a connection-oriented transport layer protocol. UDP is a connectionless transport layer protocol.

      The session layer

      The session layer establishes conversations — sessions — between networked devices. A session is an exchange of connection-oriented transmissions between two network devices. Each transmission is handled by the transport layer protocol. The session itself is managed by the session layer protocol.

      The session layer allows three types of transmission modes:

       Simplex: Data flows in only one direction.

       Half-duplex: Data flows in both directions, but only in one direction at a time.

       Full-duplex: Data flows in both directions at the same time.


In actual practice, the distinctions in the session, presentation, and application layers are often blurred, and some commonly used protocols actually span all three layers. For example, SMB — the protocol that is the basis of file sharing in Windows networks — functions at all three layers.

      The presentation layer

      The presentation layer is responsible for how data is represented to applications. The most common representation for representing character data today is called UTF-8, which uses 8-bit sets to represent most characters found in western alphabets. UTF-8 is compatible with an older standard called ASCII.


UTF-8 is sometimes called Unicode, which is a standard for representing the characters found in most of the world's writing systems. Technically, UTF-8 is a particular method of implementing Unicode, so although the two terms are related, they are not identical.


Some computers, in particular IBM mainframe computers, use a different code called Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC). ASCII and EBCDIC aren’t compatible. To exchange information between a mainframe computer and a Windows computer, the presentation layer must convert the data from ASCII to EBCDIC, and vice versa.

      Besides simply converting data from one code to another, the presentation layer can also apply sophisticated compression techniques so that fewer bytes of data are required to represent the information when it’s sent over the network. At the other end of the transmission, the presentation layer then decompresses the data.

      The presentation layer can also scramble the data before it’s transmitted and then unscramble it at the other end by using a sophisticated encryption technique that even Sherlock Holmes would have trouble breaking.

      The application layer

      The highest layer of the OSI model, the application layer deals with the techniques that application programs use to communicate with the network. The name of this layer is a little confusing. Application programs (such as Microsoft Office or QuickBooks) aren’t a part of the application layer. Rather, the application layer represents the programming interfaces that application programs use to request network services.

      Some of the better-known application layer protocols are

       Domain Name System (DNS): For resolving Internet domain names

       File Transfer Protocol (FTP): For file transfers

       Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP): For email

       Server Message Block (SMB): For file sharing in Windows networks

       Network File System (NFS): For file sharing in Unix networks

       Telnet: For terminal emulation

      When the receiving computer receives the data, the data works its way up through the protocol stack. Then, the protocol at each layer reverses the processing that was done by the corresponding layer on the sending computer. Headers are removed, data is converted back to its original format, packets that were split into smaller packets are recombined into larger messages, and so on. When the packet reaches the application layer protocol, it’s delivered to an application that can process the data.

Snapshot of showing how data travels through the seven layers.

      FIGURE 1-5: How data travels through the seven layers.

      As I mention earlier, the first two layers of the OSI model deal with the physical structure of the network and the means by which network devices can send information from one device on a network to another. By far, Ethernet is the most popular set of protocols for the physical and data link layers.

      Ethernet has been around in various forms since the early 1970s. (For a brief history of Ethernet, see the sidebar, “Ethernet folklore and mythology.”) The current incarnation of Ethernet is defined by the 802.3 IEEE standard. Various flavors of Ethernet operate at different speeds and use different types of media. However, all the versions of Ethernet are compatible with each other, so you can mix and match them on the same network by using devices such as bridges, hubs, and switches to link network segments that use different types of media.

The actual transmission speed of Ethernet is measured in millions of bits per second (Mbps) or billions of bits per second

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