The Complete Works of Shakespeare. Knowledge house

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The Complete Works of Shakespeare - Knowledge house

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a girl that loves him not.

      I claim her not, and therefore she is thine.


      The more degenerate and base art thou

      To make such means for her as thou hast done,

      And leave her on such slight conditions.

      Now, by the honor of my ancestry,

      I do applaud thy spirit, Valentine,

      And think thee worthy of an empress’ love.

      Know then, I here forget all former griefs,

      Cancel all grudge, repeal thee home again,

      Plead a new state in thy unrivall’d merit,

      To which I thus subscribe: Sir Valentine,

      Thou art a gentleman and well deriv’d,

      Take thou thy Silvia, for thou hast deserv’d her.


      I thank your Grace; the gift hath made me happy.

      I now beseech you (for your daughter’s sake)

      To grant one boon that I shall ask of you.


      I grant it (for thine own) what e’er it be.


      These banish’d men, that I have kept withal,

      Are men endu’d with worthy qualities.

      Forgive them what they have committed here,

      And let them be recall’d from their exile;

      They are reformed, civil, full of good,

      And fit for great employment, worthy lord.


      Thou hast prevail’d, I pardon them and thee;

      Dispose of them as thou know’st their deserts.

      Come, let us go, we will include all jars

      With triumphs, mirth, and rare solemnity.


      And as we walk along, I dare be bold

      With our discourse to make your Grace to smile.

      What think you of this page, my lord?


      I think the boy hath grace in him; he blushes.


      I warrant you, my lord—more grace than boy.


      What mean you by that saying?


      Please you, I’ll tell you as we pass along,

      That you will wonder what hath fortuned.

      Come, Proteus, ’tis your penance but to hear

      The story of your loves discovered;

      That done, our day of marriage shall be yours,

      One feast, one house, one mutual happiness.



      Act V. Scene IV/Thomas Stothard/John Ogborne Thomas Stothard, p. — John Ogborne, e.

      Two Gentlemen of Verona. Act V. Scene IV/Angelica Kauffman/Luigi Schiavonetti Angelica Kauffman, p. — Luigi Schiavonetti, e.

      William Shakespeare



      ( 1594–1595 )

      Quarto, 1598; First Folio, 1623.



      Act I

      Sc. I Sc. II

      Act II

       Sc. I

      Act III

       Sc. I

      Act IV

      Sc. I Sc. II Sc. III

      Act V

      Sc. I Sc. II

      [Dramatis Personae

      Ferdinand, King of Navarre



      Dumaine, lords attending on the King


      Marcade, lords attending on the Princess of France


      Don Adriano de Armado, a fantastical Spaniard

      Sir Nathaniel, a curate

      Holofernes, a schoolmaster

      Dull, a constable


      Costard, a clown

      Moth, page to Armado


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