Applied Soil Chemistry. Группа авторов

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Applied Soil Chemistry - Группа авторов

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Remedial actions involving artificially increasing water table levels is able can arrest or slow down carbon losses from artificially drained soils [36]. On the other hand, for the most part, projects to artificially irrigate land have positive outcomes for soil carbon contents. They achieve this by raising crop yields and increasing organic matter from crop residues and/or organic supplements making its way into the soil [28, 37].

       1.2.7 Uncertain Impacts of Soil Erosion and Redistribution on Its Carbon Store

      Soils are not static systems. Climatic and geological processes act continuously to impact soils. Several of these processes disturb and redistribute soils due to erosion and transportation actions associated with the forces exerted by blowing winds and/or flowing water. Soil erosion ultimately moves the organic content of soil from its place of original formation to another, or ultimately distribute portions of soil from one location to several subsequent locations. Similar to the anthropogenic consequences of tillage, natural erosion processes lead to considerable soil disruption that is likely to increase the degradation rate of its organic matter [38]. However, if soils are merely displaced by a single erosion event, for example, by a landslip, relatively small amounts of carbon loss are likely to result. Unfortunately, the continuous and repeated nature of erosive forces and events leads soil components to gradually make their way, via fluvial actions, into ocean sediments. Although, the carbon that does ultimately arrive in ocean sediments may then be buried for many millennia and isolated from the ocean and atmosphere [38], much of the carbon temporarily fixed by the original soil formation processes is lost or partially degraded along the way. This makes it almost impossible to quantify on a global scale what quantities of carbon stored in soils is ultimately returned to the atmosphere by the geological forces of erosion. In the short term also, the quantities of crop residues entering a soil system is reduced by the actions of erosion at the surface, typically resulting from extreme or seasonal weather-related disturbances.

       1.2.8 Fire Impacts on Soil Characteristics

      Seasonal burning to contain vegetation is a land management technique used in some areas. Although this removes biomass and temporarily reduces carbon input to the underlying soils [40], this practice can ultimately stimulate new, more rapid vegetation growth that will, for a time, enhance carbon input to the soil. The addition of some “charcoal” or charred carbon-rich material to the soil following episodes of burning also contributes to the inert carbon matter in the soil. This component, and artificially produced biochar additions, acts to stabilize some of the carbon within fire-affected or biochar-treated soils. Whether induced naturally or for land management purposes, there is a risk that land fires can ultimately ignite the underlying soils and peats. If this occurs, it releases huge quantities of CO2 to the atmosphere, and it reduces or removes the carbon store in the soils that have taken millennia to accumulate. Such outcomes have been observed associated with forest clearances in Brazil and Indonesia and are likely intermittent natural events over geological time scales.

      Fundamentally, each type of land-surface vegetation type has characteristic carbon quantities and fabrics in its underlying soils. For instance, in temperate climates carbon contents tend to be higher than the global average and increase as latitude increases within the temperate zones. Reductions in temperature and increases in waterlogging of soils at higher temperate latitudes are the main causes of this trend. These changes tend to enable a constant stream of biomass to enter the soils but reduce organic matter degradation. The global average estimated carbon density per unit area of soil in various vegetated zones and ecosystems are listed in Table 1.1.

       1.3.1 Croplands

      Table 1.1 Estimated soil carbon complements in the top 1 m of common vegetated systems. The ranges provided indicate uncertainty in the global average carbon density for each major vegetated system considered (after Hester et al., 2010) [14].

Ecosystem Carbon density (t C ha-1)
Wetland 643
Cropland (arable) 80–122
Tundra 127–206
Deserts and semi-deserts 42–57
Temperate grassland and shrubland 99–236
Tropical savanna and grassland 90–117
Boreal forest 247–344
Temperate forest 96–147
Tropical forest 122–123

       1.3.2 Grasslands

      Grasslands typically display higher soil carbon contents rather than cropland soils. Table 1.1 displays the carbon density of undisturbed naturally occurring grassland soils. Some crop rotation schemes combine periods of grassland cultivation with periods of arable crop growth. Soils associated with such systems tend to have carbon densities higher than croplands but not as high as natural undisturbed grassland soils. The soil carbon density tends to increase for areas that are laid to grass for higher fractions of the crop rotation cycle. Extensive cultivation of fast-growing bio-energy grasses with deep root systems, such as switchgrass and miscanthus, has the potential to substantially increase the carbon density of grassland and cropland converted to grassland.

       1.3.3 Woodlands

      Woodlands consisting of conifer, deciduous or mixed tree types, particularly in high-latitude forests tend to have soils with carbon densities similar to, or somewhat higher than, undisturbed natural grasslands. Higher latitude coniferous forests tend to retain much higher soil carbon densities than deciduous temperate woodlands [41].

      Sun et al. (2019) [22] evaluated the long-standing impacts of temperature, litter inputs, soil characteristics, and vegetation type on the carbon content in the top 20 cm of soils in forests along a climatic gradient in China content of the 0- to 20-cm soil layer and its fractions across three

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