Recent Advances in Polyphenol Research. Группа авторов

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Recent Advances in Polyphenol Research - Группа авторов

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does not have sufficient accuracy. In spite of equilibrium being reached in one to two weeks, the neutral and mono‐anionic species are relatively stable. Table 1.1 summarizes the data.

      Source: Mendoza et al. 2018.

Schematic illustration of the intramolecular copigmentation in polyacylated anthocyanins.

      Source: Mendoza et al. 2018.

      Source: Mendoza et al. 2018.

pKa pKa pK^a pKa pKh K t
HBA1 3.5 7.3 3.6 3.8 4.6 1.1
HBA2 2.92 4.23 3.1 0.35
HBA3 1.95 4.19 2.1 0.37
K i pK ^^a pK A/A‐ pK B/B‐ pK Cc/Cc‐ pK Ct/Ct‐
HBA1 4.0 7.35 7.35 7.5 7.25 7.36

      Estimated error 10%.

Schematic illustration of the energy level diagrams of HBA1, HBA2, and HBA3.

      Source: Mendoza et al. 2018.

Schematic illustration of the mole fraction distribution of heavenly blue anthocyanin.

      Source: Mendoza et al. 2018.

      Source: Mendoza et al. 2018

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k h / s‐1 k ‐h / M‐1 s‐1 k t / s‐1 k ‐t / s‐1 k i / s‐1