A Brief Modern Chinese History. Haipeng Zhang
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46 See: Qi Qizhang ed., Zhongguo jindaishi ziliao congkan xubian: Zhong Ri zhanzheng 中国近代史资料丛刊续编: 中日战争 [A sequel to Primary Sources regarding the Modern Chinese History: The First Sino-Japanese War] (Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1993), vol. 6, p. 123, p. 132. It is based on two pieces of Munakata Kotaro’s diary. A full Chinese translation of this spy’s diary is now available; see: Munakata Kotaro 宗方小太郎, trans. Gan Huijie 甘慧洁, Zongfang Xiaotailang riji 宗方小太郎日记 [The Diary of Munakata Kotaro: 1887–1923] (Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2017), vols, pp. 1–3.
47 For a detailed discussion of this embezzlement, see: Chen Xiansong 陈 先 松, “Xiujian Yihehuan nuoyong ‘haifang jingfei’ shiliao jiedu 修建颐和园挪用 ‘海防经费’ 史料解读” (Reexamining the primary sources regarding the embezzlement of naval funds for building the Summer Palace), in Zhang Haipeng et al., eds., Jiawu zhanzheng de bainian huigu—Jiawu zhanzheng 120 zhounian xueshu lunwen xuanbian 甲午战争的百年回顾—甲午战争120周年学术论文选编 [Rethinking the War: Symposium on the 120th Anniversary of the First Sino-Japanese War] (Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2014), p. 42.
48 Qi Qizhang, Jiawu zhanzheng shi 甲午战争史 [History of the First Sino-Japanese War] (Beijing: People’s Publishing House, 1990), pp. 126–127.
49 For a much more detailed description of this battle, see: Ibid., revised edition (Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2005), pp. 116–144.
50 See: Vol. 25 of Li Hongzhang quanji, p. 103.
51 For the Lüshun Massacre, see: Guan Jie 关捷, “Ri jun Lüshun tusha yanjiu 日军旅顺屠 杀 研 究” (An investigation of the Lüshun Massacre perpetrated by the Japanese army), in Zhang Haipeng et al., eds., Di’er jie jin bainian Zhong Ri guanxishi guoji yantao hui lunwen ji 第二届近百年中日关系史国际研讨会论文集 [Symposium on the Sino-Japanese relations in the last century] (Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1995), pp. 3–10.
52 Mutsu Munemitsu 陆奥宗光, trans. Yi Sheshi 伊舍石, Jianjian lu 蹇蹇录 [Kenkenroku] (Beijing: The Commercial Press, 1963), p. 63.
53 For the appointment of Li Hongzhang, see: Zhongguo shixue hui and Shao Xunzheng 邵循正eds., Zhong Ri zhanzheng 中日战争 [The First Sino-Japanese War] (Shanghai: New Knowledge Press, 1956), vol. 3, p. 470.
54 See: Weng Tonghe 翁同龢, Weng Tonghe riji 翁同龢日记 [The diary of Weng Tonghe] (Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1997), vol. 5, p. 2782.
55 See: Vol. 16 of Li Hongzhang quanji, p. 31.
56 For the war indemnity, see: Qi Qizhang, Jiawu zhanzheng peikuan wenti kaoshi 甲午战争赔款问题考实” (A textual investigation of the war indemnity ensuing from the First Sino-Japanese War), in Jiawu zhanzheng de bainian huigu, p. 729; Jiang Liwen 蒋立文, “Jiawu zhanzheng peikuan shu’e wenti zai tantao 甲午战争赔款数额再探讨” (Reexamination of the amount of money paid by China to Japan as war reparations), ibid., pp. 730–754.
57 Shunpoko Tsuishokai 春亩公追颂会/Kaneko Kentaro 金子坚太郎 ed., Yiteng Bowen zhuan 伊藤博文传 [Ito Hirobumi den, or the life of Ito Hirobumi] (Tokyo: Shunpoko Tsuishokai 春亩公追颂会, 1940), pp. 136–137.
58 藤村道生 (Fujimura Michio), trans. Mi Qingyu 米庆余, Ri Qing zhanzheng日清战争 [Nisshin Senso, or The First Sino-Japanese War] (Shanghai: SH Translation Publishing House, 1981), pp. 133–134.
59 See: Dongxing sanlu东行三录 [Records of the journey to the east] (Shanghai: Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, 1982), p. 245.
60 Ibid., p. 238, p. 245, pp. 252–253.
61 Wu Yong 吴永, Gengzi xishou congtan 庚子西狩丛谈 [Cixi’s 1900 trip to the West] (Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2009), p. 120.
62 See: Mao Haijian 茅海建, “Gongche shangshu kaozheng bu yi ‘公车上书’考证补 (一)” (Supplement to the textual investigation of the 1895 Joint Petition Against the Treaty of Shimonoseki: Part One), Jindaishi yanjiu, no. 3 (2005), pp. 1–43.
63 For this joint statement, see: Vol. 10 of Qing Guangxu chao Zhong Ri jiaoshe shiliao, pp. 35–36.
64 See: Zhang Haipeng and Tao Wenzhao 陶文钊 eds., Taiwan shigao 台湾史稿 (A draft history of Taiwan) [Nanjing: Phoenix Publishing House, 2012], p. 159.
65 Huang Zhaotang 黄昭堂, Taiwan minzhu guo yanjiu 台湾民主国研究 [Exploring the history of the People’s Republic of Taiwan] (Taibei [Taipei]: Qianwei chubanshe, 2006), p. 61.
66 Qi Qizhang, Jiawu zhanzheng shi, p. 446.
67 Sanbo Honbu 参 谋 本 部 (General Staff Office of Imperial Japanese Army), trans Xu Peixian 许佩贤, Gongtai zhanji 攻台战纪 [Records of capturing Taiwan] (Taibei [Taipei]: Yuanlliu chubangongsi, 1995), p. 396.
68 Lü Shiqiang 吕 实 强, “Yiwei ge Tai qijian Taiwan shenmin suo biaoxian de minzu jingshen 乙未割台期间台湾绅民所表现的民族精神” (The national spirit embodied in the Taiwanese gentry and commoners’ resistance against in the 1895 cession of