Facebook. Taina Bucher

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Facebook - Taina Bucher

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For example, in 2013 when launching Internet.org, a consortium between Facebook, mobile handset makers, a browser company (Opera) and network infrastructure manufacturers, Zuckerberg basically outlined a techno-political vision for addressing economic disparities by means of internet connectivity.

      Zuckerberg does not merely invoke global politics in public discourse about Facebook. He is also more directly involved in domestic and foreign politics. He is, for example, the co-founder of the political lobby organization fwd.us, a bipartisan immigration reform advocacy group who are pressing for immigrant rights. If Zuckerberg’s framing of immigrants as ‘dreamers’ and Silicon Valley as ‘an idealistic place’ is not exemplary of political rhetoric, then what is?

      Drawing on a relational ontology reminiscent of science and technology studies (see Mol, 2002; Law, 2002), this book works from the assumption that there is not just one Facebook but many. This statement is true on many levels. As anthropologist Daniel Miller suggests, there are different Facebooks depending on where in the world you are and whom you ask. As a scholar who has specialized in doing fieldwork in Trinidad, Miller’s Facebook, if you will, differs from the Facebook you would find in Denmark or Norway. This does not mean that one version is more authentic or real than the other. Reporting from a large ethnographic study of how social media is used in five different geographical locales around the world, Miller et al. stress how there is no core to what Facebook is, because ‘Facebook only ever exists with respect to specific populations’ (2016: 15). A similar point can be made with regard to the many different versions of Facebook depending on its stakeholders: Facebook for Business, Facebook for Advertisers, Facebook for Developers and so forth. Facebook is not just a company, a partner or adversary. Facebook may be all, some or none of these things, or something else entirely, depending on how it is practised in specific situations. This is not to say that there isn’t a corporation, a technical stack and infrastructure, an organization and a board of directors behind this thing that we call Facebook. Indeed, there is only one board of directors that has the steering power and one company called Facebook, but how these things come together and matter in specific circumstances varies.

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