The Law of Nations. Emer de Vattel

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The Law of Nations - Emer de Vattel Natural Law and Enlightenment Classics

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href="#litres_trial_promo">42. Whether a sovereign may assume what title and honours he pleases,

       43. Right of other nations in that respect,

       44. Their duty,

       45. How titles and honours may be secured,

       46. We must conform to general custom, <xxxiii>

       47. Mutual respect due by sovereigns to each other,

       48. How a sovereign ought to maintain his dignity,

       CHAPTER IV Of the Right to Security, and the Effects of the Sovereignty and Independence of Nations.

       49. Right to security,

       50. It produces the right of resistance,

       51. and that of obtaining reparation,

       52. and the right of punishing,

       53. Right of all nations against a mischievous people,

       54. No nation has a right to interfere in the government of another state,

       55. One sovereign cannot make himself judge of the conduct of another,

       56. How far lawful to interfere in a quarrel between a sovereign and his subjects,

       57. Right of opposing the interference of foreign powers in the affairs of government,

       58. The same right with respect to religion,

       59. No nation can be constrained in religious concerns,

       60. Offices of humanity in these matters:—missionaries,

       61. Circumspection to be used,

       62. What a sovereign may do in favour of those who profess his religion in another state,

       CHAPTER V Of the Observance of Justice between Nations.

       63. Necessity of the observance of justice in human society,

       64. Obligation of all nations to cultivate and observe justice,

       65. Right of refusing to submit to injustice,

       66. This right is a perfect one,

       67. It produces—the right of self-defence,

       68. the right of doing ourselves justice,

       69. The right of punishing injustice,

       70. Right of all nations against one that openly despises justice,

       CHAPTER VI Of the Concern a Nation may have in the Actions of her Citizens.

       71. The sovereign is bound to avenge the wrongs of the state, and to protect the citizens,

       72. He must not suffer his subjects to offend other nations or their citizens,

       73. The acts of individuals not imputable to the nation, <xxxiv>

       74. unless she approve or ratify them,

       75. Conduct to be pursued by the offended party,

       76. Duty of the aggressor’s sovereign,

       77. If he refuses justice, he becomes a party in the fault and offence,

       78. Another case in which the nation is guilty of the crimes of the citizens,

       CHAPTER VII Effects of the Domain, between Nations.

       79. General effects of the domain,

       80. What is comprehended in the domain of a nation,

       81. The property of the citizens is the national property with respect to foreign states,

       82. A consequence of that principle,

       83. Connection of the domain of the nation with the sovereignty,

       84. Jurisdiction,

       85. Effects of the jurisdiction in foreign countries,

       86. Desert and uncultivated places,


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