Asian America. Pawan Dhingra

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Asian America - Pawan Dhingra

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the next chapter, yet the threat of imprisonment by a feared Asian “enemy” continues.8

      Some racial profiling is more racially and religiously based, again with the backdrop of Asian Americans as untrustworthy and possible threats. “Operation meth merchant” is the US Drug Enforcement Agency’s name given to its crackdown on Indian American-run convenience stores in northwest Georgia accused of selling common household items that, when mixed together, can help create methamphetamine (meth). While most stores in that area are white-owned, those targeted were run by Indian immigrants, often with limited English skills.9 Deportations resulted from this operation.

       Hate crimes

      Closely associated with racial profiling are hate crimes. The difference between racial profiling and hate crimes is that racial profiling is linked to institutions (like the criminal justice system, for instance) while hate crimes are perpetrated on an individual level without any rational-legal state authority. A hate crime occurs when a victim is attacked in part because of her/his social background (e.g. race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, religion, disability, etc.). Because Asian Americans are seen as more Asian than American, international relations spur anti-Asian racism.

      A vivid example is the murder of Vincent Chin in Detroit in 1982 by two out-of-work autoworkers, Ronald Ebens and Michael Nitz, in the heart of the American auto industry. Chin, a Chinese-American young man, was mistaken for a Japanese American by his killers (Zia 2000). During a brawl in a strip bar, one of the murderers was overheard saying to Chin, “It’s because of you little motherfuckers that we’re out of work.” This was a time of Japanese ascendancy in the US auto market. So Chin was misread as a Japanese American, who was misread as the Japanese auto industry, which was misread as unfair economic competition. After leaving the bar, Chin was chased by Ebens and Nitz and ultimately beaten to death with a baseball bat. Adding to this tragic story, Ebens and Nitz admitted to murdering Chin but were not sentenced to jail time. Their punishment was three years’ probation and a fine of only US$3,000, a startlingly lenient sentence. After an appeal by Chin supporters for violation of his civil rights and another retrial, the case was ultimately dismissed. Vincent Chin was assimilated, having grown up in the United States. Being culturally American was not enough to save his life because physically – that is racially – he remained a “yellow peril” Asian. This murder shows the limits of assimilation theory.

      With hate crimes against Asian Americans rising when Americans feel under threat from Asia, such as during military or economic wars, it is sadly not surprising that Asian Americans again came under attack during the coronavirus. The virus originated in China and yet most infections in New York City, an epicenter of the country’s infections, originated from Europe as of spring 2020.14 This did not prevent Chinese Americans from being targeted with physical and verbal attacks and general suspicion in up to a hundred attacks per day.15 Chinatown businesses reported heavy losses as well.16

      Hate crimes against Asian Americans, and any minority group, are not based on race alone. As explained above, race intersects with gender and sexuality to create complicated readings of group members. Vincent Chin was not targeted simply because he was mistaken for a Japanese American. He also posed a sexual and gendered threat to his attackers, for he was an Asian American receiving the attention of female strippers that his male attackers were not (Chang 2000). And while Asian-American women experience hate crimes, it is not necessarily the case that an Asian-American woman would have been seen as stealing white men’s jobs. Asian-American women report being targeted by sexual harassment as well as by general attacks based on race.17 And Asian Americans may be singled out for violent attacks for engaging in homosocial behavior.18 Hate crimes against South Asian and Arab Americans increased significantly just after 9/11.19 So hate crimes happen for different reasons.

      How do Asian Americans react to how they are represented and treated along racial, gender, and sexual lines? Much of the book will discuss Asian Americans’ reactions to these problems within particular contexts. It is hard to discuss general reactions to these problems since they are experienced in specific ways. People do not simply respond to stereotypes or discrimination generally. They respond to the “bamboo ceiling” (i.e. limits to work promotions) through workplace channels. They respond to a media industry and a caricature promulgated at the moment. They respond to hate crimes through political mobilization. And so on. The following chapters elaborate on these trends.

      This chapter provided an overview of the key analytic tools that we will use to approach an understanding of Asian Americans with a focus on race while also attending to the ways that race intersects with ethnicity, gender, and sexuality. Drawing from sociological theories of “social construction,” this chapter outlined the ways that the ideas of race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality are in fact social constructions. Though these ideas have biological referents, that is, they draw from differences that can be discerned in the human body, these ideas are nevertheless “constructed.” The meanings

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