The Early Foucault. Stuart Elden
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183 183. Georges Canguilhem, La Formation du concept de réflexe aux XVII et XVIII siècles, Paris: PUF, 2nd edn, 1977 [1955].
184 184. See the Introduction to Canguilhem’s The Normal and the Pathological in 1978 (trans. Carolyn R. Fawcett and Robert S. Cohen, New York: Zone, 1991, 7–24); DE#219 III, 429–42. A revised version appeared just before Foucault’s death (DE#361 IV, 763–76; EW II, 465–78).
185 185. Macey, The Lives of Michel Foucault, 62. On the relation, see Gutting, Michel Foucault’s Archaeology of Scientific Reason, Ch. 1; and Dominique Lecourt, Pour une critique de l’épistémologie: Bachelard, Canguilhem, Foucault, Maspero, 1972; trans. Ben Brewster in Marxism and Epistemology: Bachelard, Canguilhem and Foucault¸ Verso, 1975 (also including a translation of L’Épistémologie historique de Gaston Bachelard, Paris: Vrin, 1969). More generally, see Stuart Elden, Canguilhem, Cambridge: Polity, 2019, and its references.
186 186. BNF NAF28803 (4), folder 2; BNF NAF28730 (42b), folder 2.
187 187. Foucault to Canguilhem, June 1965, quoted in Eribon, Michel Foucault, 175–6/103.
188 188. Roudinesco, Jacques Lacan and Co, 21–3.
189 189. Georges Canguilhem, Le Normal et le pathologique, Paris: PUF, 12th edn, 2015 [1943/1966].
190 190. Georges Canguilhem, La Connaissance de la vie, Paris: Vrin, 2nd revd edn, 1965 [1952]; trans. Stefanos Geroulanos and Daniela Ginsburg, Knowledge of Life, New York: Fordham University Press, 2009. See Foucault, Les Mots et les choses: Une Archéologie des sciences humaines, Paris, Gallimard, 1966, 169 n. 1; The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences, London: Routledge, 1970, 164 n 58.
191 191. Canguilhem, La Formation du concept de réflexe; cited in draft manuscript of The Archaeology of Knowledge (BNF NAF28284 (1), 70b-71a), and mentioned in L’Archéologie du savoir, Paris: Gallimard/ Tel, 1969, 195 n. 1, 236; The Archaeology of Knowledge, trans. Alan Sheridan, New York: Barnes and Noble, 1972, 144 n. 1, 173–4.
192 192. Canguilhem, Études; Idéologie et rationalité dans l’histoire des sciences de la vie: Nouvelles études d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences, Paris: Vrin, 1977; Ideology and Rationality in the History of the Life Sciences, trans. Arthur Goldhammer, Cambridge: MIT Press, 1988. Parts of Études are included in A Vital Rationalist: Selected Writings, ed. François Delaporte, trans. Arthur Goldhammer, New York: Zone, 1994.
193 193. Macey, The Lives of Michel Foucault, 17–18, 45.
194 194. IMEC 20ALT/68/1. Ones relating to Foucault are found in years 1949–50 and 1950–51. Some are quoted in Eribon, Michel Foucault et ses contemporains, 314–5.
195 195. See notecard on Foucault in IMEC 20ALT/61 – a heavy wooden card-index box.
196 196. Pinguet, Le Texte Japon, 46; Boutang, Louis Althusser, vol. II, 409; C 17/17.
197 197. IMEC 20ALT/61.
198 198. Eribon, Michel Foucault, 68–9/37.
199 199. Chervel, ‘Les Agrégés de l’enseignement secondaire’.
200 200. Jean Néry, ‘Menaces sur l’universitaire: À propos des concours d’agrégation’, La Nouvelle Critique 29, 1951, 28–37. Boutang, Louis Althusser, vol. II, 409.
201 201. Boutang, Louis Althusser, vol. II, 427–8.
202 202. A report of the group’s experience is found in BNF NAF28803 (15), folder 3.
203 203. C 17/17; Eribon, Michel Foucault, 71/38; Macey, The Lives of Michel Foucault, 45, based on interviews with Canguilhem.
204 204. Chervel, ‘Les Agrégés de l’enseignement secondaire’.
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