Free Speech. Jonathan Seglow

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Free Speech - Jonathan Seglow

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those who oppose it an equal amount of time to make their case and to take questions from the audience. There is a sense in which the equality rule limits each side’s freedom of speech, as would curtailing the speech of a very long-winded audience member who wanted to take up all the time for himself; but in fact these rules are all in the service of the ideal of democratic free speech. ‘What is essential’, writes Meiklejohn, ‘is not that everyone shall speak, but that everything worth saying shall be said’ (p. 25). Free speech cannot be the right to say whatever one wants, to whomever one pleases on whatever occasion it pleases one to say it – a truth that the autonomy view may find a little harder to accommodate. By yoking free speech to democratic debate, Meiklejohn gives it a compelling defence and suggests a framework by which it may be regulated.

      At the same time though, as we know, democracies can limit free speech. Democracies have banned books, censored media and limited extremist – or, to put it less charitably, radical – political speech. How does this square with the democratic defence of free speech? Here it is important to emphasise the discursive component in Meiklejohn’s view. Democracy is not simply a process that takes citizens’ views in the form of their votes and converts the latter via the principle of majority rule into representative government, local or national. As in the town meeting, so in society at large, democracy involves widespread vigorous discussion. Deliberative democracy, to use the contemporary label, has been the object of sustained critical attention from democratic theorists in the last thirty years. It involves widespread rational, critical debate where citizens articulate the reasons behind their views, often emphasising how these reasons may be acceptable to others. Typically, the aim is to build consensus and reach agreement. The idea is that political decisions are more legitimate and morally defensible when they have been subject to vigorous challenge and counter-challenge. Deliberative theorists contrast their view with a simple voting procedure whereby, shielded by the secrecy of the ballot, citizens may vote on the basis of misguided, ill-informed, prejudiced, irrational or morally obnoxious reasons; yet these theorists do not deny that voting is usually necessary in decision-making in all but the smallest scale. Deliberative bodies are increasingly being used in many liberal democracies in order to involve citizens in processes of deliberation and consultation that will then affect the decisions of their representatives. They are often called ‘mini-publics’ (Setälä and Smith 2018) or ‘citizens’ assemblies’ (Warren and Pearse 2008). One worry about the deliberative democratic ideal is its relatively demanding nature; another one, not unrelated, is that in practice deliberation will privilege more advantaged citizens, who are often better able to articulate their views (for an overview of these debates see Bächtiger et al. 2018).

      Contemporary free speech theorists who have adopted the democratic view have defended a largely speaker-centric approach. For Robert Post, the value of democratic rule lies not so much in informed decision-making as in citizens’ ability reasonably to regard themselves as the ultimate authors of the law. This ‘requires that citizens have access to the public sphere so that they can participate in the formation of public opinion’ (Post 2011, p. 482) as well as hold their governments accountable to that opinion. This view sees free speech as the counterpart of formal voting, which (directly) puts in place a government and (indirectly) influences citizens’ attitudes in the public domain. Free speech seeks to shape citizens’ views, an important feature of democracy and something that elected governments always have an eye on.

      In his book Democracy and the Problem of Free Speech, the legal theorist Cass Sunstein defends another democracy-based argument for free speech by drawing an explicit distinction between ‘upper tier’ (high-value) speech, which contributes to public deliberation, and ‘lower tier’ speech, which does not. The upper tier category is capacious: apart from overtly political speech, it includes artistic, literary and cultural critique and broader social commentary (Sunstein 1993, pp. 148–53). Upper tier speech merits especially strong protection – that is, not just through viewpoint neutrality but also through the more encompassing content neutrality, which forbids governments from regulating speech merely on the grounds that it covers contentious topics, regardless of the view that is expressed on them. Thus, if a company forbade its employees to post any political views on social media, it would violate the constraint of content neutrality. Only content-neutral restrictions on the time, place and manner in which one expresses oneself may on occasion be justified at the level of upper tier speech. Thus it might be legitimate, for example, for a company to bar employees from posting political views on social media during work hours.

      The lower tier category consists of all other speech, including commercial speech (e.g. product descriptions, advertising), scientific speech, unlicensed medical and legal advice, depictions of violence in the media, defamation, hate speech, at least some pornography (some of which might also be political, as we shall see in Chapter 5), criminal speech such as bribery, insider trading, perjury, and threats of injury. This is a slightly confusing category, because it includes speech that is, actually or potentially, harmful in various ways and might even be better classified as conduct, not speech (e.g. threats and bribery), and speech that is not harmful but is not political either, even in the most expansive sense.

      Indeed the argument from democracy has an important advantage. In a liberal society there is always a presumption in favour of individual

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