Free Speech. Jonathan Seglow

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Free Speech - Jonathan Seglow

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      There are plenty of potential justifications for free speech – explanations of why it is so valuable and important; and they tend to have a liberal flavour. One might argue that societies that respect their citizens’ free speech, especially on political and related matters, are more stable, more peaceful and more tolerant than societies that do not; or, relatedly, that free speech functions as a kind of safety valve, enabling citizens to express grievances without resorting to disorder or violence. Those grievances might take the form of low-value hate speech. Another justification is that many people value diversity and pluralism in political, artistic, religious, cultural and academic matters and free speech will enable expression of these values much better than would the state enforcement of an orthodoxy.

      Freedom of speech can also be defended along the lines of a characteristically liberal scepticism towards government power. Given that legislators and public officials are prone to limiting individuals’ liberties for arbitrary or unjustifiable reasons, it is sensible to require them by law to protect free speech. As Frederick Schauer writes,

      It is no accident that all these are, broadly speaking, liberal arguments. Free speech is a liberal principle, indeed one of the liberal principles. This does not mean that other political perspectives cannot support free speech; socialist and conservative parties in democratic states generally and speech that may not support it too, for example. Nor does it mean that other philosophical and political views have nothing to offer the debate over free speech. In Chapter 5, when we look at pornography, for example, we will consider feminist, conservative, communitarian and virtue ethics arguments against pornography that stand opposed to liberal permissiveness. There are also recent efforts to outline a Marxist defence of free speech (Heinze 2018a, 2018b). But to claim that free speech is a liberal value is simply to draw attention to individual liberty, which is conceptually at its heart. This is true even if, as we will explore below, free speech is a matter of dialogue or democracy: it is speech between persons who are individually free to express and communicate their views. For this reason, apart from the exceptions noted, we shall not say very much about non-liberal approaches to free speech in this book.

      We will focus instead on the three most prominent defences of free speech in the extensive literature on the topic. These theories are based on the values of truth, autonomy and democracy; and, as we will see, they are really families of views, since there are divisions within them. These three theories will help us to organise the discussion in the entire book, since they often have divergent – though sometimes overlapping – implications for deciding when speech may or should be limited.

      Mill develops a specific argument for free speech in chapter 2 of On Liberty. It is noteworthy that he does not set out his argument by employing the concept of harm, in other words by arguing that speech is harmless to others. His interest is instead in the special value of speech, which goes above that of ordinary liberty. This special value consists in the fact that speech is necessary for discovering the truth; and, in Mill’s view, knowing the truth is a source of happiness and well-being for both individuals and societies. Mill’s argument for free speech is therefore a consequentialist one; according to him, ‘[t]he truth of an opinion is part of its utility’ (Mill 2006, p. 29). This statement is best understood by considering Mill’s defence of liberty and free speech in his other famous work, Utilitarianism, produced a few years later, in 1863 (Mill 1998): there Mill argues that individuals’ actions, as well as the laws and policies of states, should be guided by the principle of maximising people’s happiness or utility.

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