The 1992 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1992 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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for increased exports of manufactured goods, but competition in

       international markets continues to be severe.


       purchasing power equivalent - $280.8 billion, per capita $16,200; real

       growth rate —0.6% (1991 est.)

       Inflation rate (consumer prices):

       3.3% (September 1991)

       Unemployment rate:

       10.5% (November 1991)


       revenues $76.9 billion; expenditures $75.4 billion, including capital

       expenditures of NA (FY91)


       $41.7 billion (f.o.b., FY91)


       metals, minerals, coal, wool, cereals, meat, manufacturers


       Japan 26%, US 11%, NZ 6%, South Korea 4%, Singapore 4%, UK, Taiwan, Hong



       $37.8 billion (f.o.b., FY91)


       manufactured raw materials, capital equipment, consumer goods


       US 24%, Japan 19%, UK 6%, FRG 7%, NZ 4% (1990)

       External debt:

       $130.4 billion (June 1991)

       Industrial production:

       growth rate —0.9% (1991); accounts for 32% of GDP


       40,000,000 kW capacity; 155,000 million kWh produced, 8,960 kWh per capita



       mining, industrial and transportation equipment, food processing, chemicals,

       steel, motor vehicles


       accounts for 5% of GNP and 37% of export revenues; world's largest exporter

       of beef and wool, second-largest for mutton, and among top wheat exporters;

       major crops - wheat, barley, sugarcane, fruit; livestock - cattle, sheep,


       Illicit drugs:

       Tasmania is one of the world's major suppliers of licit opiate products;

       government maintains strict controls over areas of opium poppy cultivation

       and output of poppy straw concentrate

       Economic aid:

       donor - ODA and OOF commitments (1970-89), $10.4 billion


       Australian dollar (plural - dollars); 1 Australian dollar ($A) = 100 cents

       Exchange rates:

       Australian dollars ($A) per US$1 - 1.3360 (January 1992), 1.2836 (1991),

       1.2618 (1989), 1.2752 (1988), 1.4267 (1987)

      :Australia Economy

      Fiscal year: 1 July - 30 June

      :Australia Communications


       40,478 km total; 7,970 km 1.600-meter gauge, 16,201 km 1.435-meter standard

       gauge, 16,307 km 1.067-meter gauge; 183 km dual gauge; 1,130 km electrified;

       government owned (except for a few hundred kilometers of privately owned

       track) (1985)


       837,872 km total; 243,750 km paved, 228,396 km gravel, crushed stone, or

       stabilized soil surface, 365,726 km unimproved earth

       Inland waterways:

       8,368 km; mainly by small, shallow-draft craft


       crude oil 2,500 km; petroleum products 500 km; natural gas 5,600 km


       Adelaide, Brisbane, Cairns, Darwin, Devonport, Fremantle, Geelong, Hobart,

       Launceston, Mackay, Melbourne, Sydney, Townsville

       Merchant marine:

       85 ships (1,000 GRT or over) totaling 2,324,803 GRT/3,504,385 DWT; includes

       2 short-sea passenger, 8 cargo, 8 container, 11 roll-on/roll-off, 1 vehicle

       carrier, 17 petroleum tanker, 2 chemical tanker, 4 liquefied gas, 1

       combination ore/oil, 30 bulk, 1 combination bulk

       Civil air:

       about 150 major transport aircraft


       481 total, 440 usable; 237 with permanent-surface runways, 1 with runway

       over 3,659 m; 20 with runways 2,440-3,659 m; 268 with runways 1,220-2,439 m


       good international and domestic service; 8.7 million telephones; broadcast

       stations - 258 AM, 67 FM, 134 TV; submarine cables to New Zealand, Papua New

       Guinea, and Indonesia; domestic satellite service; satellite stations - 4

       Indian Ocean INTELSAT, 6 Pacific Ocean INTELSAT earth stations

      :Australia Defense Forces


       Australian Army, Royal Australian Navy, Royal Australian Air Force

       Manpower availability:

       males 15-49, 4,769,005; 4,153,060 fit for military service; 138,117 reach

       military age (17) annually

       Defense expenditures:

       exchange rate conversion - $7.5 billion, 2.4% of GDP (FY92 budget)

      :Austria Geography


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