The 1992 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1992 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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dry, semiarid steppe; subject to drought


       large, flat Kura Lowland (much of it below sea level) with Great Caucasus

       Mountains to the north, Karabakh Upland in west; Baku lies on Aspheson

       Peninsula that juts into Caspian Sea

       Natural resources:

       petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, nonferrous metals, alumina

       Land use:

       NA% arable land; NA% permanent crops; NA% meadows and pastures; NA% forest

       and woodland; NA% other; includes 70% of cultivated land irrigated (1.2

       million hectares)


       local scientists consider Apsheron Peninsula, including Baku and Sumgait,

       and the Caspian Sea to be "most ecologically devastated area in the world"

       because of severe air and water pollution


       landlocked; major polluters are oil, gas, and chemical industries

      :Azerbaijan People


       7,450,787 (July 1992), growth rate 1.6% (1992)

       Birth rate:

       26 births/1,000 population (1992)

       Death rate:

       7 deaths/1,000 population (1992)

       Net migration rate:

       —3 migrants/1,000 population (1992)

       Infant mortality rate:

       45 deaths/1,000 live births (1992)

       Life expectancy at birth:

       65 years male, 73 years female (1992)

       Total fertility rate:

       2.9 children born/woman (1992)


       noun - Azerbaijani(s); adjective - Azerbaijani

       Ethnic divisions:

       Azeri 82.7%, Russian 5.6%, Armenian 5.6%, Daghestanis 3.2%, other 2.9%; note

       - Armenian share may be less than 5.6% because many Armenians have fled the

       ethnic violence since 1989 census


       Moslem 87%, Russian Orthodox 5.6%, Armenian Orthodox 5.6%, other 1.8%


       Azeri 82%, Russian 7%, Armenian 5%, other 6%


       NA% (male NA%, female NA%) age 15 and over can read and write (1992 est.)

       Labor force:

       2,789,000; agriculture and forestry 32%, industry and construction 26%,

       other 42% (1990)

       Organized labor:

       NA (1992)

      :Azerbaijan Government

      Long-form name:

       Azerbaijani Republic; short-form name: Azerbaijan




       Baku (Baky)

       Administrative divisions:

       1 autonomous republic (avtomnaya respublika), Nakhichevan' (administrative

       center at Nakhichevan'); note - all rayons except for the exclave of

       Nakhichevan' are under direct republic jurisdiction;1 autonomous oblast,

       Nagorno-Karabakh (officially abolished by Azerbaijani Supreme Soviet on 26

       November 1991) has declared itself Nagorno-Karabakh Republic


       28 May 1918; on 28 April 1920, Azerbaijan became the Soviet Socialist

       Republic of Azerbaijan; on 30 April 1992 it became the Azerbaijani Republic;

       independence declared 30 August 1991


       adopted NA April 1978

       Legal system:

       based on civil law system

       National holiday:


       Executive branch:

       president, Council of Ministers

       Legislative branch:

       National Parliament (Milli Majlis) was formed on the basis of the National

       Council (Milli Shura)

       Judicial branch:

       Supreme Court


       Chief of State:

       President-elect Ebulfez ELCIBEY (since 7 June 1992)

       Head of Government:

       Prime Minister Rahim GUSEYNOV (since 14 May 1992)

       Political parties and leaders:



       universal at age 18


       National Parliament:

       last held NA September 1990 (next expected to be held late 1992); results -

       seats - (360 total) Communists 280, Democratic Bloc 45 (grouping of

       opposition parties), other 15, vacant 20; note - these figures are



       held 8 September 1991 (next to be held 7 June 1992); results - Ebulfez

       ELCIBEY (6,390 unofficial)

       Other political or pressure groups:

       Self-proclaimed Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh

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