The 1992 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1992 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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       wheel-type earthmovers for construction and mining (100%); eight-

       wheel-drive, high-flotation trucks with cargo capacity of 25 metric tons for

       use in tundra and roadless areas (100%); equipment for animal husbandry and

       livestock feeding (25%); motorcycles (21.3%); television sets (11%);

       chemical fibers (28%); fertilizer (18%); linen fabric (11%); wool fabric

       (7%); radios; refrigerators; and other consumer goods


       accounts for 5.7% of total agricultural output of former Soviet Union;

       employs 29% of the labor force; in 1988 produced the following (in percent

       of total Soviet production): grain (3.6%), potatoes (12.2%), vegetables

       (3.0%), meat (6.0%), milk (7.0%); net exporter of meat, milk, eggs, flour,

       and potatoes

       Illicit drugs:

       illicit producer of opium mostly for the domestic market; transshipment

       point for illicit drugs to Western Europe

       Economic aid:



       as of May 1992, retaining ruble as currency

       Exchange rates:


       Fiscal year:

       calendar year

      :Belarus Communications


       5,570 km (includes NA km electrified); does not include industrial lines



       98,200 km total (1990); 66,100 km hard surfaced, 32,100 km earth

       Inland waterways:

       NA km




       none - landlocked

       Merchant marine:

       none - landlocked

       Civil air:

       NA major transport aircraft




       telephone network has 1.7 million lines, 15% of which are switched

       automatically; Minsk has 450,000 lines; telephone density is approximately

       17 per 100 persons; as of 31 January 1990, 721,000 applications from

       households for telephones were still unsatisfied; international connections

       to other former Soviet republics are by landline or microwave and to other

       countries by leased connection through the Moscow international gateway


      :Belarus Defense Forces


       Republic Security Forces (internal and border troops); CIS Forces (Ground,

       Air, Air Defense, Strategic Rocket)

       Manpower availability:

       males 15-49, NA; NA fit for military service; NA reach military age (18)


       Defense expenditures:

       $NA, NA% of GDP

      :Belgium Geography

      Total area:

       30,510 km2

       Land area:

       30,230 km2

       Comparative area:

       slightly larger than Maryland

       Land boundaries:

       1,385 km total; France 620 km, Germany 167 km, Luxembourg 148 km,

       Netherlands 450 km


       64 km

       Maritime claims:

       Continental shelf:

       not specific

       Exclusive fishing zone:

       equidistant line with neighbors (extends about 68 km from coast)

       Territorial sea:

       12 nm




       temperate; mild winters, cool summers; rainy, humid, cloudy


       flat coastal plains in northwest, central rolling hills, rugged mountains of

       Ardennes Forest in southeast

       Natural resources:

       coal, natural gas

       Land use:

       arable land 24%; permanent crops 1%; meadows and pastures 20%; forest and

       woodland 21%; other 34%, includes irrigated NEGL%


       air and water pollution


       majority of West European capitals within 1,000 km of Brussels; crossroads

       of Western Europe; Brussels is the seat of the EC

      :Belgium People


       10,016,623 (July 1992), growth rate 0.3% (1992)

       Birth rate:

       12 births/1,000 population (1992)

       Death rate:

       10 deaths/1,000 population (1992)


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