The 1992 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1992 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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Net migration rate:

       1 migrant/1,000 population (1992)

       Infant mortality rate:

       8 deaths/1,000 live births (1992)

       Life expectancy at birth:

       73 years male, 80 years female (1992)

       Total fertility rate:

       1.6 children born/woman (1992)


       noun - Belgian(s); adjective - Belgian

       Ethnic divisions:

       Fleming 55%, Walloon 33%, mixed or other 12%


       Roman Catholic 75%, remainder Protestant or other


       Flemish (Dutch) 56%, French 32%, German 1%; legally bilingual 11%; divided

       along ethnic lines


       99% (male 99%, female 99%) age 15 and over can read and write (1980 est.)

       Labor force:

       4,126,000; services 63.6%, industry 28%, construction 6.1%, agriculture 2.3%


       Organized labor:

       70% of labor force

      :Belgium Government

      Long-form name:

       Kingdom of Belgium


       constitutional monarchy



       Administrative divisions:

       9 provinces (French - provinces, singular - province; Flemish - provincien,

       singular - provincie); Antwerpen, Brabant, Hainaut, Liege, Limburg,

       Luxembourg, Namur, Oost-Vlaanderen, West-Vlaanderen


       4 October 1830 (from the Netherlands)


       7 February 1831, last revised 8-9 August 1980; the government is in the

       process of revising the Constitution with the aim of federalizing the

       Belgian state

       Legal system:

       civil law system influenced by English constitutional theory; judicial

       review of legislative acts; accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction, with


       National holiday:

       National Day, 21 July (ascension of King Leopold to the throne in 1831)

       Executive branch:

       monarch, prime minister, three deputy prime ministers, Cabinet

       Legislative branch:

       bicameral Parliament consists of an upper chamber or Senate (Flemish -

       Senaat, French - Senat) and a lower chamber or Chamber of Representatives

       (Flemish - Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers, French - Chambre des


       Judicial branch:

       Supreme Court of Justice (Flemish - Hof van Cassatie, French - Cour de



       Chief of State:

       King BAUDOUIN I (since 17 July 1951); Heir Apparent Prince ALBERT of Liege

       (brother of the King; born 6 June 1934)

       Head of Government:

       Prime Minister Jean-Luc DEHAENE (since 6 March 1992)

       Political parties and leaders:

       Flemish Social Christian (CVP), Herman van ROMPUY, president; Walloon Social

       Christian (PSC) , Gerard DEPREZ, president; Flemish Socialist (SP), Frank

       VANDENBROUCKE, president; Walloon Socialist (PS), NA; Flemish Liberal (PVV),

       Guy VERHOF STADT, president; Walloon Liberal (PRL), Antoine DUQUESNE,

       president; Francophone Democratic Front (FDF), Georges CLERFAYT, president;

       Volksunie (VU), Jaak GABRIELS, president; Communist Party (PCB), Louis van

       GEYT, president; Vlaams Blok (VB), Karel DILLEN, chairman; ROSSEM, Jean

       Pierre VAN ROSSEM; National Front (FN), Werner van STEEN; Live Differently

       (AGALEV), Leo COX; Ecologist (ECOLO), NA; other minor parties


       universal and compulsory at age 18


       Chamber of Representatives:

       last held 24 November 1991 (next to be held by November 1996); results -

       percent of vote by party NA; seats - (212 total) number of seats by party NA


       last held 24 November 1991 (next to be held by November 1996); results -

       percent of vote by party NA; seats - (106 total) number of seats by party NA

      :Belgium Government

      Other political or pressure groups:

       Christian and Socialist Trade Unions; Federation of Belgian Industries;

       numerous other associations representing bankers, manufacturers,

       middle-class artisans, and the legal and medical professions; various

       organizations represent the cultural interests of Flanders and Wallonia;

       various peace groups such as the Flemish Action Committee Against Nuclear

       Weapons and Pax Christi

       Member of:

       ACCT, AfDB, AG, AsDB, Benelux, BIS, CCC, CE, CERN, COCOM, CSCE, EBRD, EC,


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