The 1992 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1992 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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unable to prevent production from rising to 78,400 metric tons in 1991 from

       74,700 tons in 1989; government considers all but 12,000 hectares illicit;

       intermediate coca products and cocaine exported to or through Colombia and

       Brazil to the US and other international drug markets

      :Bolivia Economy

      Economic aid:

       US commitments, including Ex-Im (FY70-89), $990 million; Western (non-US)

       countries, ODA and OOF bilateral commitments (1970-89), $2,025 million;

       Communist countries (1970-89), $340 million


       boliviano (plural - bolivianos); 1 boliviano ($B) = 100 centavos

       Exchange rates:

       bolivianos ($B) per US$1 - 3.7534 (January 1992), 3.5806 (1991), 3.1727

       (1990), 2.6917 (1989), 2.3502 (1988), 2.0549 (1987)

       Fiscal year:

       calendar year

      :Bolivia Communications


       3,684 km total, all narrow gauge; 3,652 km 1.000-meter gauge and 32 km

       0.760-meter gauge, all government owned, single track


       38,836 km total; 1,300 km paved, 6,700 km gravel, 30,836 km improved and

       unimproved earth

       Inland waterways:

       10,000 km of commercially navigable waterways


       crude oil 1,800 km; petroleum products 580 km; natural gas 1,495 km


       none; maritime outlets are Arica and Antofagasta in Chile, Matarani and Ilo

       in Peru

       Merchant marine:

       2 cargo and 1 container ships (1,000 GRT or over) totaling 16,951 GRT/26,320


       Civil air:

       56 major transport aircraft


       1,105 total, 943 usable; 9 with permanent-surface runways; 2 with runways

       over 3,659 m; 7 with runways 2,440-3,659 m; 146 with runways 1,220-2,439 m


       radio relay system being expanded; improved international services; 144,300

       telephones; broadcast stations - 129 AM, no FM, 43 TV, 68 shortwave; 1

       Atlantic Ocean INTELSAT earth station

      :Bolivia Defense Forces


       Army, Navy (including Marines), Air Force, National Police Force

       Manpower availability:

       males 15-49, 1,727,101; 1,122,224 fit for military service; 72,977 reach

       military age (18) annually

       Defense expenditures:

       exchange rate conversion - $80 million, 1.6% of GDP (1990 est).

      :Bosnia and Herzegovina Geography

      Total area:

       51,233 km2

       Land area:

       51,233 km2

       Comparative area:

       slightly larger than Tennessee

       Land boundaries:

       1,369 km; Croatia (northwest) 751 km, Croatia (south) 91 km, Serbia and

       Montenegro 527 km


       20 km

       Maritime claims:

       Contiguous zone:

       NA nm

       Continental shelf:

       20-meter depth

       Exclusive economic zone:

       12 nm

       Exclusive fishing zone:

       12 nm

       Territorial sea:

       12 nm


       Serbia and Croatia seek to cantonize Bosnia and Herzegovina; Muslim majority

       being forced from many areas


       hot summers and cold winters; areas of high elevation have short, cool

       summers and long, severe winters; mild, rainy winters along coast


       mountains and valleys

       Natural resources:

       coal, iron, bauxite, manganese, timber, wood products, copper, chromium,

       lead, zinc

       Land use:

       20% arable land; 2% permanent crops; 25% meadows and pastures; 36% forest

       and woodland; 16% other; includes 1% irrigated


       air pollution from metallurgical plants; water scarce; sites for disposing

       of urban waste are limited; subject to frequent and destructive earthquakes


       Controls large percentage of important land routes from Western Europe to

       Aegean Sea and Turkish Straits

      :Bosnia and Herzegovina People


       4,364,000 (July 1991), growth rate 0.5% (1991)

       Birth rate:

       14.5 births/1,000 population (1991)


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