The 1992 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1992 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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$NA million (19__)


       $2,054 million (1990)


       manufactured goods (31%), machinery and transport equipment (20.8%), raw

       materials (18%), miscellaneous manufactured articles (17.3%), chemicals

       (9.4%), fuel and lubricants (1.4%), food and live animals (1.2%)


       principally the other former Yugoslav republics


       $1,891 million (1990)


       fuels and lubricants (32%), machinery and transport equipment (23.3%), other

       manufactures (21.3%), chemicals (10%), raw materials (6.7%), food and live

       animals (5.5%), beverages and tobacco (1.9%)


       principally the other former Yugoslav republics

       External debt:


       Industrial production:

       sharply down because of interethnic and interrepublic warfare (1991-92)


       14,400 million kW capacity; NA million kWh produced, 3,303 kWh per capita



       steel production, mining (coal, iron ore, lead, zinc, manganese, and

       bauxite), manufacturing (vehicle assembly, textiles, tobacco products,

       wooden furniture, 40% of former Yugoslavia's armaments including tank and

       aircraft assembly, domestic appliances), oil refining

      :Bosnia and Herzegovina Economy


       accounted for 8.6% of national income in 1989; regularly produces less than

       50% of food needs; the foothills of northern Bosnia support orchards,

       vineyards, livestock, and some wheat and corn; long winters and heavy

       precipitation leach soil fertility reducing agricultural output in the

       mountains; farms are mostly privately held, small, and not very productive

       Illicit drugs:


       Economic aid:

       US commitments, including Ex-Im (FY70-87), $NA billion; Western (non-US)

       countries, ODA and OOF bilateral commitments (1970-86), $NA million;

       Communist countries (1971-86), $NA million


       none; note - Croatian dinar used in ethnic Croat areas, Yugoslav dinar used

       in all other areas

       Exchange rates:


       Fiscal year:

       calendar year

      :Bosnia and Herzegovina Communications


       NA km all 1.000-meter gauge (includes NA km electrified)


       21,168 km total (1991); 11,436 km paved, 8,146 km gravel, 1,586 km earth

       Inland waterways:

       NA km perennially navigable


       crude oil 174 km, petroleum products NA km, natural gas NA km


       maritime - none; inland - Bosanski Brod

       Merchant marine:

       NA ships (1,000 GRT or over) totaling NA GRT/NA DWT; includes NA cargo, NA

       container, NA liquefied gas, NA petroleum tanker

       Civil air:

       NA major transport aircraft


       2 main, NA usable; NA with permanent-surface runways; NA with runways over

       3,659 m; NA with runways 2,440-3,659 m; NA with runways 1,220-2,439 m


       Bosnia's telephone and telegraph network is in need of modernization and

       expansion, many urban areas being below average compared with services in

       other former Yugoslav republics; 727,000 telephones; broadcast stations - 9

       AM, 2 FM, 6 (0 repeaters) TV; 840,000 radios; 1,012,094 TVs; NA submarine

       coaxial cables; satellite ground stations - none

      :Bosnia and Herzegovina Defense Forces


       Territorial Defense Force

       Manpower availability:

       males 15-49, NA; NA fit for military service; 39,000 reach military age (18)


       Defense expenditures:

       $NA, NA% of GDP

      :Botswana Geography

      Total area:

       600,370 km2

       Land area:

       585, 370 km2

       Comparative area:

       slightly smaller than Texas

       Land boundaries:

       4,013 km; Namibia 1,360 km, South Africa 1,840 km, Zimbabwe 813 km


       none - landlocked

       Maritime claims:

       none - landlocked





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