Modern Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics 3. Группа авторов
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Series Editor
Noël Challamel
Modern Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics 3
Non-deterministic Mechanics
Edited by
Noël Challamel
Julius Kaplunov
Izuru Takewaki
First published 2021 in Great Britain and the United States by ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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© ISTE Ltd 2021
The rights of Noël Challamel, Julius Kaplunov and Izuru Takewaki to be identified as the authors of this work have been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2020952868
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 978-1-78630-718-7
Short Bibliographical Presentation of Prof. Isaac Elishakoff
This book is dedicated to Prof. Isaac Elishakoff by his colleagues, friends and former students, on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday.
Figure P.1. Prof. Isaac Elishakoff
Prof. Isaac Elishakoff is an international leading authority across a broad area of structural mechanics, including dynamics and stability, optimization and antioptimization, probabilistic methods, analysis of structures with uncertainty, refined theories, functionally graded material structures, and nanostructures. He was born in Kutaisi, Republic of Georgia, on February 9, 1944.
Figure P.2. Elishakoff in middle school in the city of Sukhumi, Georgia
Elishakoff holds a PhD in Dynamics and Strength of Machines from the Power Engineering Institute and Technical University in Moscow, Russia (Figure P.4 depicts the PhD defense of Prof. Isaac Elishakoff).
Figure P.3. Elishakoff just before acceptance to university. Photo taken in Sukhumi, Georgia
Figure P.4. Public PhD defense, Moscow Power Engineering Institute and State University; topic “Vibrational and Acoustical Fields in the Circular Cylindrical Shells Excited by Random Loadings”, and dedicated to the evaluation of noise levels in TU-144 supersonic aircraft
His supervisor was Prof. V. V. Bolotin (1926–2008), a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Figure P.5 shows Elishakoff with Bolotin some years later).
Figure P.5. Elishakoff with Bolotin (middle), member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Prof. Yukweng (Mike) Lin (left), member of the US National Academy of Engineering. Photo taken at Florida Atlantic University during a visit from Bolotin
Currently, Elishakoff is a Distinguished Research Professor in the Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering at Florida Atlantic University. Before joining the university, he taught for one year at Abkhazian University, Sukhumi in the Republic of Georgia, and 18 years at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, where he became the youngest full professor at the time of his promotion (Figure P.6 shows Elishakoff presenting a book to Prof. Josef Singer, Technion’s former president).
Figure P.6. Prof. Elishakoff presenting a book to Prof. J. Singer, Technion’s President; right: Prof. A. Libai, Aerospace Engineering Department, Technion
Elishakoff has