Modern Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics 3. Группа авторов
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Prof. Elishakoff has made vital and outstanding contributions in a number of areas in structural mechanics. In particular, he has analyzed random vibrations of homogeneous and composite beams, plates and shells, with special emphasis on the effects of refinements in structural theories and cross-correlations. Free structural vibrations have been tackled using a non-trivial generalization of Bolotin’s dynamic edge effect method. Nonlinear buckling has been investigated using a novel method, incorporating experimental analysis of imperfections. As a result, the fundamental concept of closing the gap – spanning the entire 20th century – between theory and practice in imperfection-sensitive structures has been proposed. Novel methods of evaluating structural reliability have been proposed, taking into account the error associated with various low-order approximations, as well as human error; innovative generalization of the stochastic linearization method has been advanced. A non-probabilistic theory for treating uncertainty in structural mechanics has been established. Dynamic stability of elastic and viscoelastic structures with imperfections has been studied. An improved, non-perturbative stochastic finite element method for structures has been developed. The list of Elishakoff’s remarkable research achievements goes on.
His research has been acknowledged by many awards and prizes. He is a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, a Fellow of the American Academy of Mechanics and ASME, and a Foreign Member of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences. Elishakoff is also a recipient of the Bathsheva de Rothschild prize (1973) and the Worcester Reed Warner Medal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2016).
Figure P.7. Elishakoff having received the William B. Johnson Inter- Professional Founders Award
Elishakoff is directly involved in numerous editorial activities. He serves as the book review editor of the “Journal of Shock and Vibration” and is currently, or has previously been an associate editor of the International Journal of Mechanics of Machines and Structures, Applied Mechanics Reviews, and Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. In addition, he is or has been on the editorial boards of numerous journals, for example Journal of Sound and Vibration, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, International Applied Mechanics and Computers & Structures. He also acts as a book series editor for Elsevier, Springer and Wiley.
Figure P.8. Inauguration as the Frank Freimann Visiting Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering; left: Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, President of the University of Notre Dame; right: Prof. Timothy O’Meara, Provost
Prof. Elishakoff has held prestigious visiting positions at top universities all over the world. Among them are Stanford University (S. P. Timoshenko Scholar); University of Notre Dame, USA (Frank M. Freimann Chair Professorship of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering and Henry J. Massman, Jr. Chair Professorship of Civil Engineering); University of Palermo, Italy (Visiting Castigliano Distinguished Professor); Delft University of Technology, Netherlands (multiple appointments, including the W. T. Koiter Chair Professorship of the Mechanical Engineering Department – see Figure P.9); Universities of Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan (Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science); Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, People’s Republic of China (Visiting Eminent Scholar); Technion, Haifa, Israel (Visiting Distinguished Professor); University of Southampton, UK (Distinguished Visiting Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering).
Figure P.9. Prof. Elishakoff with Prof. Warner Tjardus Koiter, Delft University of Technology (center), and Dr. V. Grishchak, of Ukraine (right)
Figure P.10. Elishakoff and his colleagues during the AIAA SDM Conference at Palm Springs, California in 2004; Standing, from right to left, are Prof. Elishakoff, the late Prof. Josef Singer and Dr. Giora Maymon of RAFAEL. Sitting is the late Prof. Avinoam Libai
Elishakoff has made a substantial contribution to conference organization. In particular, he participated in the organization of the Euro-Mech Colloquium on “Refined Dynamical Theories of Beams, Plates and Shells, and Their Applications” in Kassel, Germany (1986); the Second International Conference on Stochastic Structural Dynamics, in Boca Raton, USA (1990); “International Conference on Uncertain Structures” in Miami, USA and Western Caribbean (1996). He also coordinated four special courses at the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM), in Udine, Italy (1997, 2001, 2005, 2011).
Prof. Elishakoff has published over 540 original papers in leading journals and conference proceedings. He championed authoring, co-authoring or editing of 31 influential and extremely well-received books and edited volumes.
Here follows some praise of his work and books:
– “It was not until 1979, when Elishakoff published his reliability study … that a method has been proposed, which made it possible to introduce the results of imperfection surveys … into the analysis …” (Prof. Johann Arbocz, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung).
– “He has achieved world renown … His research is characterized by its originality and a combination of mathematical maturity and physical understanding which is reminiscent of von Kármán …” (Prof. Charles W. Bert, University of Oklahoma).
– “It is clear that Elishakoff is a world leader in his field … His outstanding reputation is very well deserved …” (Prof. Bernard Budiansky, Harvard University).
– “Professor Isaac Elishakoff … is subject-wise very much an all-round vibrationalist” (P. E. Doak, Editor in Chief, Journal of Sound and Vibration, University of Southampton, UK).
– “This is a beautiful book …” (Dr. Stephen H. Crandall, Ford Professor of Engineering, M.I.T.).
– “Das Buch ist in seiner Aufmachunghervorragendgestaltet und kannalsäusserstwertvolleErganzung … wäzmstensempfohlenwerden …” [The book’s appearance is perfectly designed and can be highly recommended as a valuable addition.] (Prof. Horst Försching, Institute of Aeroelasticity, Federal Republic of Germany, Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung).
– “Because of you, Notre Dame is an even better place, a more distinguished University” (Prof. Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, President, University of Notre Dame).
– “It is an impressive volume …” (Prof. Warner T. Koiter, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands).
– “This extremely well-written text, authored by one of the leaders in the field, incorporates many of these new applications … Professor Elishakoff’s techniques for developing the material are accomplished in a way that illustrates his deep insight into the topic as well as his expertise as an educator … Clearly, the second half of the text provides the basis for an excellent