Quick Flora Mallorca. Horst Mehlhorn

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Quick Flora Mallorca - Horst Mehlhorn

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lanceolate/petals 8-11mm/calyx with glands/Menorca

      Hypericum balearicum* Balearic St. John’s-wort (Hypericaceae) Shrub/twigs 4-angled/ leaves ovate-oblong/leaf edge wavy/flowers 15-40 mm/oak forest-olive tree plantations/ Jan-Dec

      Hypericum hircinum* Stinking Tutsan (Hypericaceae) Shrub/leaves narrowly lanceolate to oval/flowers 25-30 mm/wet places in the mountains/May-Sep

      Hypericum perfoliatum (Hypericaceae) Annual/leaves lanceolate/flowers 16-26 mm/calyx with glands/fields-road sides/May-June

      Hypericum perforatum Perforate St. John’s-wort (Hypericaceae) Annual/leaves oval to linear/flowers 2-3 cm/waste land/May-July

      Hypericum tomentosum (Hypericaceae) Hairy annual/leaves ovate/flowers 10-22 mm/ wet places/Apr-Sep

      Hypericum triquetrifolium Crisped St. John’s-wort (Hypericaceae) Annual with wavy leaves/leaves triangular-lanceolate/flowers 10-20 mm/garigues-fields-waste land/ Menorca/Mar-Oct

      Lampranthus multiradiatus (Aizoaceae) Shrub with sessile leaves/leaves 3-angled/ flowers 24-30 mm/garden plant/Apr-May

      Picris echioides Bristly Ox-tongue (Compositae) Hairy annual/multi-flowered/bracts hairy and in multiple rows/flowers up to 20-25 mm/waste land-road sides/May-Sep

      Sagina apetala Annual Pearlwort (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves acutely spined or tipped (magnifying glass)/flowers 2-4 mm/calcareous fields-walls-rocky soils/Apr-May

      Sagina maritima Sea Pearlwort (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves linear-lanceolate/ flowers 4-6 mm/dunes-calcareous fields-beaches/Apr-May

      Vincetoxicum hirundinaria (Asclepiadaceae) Winding plant/leaves cordate-ovate/flowers 5-10 mm/in groups of 6-8/grassland/May-July

      Narrow-leaved Mock Privet Phillyrea angustifolia (Oleaceae)

Flowers small
1A-Aquatic plant
2A-With floating leavesPotamogeton natans
2B-Only with submerged leavesPotamogeton pusillus
2A-Leaves flat and stalkedHalimione portulacoides
2B-Leaves scale-like/stem fleshy
3A-Seeds blackArthrocnemum macrostachyum
3B-Seeds grey or brown
4A-With stems below groundSarcocornia perennis (16)
4B-Without stems below groundSarcocornia fruticosa
2A-Leaves fleshySalicornia ramosissima
2B-Leaves different
3A-Leaves stalkedSpinacia oleraceae
3B-Leaves sessileHerniaria hirsuta

      Arthrocnemum macrostachyum (Chenopodiaceae) Shrub/leaves succulent + in scales/ flowers small/rocky coastlines-marshland/Apr-Sep

      Halimione portulacoides Sea Purslane (Chenopodiaceae) Small silvery shrub/lower leaves cordate/rocky coastlines-marshland/July-Oct

      Herniaria hirsuta Hairy Rupture-wort (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/leaves elliptical/ flower 1-2 mm/calyx densely hairy/2-5 stamens/dry places/Apr-June

      Potamogeton natans Broad-leaved Pondweed (Potamogetonaceae) Aquatic plant with leaves on the water surface

      Potamogeton pusillus Lesser Pondweed (Potamogetonaceae) Aquatic plant without leaves on the water surface

      Salicornia ramosissima Wood Glasswort (Chenopodiaceae) Dwarf shrub/leaves succulent flowers small + with yellow stamens/marshland/Aug-Oct

      Sarcocornia fruticosa (Chenopodiaceae) Dwarf shrub/stem whitish/leaves succulent/ rocky coastlines-marshland/June-Sep

      Sarcocornia perennis Shrubby Glasswort (Chenopodiaceae) Mat forming dwarf shrub/ leaves succulent/marshland/June-Sep

      Spinacia oleraceae Spinach (Chenopodiaceae) Annual/calyx with 4-5 parts/4-5 stamens/ crop plant

2-4 petals
1A-Aquatic plant
2A-With floating leavesPotamogeton natans
2B-Only with submerged leavesPotamogeton pusillus
1B-Land plant
2A-Leaves not fleshy
3A-Stem not woodySalicornia ramosissima
3B-Stem woody
4A-With stems below groundSarcocornia perennis (16)
4B-Without stems below groundSarcocornia fruticosa
2B-Leaves fleshy
3A-Leaves sessile
4A-Leaves linear or lanceolateEuphorbia falcata
4B-Leaves obovateEuphorbia peplus (71)
3B-Leaves with stalks
4A-Twigs hairyPhillyrea latifolia
4B-Twigs hairlessPhillyrea angustifolia (p. 40)
5 petals
1A-Leaves sessile
2A-Sepals of the flower fusedSilene apetala
2B-Sepals of the flower separatedLoeflingia hispanica
1B-Leaves with stalks
2A-Flowers with 5 stamensMoehringia pentandra
2B-Flowers with 15 stamensTetragonia tetragonoides
Flowers different
1A-Stem hairy aboveEuphorbia prostrata
1B-Stem without hairs
2A-Leaves with stipulesEuphorbia peplis
2B-Leaves without stipulesEuphorbia lathyris

      Euphorbia falcata (Euphorbiaceae) Herb with latex/leaves linear or lanceolate/capsule without wings/fields/May-Sep

      Euphorbia lathyris Caper (Euphorbiaceae) Herb with latex/leaves linear/inflorescence with 2-6 rays/Apr-July

      Euphorbia peplis Purple Spurge (Euphorbiaceae) Herb with latex/leaves not irregular and with stipules/beaches/June-Sep

      Euphorbia peplus Petty Spurge (Euphorbiaceae) Annual with latex/leaves obovate/fieldsroad sides/May-Oct

      Euphorbia prostrata (Euphorbiaceae) Herb with latex/stem hairy above/leaves oblong/ fields-road sides/May-July

      Loeflingia hispanica Loeflingia (Caryophyllaceae) Annual with glandular hairs/leaves linear/flowers 3-4 mm/3 stamens/beaches/Ibiza/Mar-June

      Moehringia pentandra Moehringia (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/stem hairy/leaves ovate/ flowers 4-8 mm/flower only

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