Quick Flora Mallorca. Horst Mehlhorn
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Anagallis arvensis Scarlet Pimpernel (Primulaceae) Annual/stem 4-angled/leaves acutely ovate/flowers 4-7 mm/fields-road sides/Apr-May
Anagallis tenella Bog Pimpernel (Primulaceae) Hairless annual/stem 4-angled/leaves rounded/flowers 6-10 mm/marshland/Apr-Sep
Centaurium bianoris* (Gentiananceae) Annual/leaves sessile/flowers 11-18 mm/ calcareous fields/Apr-June
Centaurium erythraea Common Centaury (Gentianaceae) Annual/lower leaves obovate, stem leaves oblong to narrowly ovate/flowers 9-15 mm/fields-rocky coastlines-garigues pine forest-macchia-marshland/Apr-Aug
Centaurium pulchellum Lesser Centaury (Gentianaceae) Branched annual/leaves ovatelanceolate/flowers 5-9 mm/fields-rocky coastlines-beaches/Apr-May
Drosanthemum floribundum (Aizoaceae) Dwarf shrub to 15 cm/leaves almost cylindrical flowers 10-25 mm/many stamens/with transparent/papillae/rocky coastlines/Mar-June
Frankenia hirsuta (Frankeniaceae) Plant with terminal flowers/leaves rolled in/petals 4-6 mm/rocky coastlines/Apr-May
Frankenia laevis Sea-heath (Frankeniaceae) Plant with leaves in whorls/petals 4-6 mm/ rocky coastlines/Apr-May
Gypsophila pilosa Gypsophila (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves linear to lanceolate/ flowers 6-8 mm/petals lobed/2 styles or stigmas/calyx with papery joints
Lampranthus multiradiatus (Aizoaceae) Shrub/leaves 3-angled/flowers 24-30 mm/many stamens/garden plant/Apr-May
Lampranthus roseus (Aizoaceae) Dwarf shrub to 15 cm/leaves 3-angled/flowers 3-4 cm/ many stamens/without transparent papillae/garden plant/Apr-May
Micromeria microphylla* (Lamiaceae) Dwarf shrub/flowers 5-8 mm/leaves in pairs/ leaves and bracts oval or triangular/fields-rock crevices-walls-road sides/May-June
Micromeria nervosa (Lamiaceae) Dwarf shrub/leaves acutely ovate/flowers 4-6 mm/upper leaves or bracts linear-lanceolate/garigues-pine forest/Apr-June
Nerium oleander Oleander (Apocynaceae) Shrub/leaves oblong lanceolate/flowers > 3 cm marshland-garden plant/May-June
Petrorhagia dubia (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/stem hairy/leaf sheath > 2x as long as wide/ flowers 2-3 mm/2 styles or stigmas/calyx with veins/calyx tubes with papery joints
Petrorhagia nanteuilii Childling Pink (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/flower with 2 styles or stigmas/stem partly with glandular hairs/leaf sheath < 2x as long as wide/calyx with veins/calyx tubes with papery joints/fields-roadsides/May-June
Polygala nicaeensis Nice Milkwort (Polygalaceae) Plant woody below/lower leaves obovate-lanceolate, upper leaves linear-lanceolate/flowers 8-11 mm/flowers in terminal inflorescences and with 8 stamens/garigues-macchia-forests/Formentera/Apr-July