Algorithms in Bioinformatics. Paul A. Gagniuc

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Algorithms in Bioinformatics - Paul A. Gagniuc

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Prokaryotes (Mb) Plasmids (Mb) Organelles (Mb) Viruses (Mb) AV 433.92 3.74 0.11 0.07 0.04 SD ±1160.87 ±1.81 ±0.23 ±0.39 ±0.43 Average GC% content Eukaryotes (%) Prokaryotes (%) Plasmids (%) Organelles (%) Viruses (%) AV 41.92 48.72 45.91 36.05 45.34 SD ±10.90 ±11.87 ±11.32 ±7.92 ±9.27 Samples Total 12 039 252 029 21 801 16 388 38 431

      The table shows the average genome size and the average GC% content in: Eukaryotes, prokaryotes, plasmids, organelles, and viruses (eukaryotic and prokaryotic). Note that smaller standard deviation (SD) values indicate that more of the data are clustered about the mean while a larger SD value indicates the data are more spread out (larger variation in the data). The unit of length for DNA is shown in mega bases (Mb). For instance, DNA fragments equal to 1 million nucleotides (1 000 000 b) are 1 mega base in length (1 Mb) or 1000 kilo bases (1000 kb) in length. The last row (samples) indicates how many sequenced genomes have been used for these computations.

      2.3.4 Observations on Data

      Eukaryotic organisms show an average genome size of 434 Mb and prokaryotic organisms show an average genome size of 3.7 Mb. DNA-containing organelles (70 kb) and viruses (40 kb) show mildly close values for the average genome size. On the other hand, plasmids (110 kb) contain almost twice as much genetic material when compared to the average genome size of organelles and viruses. Out of curiosity, a calculation can be made here on the reductive evolution of organelles. Considering the ancestry of the organelles, the average genome of prokaryotes (3.74 Mb) was taken as the reference system in this approach:

equation equation

      where REv represents the reduction of the AOG since first endosymbiosis occurred (2 billion – 1.5 billion years ago). Thus, during this period, the AOG underwent a reductive evolution of 98%. Note that genomes fluctuate in size over long periods of time and the reductive evolution is not necessarily a “one-way street” [181]. The average GC% content was also calculated. The average GC% shows a fairly large difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Plasmids and viruses show a close GC% average of ∼ 45% (Table 2.1).

      The archaeal genomes show an average size and a GC% much lower than what it was observed in bacterial genomes (Table 2.2). The same computations were made for DNA-containing organelles, plasmids, and viruses, and the results will be discussed further.

Archaea Bacteria
Prokaryotes Size (Mb) GC% Size (Mb) GC%
AV 2.56 47.18 4.03 49.58
SD ±0.98 ±11.55 ±1.79 ±12.57

      The table shows the average genome size and the average GC% content in bacteria and archaea. Note that the unit of length for DNA is shown in mega bases (Mb). For instance, DNA fragments equal to 1 million nucleotides (1 000 000 b) are 1 mega base in length (1 Mb) or 1000 kilo bases (1000 kb) in length.

      Depending on the species, both chloroplasts and mitochondria have evolved slightly differently, however, sometimes even radically different by accelerated reductive evolution (e.g. hydrogenosomes). Many known membrane-bound organelles are derived from either cyanobacteria or proteobacteria lineages. Nonetheless, there are organelles that show a more recent history, different from that of chloroplasts or mitochondria. One such organelle is the chromatophore. About chromatophores and other plastid-like or mitochondria-like organelles,

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