A Feminist Urban Theory for Our Time. Группа авторов

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A Feminist Urban Theory for Our Time - Группа авторов

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focuses on the Catalan activist network la Alianza Contra la Pobreza Energética (the Alliance Against Energy Poverty, APE). He demonstrates that APE’s feminist urban praxis is ‘premised upon the creation of more caring and collectivized modalities of social reproduction’ for those who do not have access to vital infrastructures, such as gas, electricity, and water, for their survival. Angel’s analysis illuminates how social reproductive labour and people as infrastructure become intimately entangled during the processes of reproducing the urban and life within it, thereby providing us with the ethnographic details of a social ontology of the urban in Catalonia.

      Meera Karunananthan (Chapter 7) also focuses on struggles over the infrastructures of social reproduction, through an account of the feminist network Solidaritas Perempuan’s campaign for the right to water in Jakarta, Indonesia. Through an intersectional feminist approach, Karunananthan examines the ways in which human rights discourse might be employed to make visible urban poor women’s social reproductive struggle with privatized drinking water systems. Moreover, Karunananthan elaborates on how the right to water activism might help to recast the Trotskyite transitional programme in a feminist manner to recuperate subaltern women’s revolutionary subjectivity and expertise, which, she argues, is often unnoticed by the male leadership in established leftist groups. Karunananthan demonstrates that through the demands of collectivizing social reproduction in relation to urban water infrastructures, feminist activists of Solidaritas Perempuan Jakarta (SPJ) give priority to use-value production at the expense of exchange-value production, thereby reversing transnational capitalist logic and exposing its gendered violence at the urban, household, and bodily scales. For her, the sites of social reproduction and social reproductive labour are crucial in defeating capitalism in cities of the global South, and a social imaginary of a ‘just city’ becomes tenable with the reclamation of ‘the labour power of women whose unpaid work has served to subsidize’ postcolonial capitalism.


      The formation of the self leads to a range of political possibilities – some collectively revolutionary, others highly individualistic. The contributors in this volume are not searching for a new or singular revolutionary subject, one which will indicate the exit, complete or otherwise, from any capitalist mode of production. Neither do they tend to an over-presence of the urban subject as a replacement for the industrial worker as the collective agent of revolution. As Mantha Katsikana describes in Chapter 4, the barriers to the construction of an anarchist and anti-authoritarian commons in Athens, many revolutionary movements continue to emphasize ‘the accumulation and display of male power’ as opposed to the ‘affective and connective labour practices’ needed for the ‘social and emotional change necessary to build and reproduce durable relationships’. Katsikana’s work speaks to the need to demasculinize radical and revolutionary subjectivities in order to better understand and appreciate how the ‘emotional needs and manual tasks necessary for the everyday context of collective actions’ are undertaken primarily by women in these movements (as well as the broader context in which many contemporary transformative movements are led by queer women and women of colour). Her work points to the collective renegotiations necessary to enable the malleability of subjectivity as a relational form of collective self-understanding. Katsikana’s study is a welcome antidote to the now well-travelled theories of revolutionary urbanization and revolutionary subjectivity within urban studies that have overlooked the role of social reproduction and the fabric and texture of everyday life in promulgating transformations. Seeing greater potential for an engagement with gendered subjectivities in the shift from the factory as the heart of revolutionary struggle, feminist scholars have argued that struggles are not just about belonging in the city but also about how the city belongs to those whose invisibilized and unpaid labour maintains the urban (Buckley and Strauss 2016). We also see this engagement in Karunananthan’s work with SPJ, which ‘calls for Marxist debates regarding revolutionary praxis to be re-examined in light of both the constraints faced by women living in the margins of cities of the global South as well as their aspirations.’

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