Graph Spectral Image Processing. Gene Cheung
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for k = 0,...,K, where P is the number of sampling points used to compute the Chebyshev coefficients and is usually set to P = K + 1. The approximated filter in equation [1.60] is clearly a Kth order polynomial of λ. As a result, it is K-hop localized in the vertex domain, as previously mentioned (Shuman et al. 2011; Hammond et al. 2011).
The approximation error for the Chebyshev polynomial has been well studied in the context of numerical computation (Vetterli et al. 2014; Phillips 2003):
THEOREM 1.1.– Let K be the polynomial degree of the Chebyshev polynomial and assume that
1.6.6. Krylov subspace method
The Krylov subspace
The Krylov subspace method, in terms of GSP, refers to filtering, i.e. evaluating an arbitrary filtered response h(W)x, realized in a Krylov subspace
where h(HK) is evaluating h(·) for the upper Heisenberg matrix HK, which is obtained by using the Arnoldi process. Furthermore, HK is expected to be much smaller than the original matrix; therefore, evaluating h(HK) using full eigendecomposition will be feasible and light-weighted.
1.7. Conclusion
This chapter introduces the filtering of graph signals performed in the graph frequency domain. This is a key ingredient of graph spectral image processing presented in the following chapters. The design methods of efficient and fast graph filters and filter banks, along with fast GFT (such attempts can be found in Girault et al. (2018); Lu and Ortega (2019)), are still a vibrant area of GSP: the chosen graph filters directly affect the quality of processed images. This chapter only provided a brief overview of graph spectral filtering. Please refer to the references for more details.
1.8. References
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