The Supreme Guardian. Dmitry Chernykh

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The Supreme Guardian - Dmitry Chernykh

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commented calmly. However, the tension in the classroom noticeably increased.

      By the end of the class, only one desk remained intact – mine. I successfully pretended that I couldn’t do it, and Zheka was too upset with his mohawk to try anything. Better that way.

      – Alright! – clapped Altair Ivanovich, clearly amused. – There’s nowhere left to write, so you’re all dismissed. See you on Friday!

      Great. Just hope no one decides to practice in the common lounge. At this rate, there’ll be no furniture left.

      – Vsevolod, I’d like you to stay behind!

      Is he talking to me? What does he want from me? Interesting. I returned to my seat and patiently waited for my classmates to leave the gloomy auditorium.

      – Ah, greetings, Guardian! – the sorcerer cheerfully announced – And what have you forgotten in our alma mater?

      This was troubling. Exposed on my second day? What kind of Guardian does that make me? Yet, the worst part was still not knowing what to expect from this peculiar individual.

      – Whom do I have the honor? – I inquired, carefully concealing my own curiosity.

      – Oh, you haven’t figured it out yet! Well…

      Oh dear, seems like I shouldn’t have asked. The professor’s eyes yellowed, teeth growing rapidly, and his already large nose started to resemble a medium-sized squash, his skin turning scaly and blackened. A sight no one would wish to see. But then it all became clear. A dragon. An ancient dragon in human disguise. How could I have not realized? And what was this oversized lizard doing in our world?

      – Our world is closed to dragons, – I calmly stated – In the name of the Guardian, I command you to return beyond the veil.

      – Make me! – the sorcerer laughed with a roaring chuckle.

      I despise dragons. Wise, nearly immortal, incredibly powerful, yet they act like children! Well, time to show my true power. Grasping my staff firmly, I threw a portal spell without looking. In the middle of the wall, where the blackboard once was, a shapeless black spot appeared, shimmering like gasoline in the sun. The thin fabric of our reality tore open, paving a way to the spirit world.

      Now, just a small matter of pushing the mighty dragon into the portal. What is he doing, by the way? Ah yes, spells of the upper astral – a dragon’s favorite magic. In the next moment, my desk burst into flames, turning to ash. A pity, I had taken such good care of it.

      The next weaving seemed intended for me. Falling to the floor, I let the lethal spell pass over my head. One of the shelves melted into the ground as a murky green sludge. Hmm… I wouldn’t want to be in its place.

      Rolling to the side, I quickly sprang to my feet and raised the most powerful of my protective weavings – a dome of shadows. The entire space around me was cloaked in a dark, semi-transparent smoke. Timely, as several of the dragon’s spells shattered against the shield, showering me with bright sparks.

      The situation became a stalemate. The sorcerer couldn’t break through the dome of shadows, and I couldn’t attack, as I was spending all my energy maintaining the shield.

      – Why are you here? – growled the dragon, momentarily ceasing to hurl combat charms at me.

      – Ley lines have shifted, the tension point is above the academy. I’m investigating the causes, – I replied truthfully, dragons have a keen sense for lies – And what are you doing here?

      – You came to expel me? – the teacher expressed genuine surprise – I’m actually working here! Kazimir and I are old friends, he asked me to substitute as the sorcerer this year. She’s on maternity leave. And I don’t want to go back to the spirit world, I’ve only got three years left until retirement!

      A dragon nearing retirement? That was new. But I still needed to get out. I couldn’t hold this shield forever. Well, I could, but I didn’t want to.

      – I propose a truce! – I shouted – You help me with my investigation, and I’ll cover for you with the other Guardians!

      The sorcerer pondered. For a long time. He seemed quite keen on killing me. Dragons don’t like Guardians. But it’s not our fault! Protecting the world from intelligent magical beings – that’s our job!

      – Alright… – the professor grumbled – We shall aid each other. Without my knowledge, you’d hardly cope.


      The old castle was enveloped in a sleepy silence. Students were catching up on sleep after the first day of classes. Even my restless roommate had dozed off, allowing me to slip out unnoticed and visit my new ally – the dragon in human guise.

      – Why do you think the ley line shift is connected to our academy? – the sorcerer posed a logical question.

      We had been intently studying the map of magical currents for several tens of minutes, locked away in his gloomy office. The lines on the map glowed, shimmered, and twitched, entangling the earth in an asymmetric web.

      – At this point, the country’s two largest magical arteries converge, – I pointed at the intersection of thick silver lines. – And it’s precisely where the academy is located.

      – Magical educational institutions are always built near a power flow, to make it easier for students to sense the movement of magic, – the professor calmly retorted. – I see nothing unusual.

      – But what if someone is deliberately drawing energy here? – I couldn’t let it go. – I have a gut feeling something’s amiss. Are there any strong mages in the academy?

      – You and I, – the dragon smirked. – The rest are mediocre, nothing remarkable.

      – But this can’t be a mere coincidence. Magical currents have never changed. Not once in history have the ley lines altered their position.

      Frustration began to build in me. Not understanding the situation was driving me mad.

      – In that, you are correct, – the teacher unexpectedly agreed with me. – Lines of force are constants in this world. Like the speed of light in a vacuum, the value of elementary charge, and Planck’s constant. They shouldn’t change.

      – Then, we shall ponder…

      It would take immense power to alter any fundamental quantity. But who here could possess such strength? My thoughtful gaze swept the dining hall. Could it be one of the teachers? Or some upperclassman? What if it’s Zheka? Look how skillfully he plays the fool. Or maybe he’s not playing… In any case, it could be anyone. Even Asya. But it would be a shame if I had to fight her. Better she joins my side. Maybe I should get married? Exactly! I’ll finish this business and then marry. Possibly even to Asya!

      – Asya, do you want to go to the city on Saturday? – I asked casually.

      Apocalypse or not, personal life goes on.

      – On

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