The Supreme Guardian. Dmitry Chernykh

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The Supreme Guardian - Dmitry Chernykh

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mages. Who knew she would be so intelligent?

      – Please forgive me, I said guiltily. I didn’t mean to offend you. You are very beautiful. And the kokoshnik suits you incredibly well. Could you show me last night’s visitor? Please!

      – So, you think flattery will get you everywhere! Marfusha snorted angrily in the reflection. You think I’ll just forget how you offended me? I’ll help you, but what’s in it for me?

      Great, she was bargaining too!

      – If you show me, I’ll hang you in my house and compliment you every morning, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

      Marfusha pondered. For a long time. I even began to suspect she had frozen, but no.

      – Alright, she agreed. But don’t you dare deceive me.

      Deceiving her was the last thing on my mind. I’d always dreamed of a magical mirror. I had the perfect spot in my hallway, with a stunning view of the wardrobe. The mirror’s surface rippled again, images flickered, and after a while, an image of a person appeared.

      Finally, the situation was becoming clear. Observing the students and teachers, we had completely overlooked the service staff and the janitor. None of them had great power, but as they say, still waters run deep…

      So, our powerful mage-janitor had exposed himself. What remained was to set a trap, capture, and eliminate him. Or maybe just reprimand him with a note in his file, something like, “Attempted to perform a deadly ritual capable of killing many people while on duty.” We’ll decide on the spot.

      At the operational staff meeting, silence reigned. We sat in the enchanter’s office, exchanging silent glances, waiting for at least one viable idea. Little hope rested on Kazimir and my friends, but from the dragon, I expected some valuable insight. After all, an ancient, wise, powerful creature! But he just tapped his fingers thoughtfully on the tabletop, glancing sideways at me. The question that concerned us all was – how to catch such a powerful mage?…


      The castle was enveloped in nocturnal silence. Even the sounds of the storm raging outside couldn’t penetrate the veil of despair that securely hid us from the outside world. The plan to capture the destructor-janitor was exceedingly simple, yet effective. Our united team of world savers stood frozen opposite the janitor’s bedroom.

      The enchanter stepped forward, I stayed a step behind, Asya stood to my right, and Zheka to my left. The dragon was to attack the janitor with his favorite upper astral spells, I was to cover us all with a shadow dome, and the siblings, acting as walking batteries, were to power Altair and me. That was the entire plan. Oh, and Kazimir! The director was entrusted with the most challenging mission – to stand guard.

      Everyone took their positions and readied themselves. I created a shadow dome and gave an encouraging nod to the dragon. The enchanter cautiously approached the door, knocked quickly, and dashed back, hoping to make it under the dome in time. And he did. We all froze in anticipation.

      The janitor’s bedroom door creaked open, and the mage stumbled heavily into the corridor. A flash of lightning briefly illuminated our adversary’s face. Asya gasped, Zheka swore crudely, and the ancient dragon involuntarily stepped back. Well yes, our janitor always looked dreadful: crooked yellow teeth, a mad gaze, black claws, foul breath… But he had always been like that! What’s there to fear?

      Unable to bear the tension, the dragon hurled some dangerous nonsense from his lethal arsenal at the mage. Anticipating trouble, I strengthened the shadow dome, turning it into an almost impenetrable magical shield. But it turned out to be unnecessary.

      Struck by the enchanter’s spell, the janitor collapsed lifelessly to the floor. Altair and I exchanged glances. Had we just so easily subdued a powerful mage who nearly destroyed our world?

      – Go poke him with your stick, I suggested to the dragon.

      – It’s not a stick, it’s a staff! the teacher protested. – And anyway, you need to, you go!

      – Can’t, I’m holding the shield, I replied guiltily.

      The enchanter snorted disdainfully but didn’t argue. Emerging from under the dome, he cautiously approached our fallen foe and timidly prodded him under the ribs with his stick. Sorry, staff. The mage on the floor didn’t react. Growing bolder, the dragon crouched next to the janitor and made several hand movements, apparently using druid magic.

      – He’s unconscious, Altair Ivanovich stated in surprise. – It all turned out to be much simpler than we thought, right?

      Indeed. Too simple. But even better. I waved my staff, dissolving the shadow dome. And I was about to cast a binding spell on the destructor-janitor, but everything suddenly went awry.

      A powerful blow from behind knocked us off our feet. My head spun, images flashed before my eyes, and it felt like consciousness was being sucked into a vortex. But it all stopped as abruptly as it had begun.

      I lay on the floor, staring at a guy with beautiful green eyes. Interesting, where did he come from? Weren’t there just five of us? Though, I had seen him somewhere before. Definitely seen. But where?

      The realization came unexpectedly. I was lying on the cold stone floor, looking at myself. But how could I be both there and here? Had I been knocked out of my body? I remembered a similar trick from the last shamanic war. My body stirred clumsily, awkwardly. Our gazes met, a spark seemed to pass between us, and my body screamed. I had no idea I could yell so loudly!

      But what exactly had happened? My mind was working slowly but surely. I extended my arms and closely examined the slender female fingers. It became clear. Astral displacement spells. Our friendly group had been body-swapped. And apparently, I was in Asya’s body. My hands involuntarily slid over my chest… Yes, this was definitely Asya.

      – Quiet! Zheka unexpectedly barked at me. Or rather, someone in Zheka’s body yelled at mine. How complicated everything was…

      To my surprise, my body quieted down. That was good.

      – Who among you is Seva? growled pseudo-Zheka angrily.

      I think I know whose body he ended up in. I modestly raised my hand. Or should I say, she raised her hand?

      – Seriously? the dragon laughed. That’s offensive. He has a green mohawk, and he’s laughing at me.

      – You’re in my body! Kazimir yelled. Was that directed at me? And here I thought Asya had ended up in my body, otherwise, who was screaming like that?

      – What’s happening?! I cried out again. Well, the other me, who’s no longer me. – Give me back my body!

      Oops! He’s yelling at Zheka! Or rather, the dragon… I’m completely confused now. So, I’m in Asya’s body, the dragon is in Zheka’s, Asya is in Kazimir’s, and Zheka is in mine. I think that’s right. Which means, logically, Kazimir should have transferred into the enchanter’s body. By the way, where is he?

      – Kazimir is missing, I voiced aloud. – Where is that scatterbrain again? We asked him to stand guard!

      – Who knows, shrugged

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